81 research outputs found

    Extended superconformal symmetry and Calogero-Marchioro model

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    We show that the two dimensional Calogero-Marchioro Model (CMM) without the harmonic confinement can naturally be embedded into an extended SU(1,1|2) superconformal Hamiltonian. We study the quantum evolution of the superconformal Hamiltonian in terms of suitable compact operators of the N=2 extended de Sitter superalgebra with central charge and discuss the pattern of supersymmetry breaking. We also study the arbitrary D dimensional CMM having dynamical OSp(2|2) supersymmetry and point out the relevance of this model in the context of the low energy effective action of the dimensionally reduced Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX, No figures; Added clarifications & discussions, Change in format, version to appear in Journal of Physics A : Mathematical & General; Corrected typo