11 research outputs found

    Contribution to the knowledge of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) of Biskra, Algeria

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    Contribución al conocimiento de los Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) de Biskra, Argelia Este trabajo aporta una lista de avispas Chalcidoideas recolectadas en la región de Biskra, en el suroeste de Argelia, en 2017. Consta de un total de 35 individuos clasificados en 17 especies de Chalcidoideos pertenecientes a ocho familias e incluye cinco géneros registrados por primera vez en Argelia. Aphelinus asychis Walker, 1839 (Chalcidoidea, Aphelinidae) y Pachyneuron groenlandicum Holmgren, 1872 (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) son asimismo nuevos registros en Argelia. Se consignan brevemente los datos bilógicos y la distribución geográfica de cada especie. Datos publicados en GBIF (doi: 10.15470/jx3ahv)We provide here a list of Chalcidoid wasps collected from the region of Biskra in the south east of Algeria in 2017. The list is comprised of 35 individuals classified into 17 species belonging to eight families. Five genera are reported for the first time from Algeria. Aphelinus asychis Walker, 1839 (Chalcidoidea, Aphelinidae) and Pachyneuron groenlandicum Holmgren, 1872 (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) are new records from Algeria. Biological data and geographical distributions of each species are mentioned. Data published in GBIF (doi: 10.15470/jx3ahv)Contribució al coneixement dels Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) de Biskra, Algèria Aquest treball aporta una llista de vespes Chalcidoidees recol·lectades a la regió de Biskra, al sud-oest d’Algèria, el 2017. Consta d’un total de 35 individus classificats en 17 espècies de Chalcidoideus pertanyents a vuit famílies i inclou cinc gèneres registrats per primera vegada a Algèria. Aphelinus asychis Walker, 1839 (Chalcidoidea, Aphelinidae) i Pachyneuron groenlandicum Holmgren, 1872 (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) també són nous registres a Algèria. Es consignen breument les dades biològiques i la distribució geogràfica de cada espècie. Dades publicades a GBIF (doi: 10.15470/jx3ahv

    Evidence of the entomopathogenic capacity of bacillus sphaericus against the migratory locust locusta migratoria (Orthoptera:Acrididae)

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    Considering the importance coated by the bacterium Bacillus sphaericus in vector control. This is to evaluate its biological impact on the locust Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus 1758) in order to develop its entomopathogenic efficiency as well as possible with an aim of enhance its spectrum of action. The here presented work is based thus on the use of the entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus sphaericcus on the larvae at the 5th instar (L5) of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria and of seeing its effect on the hemolymphatic metabolites; proteins and carbohydrates like over the weight evolution, and the duration of the development of the larvae L5. The bacteria strain used was isolated from soil in two groves south of Algeria, after purification, it is identified according to its physiological and biochemical characters. The locusts are derived from breeding in mass conducted at the laboratory. The results obtained show us that B sphaericus generated a disturbance on the level of the hemolymphatic metabolites of the migratory locust; a significant decrease in the proteinemy and carbohydrate. The weight growth is marked more in the control larvae compared to the larvae treated by B sphaericus with various concentrations. Finally the fifth instar larval development takes place for the larvae treated for one longer period compared to the contro

    Effects of weak climatic variations on assemblages and life cycles of Orthoptera in North Algeria

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    Chantier qualité GAA study on orthopterologic diversity was carried out in two stations situated at 25 km (Soumàa) and 4 km (Koléa) from the Mediterranean Sea in the Mitidja plain (North Algeria) between 1991 and 1992. Mean temperatures are higher in Soumàa than in Koléa, the dry period begins earlier, at the end of spring, in Koléa. The two stations show a diversified entomofauna, as 28 species were listed in Koléa and 24 in Soumàa. Three seasonal assemblages were defined, the summereautumn one significantly differs between the two stations, especially for minority species. The life cycle of larvae was investigated for 6 dominant species in both stations. Four species present a precocious hatching in Koléa, but with a longer duration of larval life. The two species that accomplish their larval life earlier in Koléa than in Soumàa show the greatest lag in hatching date, suggesting an adaptation to the early onset of the dry period. The longer larval life of Ochrilidia harterti in Koléa is discussed in the light of a possible supernumerary larval stage

    Seasonal dimorphism of the desert locust in agricultural areas in the Sahara

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    International audienceThe development of Saharan agriculture in recent decades by increasing irrigated areas for vegetable production in central Sahara has led to significant outbreaks of locusts. This insect, which is note deserticola type, has succeeded in developing a series of behavioural, morphological and physiological characteristics to adapt to this environment which has become one of its areas of reproduction and dispersal This work aims at evaluating the morphometric variation of locusts in two different habitats located in the southern Sahara, natural and cultivated environments. The results of biometric analysis on male and female populations, conducted from 1993 to 2004, primarily on the elytra (E), femur (F) and head capsule (C), revealed the existence of differences between locusts from two locations. Population densities were low and did not exceed 500 individuals per hectare, except in April 2004 when a maximum of 10 000 individuals/ha was reached in Adrar. Morphometric ratios (E/F and F/C) of the studied populations oscillate between the solitary and transiens-dissocians phases, except for populations in June 2004 in Tamanrasset and April 1998 in Adrar, which were gregarious. Analyses of variance both with and without population density as a covariate, showed the effect of density on measured traits. Separate analysis of variance of males and females emphasized a marked seasonal effect on the femur and head capsule, especially in Adrar. The male population at this location In the dry season presented shorter femur and smaller head capsule measurements than those present in the wet season at the same location and those of Tamanrasset. This result shows the influence of seasons and weather conditions on morphometric traits. A seasonal dimorphism in size coupled with a contrast of phase status has been highlighted in male populations of Adrar. The relationship between human activities and the change in morphometric traits at the locations studied is discussed. These results are of significance in preventing the proliferation of the desert locust