2,124 research outputs found

    Is there a single frontier in a single European banking market?

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    This paper attempts to estimate comparable efficiency scores for European banks operating in the Single Market in the EU. Using a data set of more than 5000 large commercial banks from all major European banking markets over the period 1993-2004, the application of meta-frontiers enables us to assess the existence of a single and integrated European banking market. We find evidence in favor of a single European banking market characterized by cost and profit meta-frontiers. However, compared to the meta-frontier estimations, pooled frontier estimations tend to underestimate efficiency levels and correlate poorly with country-specific frontier efficiency ranks. JEL Classification: G21, L11, L22, L23banking, meta-frontiers, stochastic frontiers, technology gap ratios, X-efficiency

    Analysis of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Context A large number of magnetic white dwarfs discovered in the SDSS have so far only been analyzed by visual comparison of the observations with relatively simple models of the radiation transport in a magnetised stellar atmosphere. Aims We model the structure of the surface magnetic fields of the hydrogen-rich white dwarfs in the SDSS. Methods We calculated a grid of state-of-the-art theoretical optical spectra of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs (WDs) with magnetic field strengths of between 1 MG and 1200 MG for different angles between the magnetic field vector and the line of sight,and for effective temperatures between 7000 K and 50 000 K. We used a least squares minimization scheme with an evolutionary algorithm to find the best-fit magnetic field geometry of the observed data. We used centered dipoles or dipoles that had been shifted along the dipole axis to model the coadded SDSS fiber spectrum of each object. Result We analyzed the spectra of all known magnetic hydrogen-rich (DA) WDs from the SDSS (97 previously published, plus 44 newly discovered) and also investigated the statistical properties of the magnetic field geometries of this sample. Conclusions The total number of known magnetic white dwarfs has already been more than tripled by the SDSS and more objects are expected after more systematic searches. The magnetic fields have strengths of between ≈1 and 900 MG. Our results further support the claims that Ap/Bp population is insufficient in generating the numbers and field strength distributions of the observed MWDs, and that of either another source of progenitor types or binary evolution is needed. Clear indications of non-centered dipoles exist in about ∼50%, of the objects which is consistent with the magnetic field distribution observed in Ap/Bp stars

    Molecular and cellular factors control signal transduction via switchable allosteric modulator proteins (SAMPs)

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    Background: Rap proteins from Bacilli directly target response regulators of bacterial two-component systems and modulate their activity. Their effects are controlled by binding of signaling peptides to an allosteric site. Hence Raps exemplify a class of monomeric signaling receptors, which we call switchable allosteric modulator proteins (SAMPs). These proteins have potential applications in diverse biomedical and biotechnical settings, but a quantitative understanding of the impact of molecular and cellular factors on signal transduction is lacking. Here we introduce mathematical models that elucidate how signals are propagated though the network upon receptor stimulation and control the level of active response regulator. Results: Based on a systematic parameter analysis of the models, we show that key features of the dose-response behavior at steady state are controlled either by the molecular properties of the modulator or the signaling context. In particular, we find that the biochemical activity (i.e. non-enzymatic vs. enzymatic) and allosteric properties of the modulator control the response amplitude. The Hill coefficient and the EC50 are controlled in addition by the relative ligand affinities. By tuning receptor properties, either graded or more switch-like (memory-less) response functions can be fashioned. Furthermore, we show that other contextual factors (e.g. relative concentrations of network components and kinase activity) have a substantial impact on the response, and we predict that there exists a modulator concentration which is optimal for response amplitude. Conclusion: We discuss data on Rap-Phr systems in B. subtilis to show how our models can contribute to an integrated view of SAMP signaling by combining biochemical, structural and physiological insights. Our results also suggest that SAMPs could be evolved or engineered to implement diverse response behaviors. However—without additional regulatory controls—they can generate rather variable cellular outputs
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