246 research outputs found

    Quantum Picturalism

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    The quantum mechanical formalism doesn't support our intuition, nor does it elucidate the key concepts that govern the behaviour of the entities that are subject to the laws of quantum physics. The arrays of complex numbers are kin to the arrays of 0s and 1s of the early days of computer programming practice. In this review we present steps towards a diagrammatic `high-level' alternative for the Hilbert space formalism, one which appeals to our intuition. It allows for intuitive reasoning about interacting quantum systems, and trivialises many otherwise involved and tedious computations. It clearly exposes limitations such as the no-cloning theorem, and phenomena such as quantum teleportation. As a logic, it supports `automation'. It allows for a wider variety of underlying theories, and can be easily modified, having the potential to provide the required step-stone towards a deeper conceptual understanding of quantum theory, as well as its unification with other physical theories. Specific applications discussed here are purely diagrammatic proofs of several quantum computational schemes, as well as an analysis of the structural origin of quantum non-locality. The underlying mathematical foundation of this high-level diagrammatic formalism relies on so-called monoidal categories, a product of a fairly recent development in mathematics. These monoidal categories do not only provide a natural foundation for physical theories, but also for proof theory, logic, programming languages, biology, cooking, ... The challenge is to discover the necessary additional pieces of structure that allow us to predict genuine quantum phenomena.Comment: Commissioned paper for Contemporary Physics, 31 pages, 84 pictures, some colo

    Hidden measurements, hidden variables and the volume representation of transition probabilities

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    We construct, for any finite dimension nn, a new hidden measurement model for quantum mechanics based on representing quantum transition probabilities by the volume of regions in projective Hilbert space. For n=2n=2 our model is equivalent to the Aerts sphere model and serves as a generalization of it for dimensions n≥3n \geq 3. We also show how to construct a hidden variables scheme based on hidden measurements and we discuss how joint distributions arise in our hidden variables scheme and their relationship with the results of Fine.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Equational reasoning with context-free families of string diagrams

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    String diagrams provide an intuitive language for expressing networks of interacting processes graphically. A discrete representation of string diagrams, called string graphs, allows for mechanised equational reasoning by double-pushout rewriting. However, one often wishes to express not just single equations, but entire families of equations between diagrams of arbitrary size. To do this we define a class of context-free grammars, called B-ESG grammars, that are suitable for defining entire families of string graphs, and crucially, of string graph rewrite rules. We show that the language-membership and match-enumeration problems are decidable for these grammars, and hence that there is an algorithm for rewriting string graphs according to B-ESG rewrite patterns. We also show that it is possible to reason at the level of grammars by providing a simple method for transforming a grammar by string graph rewriting, and showing admissibility of the induced B-ESG rewrite pattern.Comment: International Conference on Graph Transformation, ICGT 2015. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21145-9_

    Three qubit entanglement within graphical Z/X-calculus

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    The compositional techniques of categorical quantum mechanics are applied to analyse 3-qubit quantum entanglement. In particular the graphical calculus of complementary observables and corresponding phases due to Duncan and one of the authors is used to construct representative members of the two genuinely tripartite SLOCC classes of 3-qubit entangled states, GHZ and W. This nicely illustrates the respectively pairwise and global tripartite entanglement found in the W- and GHZ-class states. A new concept of supplementarity allows us to characterise inhabitants of the W class within the abstract diagrammatic calculus; these method extends to more general multipartite qubit states.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    Early Greek Thought and Perspectives for the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Preliminaries to an Ontological Approach

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    It will be shown in this article that an ontological approach for some problems related to the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics could emerge from a re-evaluation of the main paradox of early Greek thought: the paradox of Being and non-Being, and the solutions presented to it by Plato and Aristotle. Plato's and Aristotle's systems are argued here to do on the ontological level essentially the same: to introduce stability in the world by introducing the notion of a separable, stable object, for which a principle of contradiction is valid: an object cannot be and not-be at the same place at the same time. After leaving Aristotelian metaphysics, early modern science had to cope with these problems: it did so by introducing ``space'' as the seat of stability, and ``time'' as the theater of motion. But the ontological structure present in this solution remained the same. Therefore the fundamental notion `separable system', related to the notions observation and measurement, themselves related to the modern concepts of space and time, appears to be intrinsically problematic, because it is inextricably connected to classical logic on the ontological level. We see therefore the problems dealt with by quantum logic not as merely formal, and the problem of `non-locality' as related to it, indicating the need to re-think the notions `system', `entity', as well as the implications of the operation `measurement', which is seen here as an application of classical logic (including its ontological consequences) on the material world.Comment: 18 page

    The GHZ/W-calculus contains rational arithmetic

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    Graphical calculi for representing interacting quantum systems serve a number of purposes: compositionally, intuitive graphical reasoning, and a logical underpinning for automation. The power of these calculi stems from the fact that they embody generalized symmetries of the structure of quantum operations, which, for example, stretch well beyond the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. One such calculus takes the GHZ and W states as its basic generators. Here we show that this language allows one to encode standard rational calculus, with the GHZ state as multiplication, the W state as addition, the Pauli X gate as multiplicative inversion, and the Pauli Z gate as additive inversion.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    A Geometrical Representation of Entanglement as Internal Constraint

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    We study a system of two entangled spin 1/2, were the spin's are represented by a sphere model developed within the hidden measurement approach which is a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation, such that also the measurements are represented. We show how an arbitrary tensor product state can be described in a complete way by a specific internal constraint between the ray or density states of the two spin 1/2. We derive a geometrical view of entanglement as a 'rotation' and 'stretching' of the sphere representing the states of the second particle as measurements are performed on the first particle. In the case of the singlet state entanglement can be represented by a real physical constraint, namely by means of a rigid rod.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. submitted to International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Time-asymmetry of probabilities versus relativistic causal structure: an arrow of time

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    There is an incompatibility between the symmetries of causal structure in relativity theory and the signaling abilities of probabilistic devices with inputs and outputs: while time-reversal in relativity will not introduce the ability to signal between spacelike separated regions, this is not the case for probabilistic devices with space-like separated input-output pairs. We explicitly describe a non-signaling device which becomes a perfect signaling device under time-reversal, where time-reversal can be conceptualized as playing backwards a videotape of an agent manipulating the device. This leads to an arrow of time that is identifiable when studying the correlations of events for spacelike separated regions. Somewhat surprisingly, although time-reversal of Popuscu-Roerlich boxes also allows agents to signal, it does not yield a perfect signaling device. Finally, we realize time-reversal using post-selection, which could lead experimental implementation.Comment: 4 pages, some figures; replaces arXiv:1010.4572 [quant-ph

    Causal categories: relativistically interacting processes

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    A symmetric monoidal category naturally arises as the mathematical structure that organizes physical systems, processes, and composition thereof, both sequentially and in parallel. This structure admits a purely graphical calculus. This paper is concerned with the encoding of a fixed causal structure within a symmetric monoidal category: causal dependencies will correspond to topological connectedness in the graphical language. We show that correlations, either classical or quantum, force terminality of the tensor unit. We also show that well-definedness of the concept of a global state forces the monoidal product to be only partially defined, which in turn results in a relativistic covariance theorem. Except for these assumptions, at no stage do we assume anything more than purely compositional symmetric-monoidal categorical structure. We cast these two structural results in terms of a mathematical entity, which we call a `causal category'. We provide methods of constructing causal categories, and we study the consequences of these methods for the general framework of categorical quantum mechanics.Comment: 43 pages, lots of figure
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