64 research outputs found

    The functioning of the mechanisms of constitutional control: some reflections on the basis of the european experience

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    The paper analyzes the evolution of the constitutional control from the beginning of the XIX century till nowadays. The basic model of constitutional control, its various functions, ways of forming and qualifying features of these legal institutions are reviewed. Author notes the special increasing role of the constitutional control of the European Court and the European Court of Human Rights. In this regard, author emphasizes the legal trend for reduce of the role of the constitutional control of some European countries in the protection of civil rights and a definite shift to their activity to the sphere of conflict resolution and the distribution of powers between the state authorities, in particular, between the central government and local authoritie

    Le questioni aperte nel voto del 13-14 aprile

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    Appunti in tema di "Corte giudice a quo" (con particolare riferimento alle questioni sollevate nel corso di giudizi incidentali di legittimità costituzionale)

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    Formazione e organizzazione del Parlamento europeo tra verticismo e democrazia

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    Les référendums de 1993 entre crise du régime politique et sugestions de réforme

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    Prime osservazioni di contenuto e di metodo sulla riforma del titolo V della Costituzione

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    L'agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente (ANPA): linee di riforma

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