33 research outputs found

    Acquired erythroderma in adults: a clinical and prognostic study

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    Abstract Background Erythroderma is a severe syndrome and prognostic studies are rare in the literature

    Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020

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    Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the Jadriyah and Umm Al-Khanazeer site (JUKI). These changes were associated with loss of bird species richness within the area, which was previously the only Important Bird Area (IBA) within the city. A standardised scoring system (following Birdlife International global framework) was used to assess Pressure-State-Response:  JUKI site scored 3-5 for pressure (Medium), two for the state (Moderate), and two for the response (Low). Despite the degradation highlighted in Baghdad city, the JUKI site still has 88% intact habitat to support bird trigger species. We conclude that the site urgently needs a detailed management plan to ensure the protection of its habitats and avian fauna, and that the area should be declared as a protected area according to the “IUCN Category IV: Habitat/Species Management Area; to provide a means by which the urban residents may obtain regular contact with nature”, and re-designated JUKI as an IBA site. The study also identifies the most affected areas in the city of Baghdad, which should take the priority of the afforestation efforts and any future restoration campaigns

    Blépharochalasis d'installation rapide.

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    peer reviewedLe blépharochalasis est une affection rare caractérisée par des poussées oedémateuses des paupières aboutissant à une altération de leur structure fine et principalement à un relâchement cutané. Il est le plus souvent bilatéral et atteint préférentiellement les paupières supérieures. Nous rapportons l’observation d’une jeune fille de 11 ans, qui présente un blépharochalasis qui s’est installé 3 mois après des épisodes successifs pratiquement subintrants d’œdème palpébral. Le diagnostic a été étoffé par un examen histologique qui a montré une absence quasi totale de fibre élastique. Le blépharochalasis survient habituellement chez le sujet jeune. Deux formes cliniques sont classiquement décrites : la forme hypertrophique et la forme atrophique, observée chez notre patiente. L’atrophie des paupières s’installe progressivement sur plusieurs années suite à des poussées œdèmateuses qui durent quelques jours et qui surviennent 3 à 4 fois par an

    Aging of epidermis

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    Le vieillissement cutané est défini par la perte progressive de l'organisation structurelle et fonctionnelle de l'épiderme et du derme. Le photovieillissement en est un type particulier qui dépend en majeure partie de l'exposition chronique aux rayons ultraviolets. Nous présentons une synthèse des changements structurels et fonctionnels de l'épiderme en relation avec l'origine du vieillissement.Skin aging is defined by the progressive loss in homeostatic capacity of the epidermis and dermis to respond to various stimuli. Photoaging is a peculiar type of aging which occurs on sun exposed areas. We review the structural and functional alterations of the epidermis in relation to the origin of aging

    Congenital sebaceous trichofolliculoma

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    peer reviewedWe report the clinical and histological presentation of a sebaceous trichofolliculoma present on the dorsum of the nose of a 1-year-old boy. This lesion was present since birth and appears to be the forst reported cas of a congenital sebaceous trichofolliculoma

    Cutaneous Tumors Due to Papillomaviruses. Value of Immunopathology and in-Situ Hybridization

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    On connaît actuellement une soixantaine de papillomavirus humains. Ils sont responsables des verrues, des condylomes, de papillomes ainsi que de lésions maculeuses paucisymptomatiques. Certaines tumeux épithéliales, localement invasices ou franchement malignes sont également le reflet d'une infection par certains de ces papillomavirus. Nous présentons une brève revue des méthodes cliniques et histologiques qui peuvent être mises en oeuvre pour le dépistage et l'identification de ces atteintes virales

    Neonatal eccrine angiomatous hamartoma presenting with multifocal plaques

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    peer reviewedWe report a case of eccrine angiomatous hamartoma disclosed in a 5-year-old girl. The lesion was painful and multifocal in plaques on a forearm. The diagnosis was made on the basis of histologic and immunohistochemistric assays. This conditions must be distinguished from other neonatal angiomatoses

    Granulomatous rosacea and demodicidosis

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    peer reviewedGranulomatous rosacea is a rare disease sometimes mistaken for sarcoidosis or tuberculosis. We briefly review the historical evolution of the concept of this disease. We document this study with twelve clinico-pathological confrontations, and we emphasize the resemblance with granulomatous demodicidosis