7,553 research outputs found

    Projection transparencies from printed material

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    Method for preparing project transparencies, or view graphs, permits the use of almost any expendable printed material, pictures, charts, or text, in unlimited color or black and white. The method can be accomplished by either of two techniques, with a slight difference in materials

    Geometry and arithmetic of verbal dynamical systems on simple groups

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    Jet substructure as a new Higgs search channel at the LHC

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    It is widely considered that, for Higgs boson searches at the Large Hadron Collider, WH and ZH production where the Higgs boson decays to b anti-b are poor search channels due to large backgrounds. We show that at high transverse momenta, employing state-of-the-art jet reconstruction and decomposition techniques, these processes can be recovered as promising search channels for the standard model Higgs boson around 120 GeV in mass.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A commutator description of the solvable radical of a finite group

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    We are looking for the smallest integer k>1 providing the following characterization of the solvable radical R(G) of any finite group G: R(G) coincides with the collection of all g such that for any k elements a_1,a_2,...,a_k the subgroup generated by the elements g, a_iga_i^{-1}, i=1,...,k, is solvable. We consider a similar problem of finding the smallest integer l>1 with the property that R(G) coincides with the collection of all g such that for any l elements b_1,b_2,...,b_l the subgroup generated by the commutators [g,b_i], i=1,...,l, is solvable. Conjecturally, k=l=3. We prove that both k and l are at most 7. In particular, this means that a finite group G is solvable if and only if in each conjugacy class of G every 8 elements generate a solvable subgroup

    Ulta-slow relaxation in discontinuous-film based electron glasses

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    We present field effect measurements on discontinuous 2D thin films which are composed of a sub monolayer of nano-grains of Au, Ni, Ag or Al. Like other electron glasses these systems exhibit slow conductance relaxation and memory effects. However, unlike other systems, the discontinuous films exhibit a dramatic slowing down of the dynamics below a characteristic temperature TT^*. TT^* is typically between 10-50K and is sample dependent. For T<TT<T^* the sample exhibits a few other peculiar features such as repeatable conductance fluctuations in millimeter size samples. We suggest that the enhanced system sluggishness is related to the current carrying network becoming very dilute in discontinuous films so that the system contains many parts which are electrically very weakly connected and the transport is dominated by very few weak links. This enables studying the glassy properties of the sample as it transitions from a macroscopic sample to a mesocopic sample, hence, the results provide new insight on the underlying physics of electron glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Different HLA-DRB1 allele distributions in distinct clinical subgroups of sarcoidosis patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A strong genetic influence by the MHC class II region has been reported in sarcoidosis, however in many studies with different results. This may possibly be caused by actual differences between distinct ethnic groups, too small sample sizes, or because of lack of accurate clinical subgrouping.</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>In this study we HLA typed a large patient population (n = 754) recruited from one single centre. Patients were sub-grouped into those with Löfgren's syndrome (LS) (n = 302) and those without (non-Löfgren's) (n = 452), and the majority of them were clinically classified into those with recovery within two years (resolving) and those with signs of disease for more than two years (non-resolving). PCR was used for determination of HLA-DRB1 alleles. Swedish healthy blood donors (n = 1366) served as controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a dramatic difference in the distribution of HLA alleles in LS compared to non-LS patients (p = 4 × 10<sup>-36</sup>). Most notably, DRB1*01, DRB1*03 and DRB1*14, clearly differed in LS and non-LS patients. In relation to disease course, DRB1*07, DRB1*14 and DRB1*15 generally associated with, while DRB1*01 and DRB1*03 protected against, a non-resolving disease. Interestingly, the clinical influence of DRB1*03 (good prognosis) dominated over that of DRB1*15 (bad prognosis).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found several significant differences between LS and non-LS patients and we therefore suggest that genetic association studies in sarcoidosis should include a careful clinical characterisation and sub-grouping of patients, in order to reveal true genetic associations. This may be particularly accurate to do in the heterogeneous non-LS group of patients.</p

    A Na-K-Cl cotransporter in isolated rat papillary collecting duct cells

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    A Na-K-Cl cotransporter in isolated rat papillary collecting duct cells. Lactate production and ion fluxes were measured in isolated rat papillary collecting duct cells (PCD) to gain further insight into the transport properties of the papillary collecting duct. Lactate production was found to be inhibited by bumetanide in a dose-dependent manner, a maximum inhibition of 22% was obtained at 10−4 M bumetanide and an apparent Ki of 10−8 M was determined. Bumetanide inhibition of lactate production was dependent on the presence of sodium and chloride. Chloride removal inhibited lactate production also by 20%. Bumetanide (10−4 M) inhibited by 35% sodium uptake into PCD cells exposed to 10mM ouabain and chloride uptake into ion depleted PCD cells by 40%. In addition, this bumetanide-sensitive chloride uptake was dependent on the presence of sodium and potassium in the incubation medium. Furthermore, 86Rb uptake into these cells was significantly reduced in the presence of 10−4 M bumetanide. These data provide evidence for the operation of a Na-K-Cl cotransport system in rat papillary collecting duct cells. This transport system might be involved in active chloride transport in the papillary collecting duct and/or volume regulation of the PCD cells

    Analysis of coupled heat and moisture transfer in masonry structures

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    Evaluation of effective or macroscopic coefficients of thermal conductivity under coupled heat and moisture transfer is presented. The paper first gives a detailed summary on the solution of a simple steady state heat conduction problem with an emphasis on various types of boundary conditions applied to the representative volume element -- a periodic unit cell. Since the results essentially suggest no superiority of any type of boundary conditions, the paper proceeds with the coupled nonlinear heat and moisture problem subjecting the selected representative volume element to the prescribed macroscopically uniform heat flux. This allows for a direct use of the academic or commercially available codes. Here, the presented results are derived with the help of the SIFEL (SIimple Finite Elements) system.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Universal Prefactor of Activated Conductivity in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    The prefactor of the activated dissipative conductivity in a plateau range of the quantum Hall effect is studied in the case of a long-range random potential. It is shown that due to long time it takes for an electron to drift along the perimeter of a large percolation cluster, phonons are able to maintain quasi-equilibrium inside the cluster. The saddle points separating such clusters may then be viewed as ballistic point contacts between electron reservoirs with different electrochemical potentials. The prefactor is universal and equal to 2e2/he^2/h at an integer filling factor ν\nu and to 2e2/q2he^2/q^{2}h at ν=p/q\nu=p/q.Comment: 4 pages + 2 figures by reques

    On the Whitehead spectrum of the circle

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    The seminal work of Waldhausen, Farrell and Jones, Igusa, and Weiss and Williams shows that the homotopy groups in low degrees of the space of homeomorphisms of a closed Riemannian manifold of negative sectional curvature can be expressed as a functor of the fundamental group of the manifold. To determine this functor, however, it remains to determine the homotopy groups of the topological Whitehead spectrum of the circle. The cyclotomic trace of B okstedt, Hsiang, and Madsen and a theorem of Dundas, in turn, lead to an expression for these homotopy groups in terms of the equivariant homotopy groups of the homotopy fiber of the map from the topological Hochschild T-spectrum of the sphere spectrum to that of the ring of integers induced by the Hurewicz map. We evaluate the latter homotopy groups, and hence, the homotopy groups of the topological Whitehead spectrum of the circle in low degrees. The result extends earlier work by Anderson and Hsiang and by Igusa and complements recent work by Grunewald, Klein, and Macko.Comment: 52 page