587 research outputs found

    Viewing microinsurance as a social risk management instrument

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    The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of the potential and limitations of microinsurance in the context of Social Risk Management (SRM) framework to stimulate further discussion. The paper draws on existing literature on SRM and microinsurance. Where relevant, it invokes lessons from microfinance. The authors conclude that there is potential for efficient and equitable risk management through microinsurance, but also limitations. Microinsurance may be an acceptable means of managing a few limited forms of risk, but not all. SRM practitioners need to recognize that effectiveness of any risk management instrument depends on the nature of risks, household and group characteristics and dynamics, and the availability of alternative risk management options. SRM options should strike a balance between household risk management activities and the multiple instruments available at different institutional levels, including informal, market-based, and publicly provided mechanisms. Microinsurance is a potential part of the SRM toolbox, but risk management can be enhanced through different mechanisms or combinations of them.Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Banks&Banking Reform,Non Bank Financial Institutions,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance

    Guidelines for assessing the sources of risk and vulnerability

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    Social risk management (SRM) is a new means of looking at poverty, risk, and risk management that was recently presented in the World Bank's Social Protection Strategy Paper. The SRM perspective addresses how vulnerable households can be helped to better manage risks and become less susceptible to potentially damaging welfare losses. This paper provides some basic concepts and guidelines for organizing ideas and information that are relevant to risk and vulnerability assessments. Several templates are provided in the Annex, along with a list of completed and ongoing World Bank reports that investigate risk and vulnerability.Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Social Risk Management,Banking Law

    Towards a repertoire-building approach: multilingualism in language classes for refugees in Luxembourg

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    This contribution examines how the diverse language resources that teachers and learners bring to the classroom can support the process of language learning. It draws on a range of linguistic ethnographic data collected at a French language course that was attended mostly by Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Luxembourg. Drawing on the analysis of multilingual interactional practices, the article sheds light on some of the opportunities for learning that emerged as a result of translation, translanguaging and receptive multilingualism. It discusses the relevance of these practices for building a repertoire of resources that enables forced migrants to communicate in multilingual contexts such as Luxembourg

    Success or failure of primary second/foreign language programmes in Asia: What do the data tell us?

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    Primary school second/foreign language (SL/FL) programmes in Asia, as well as in other parts of the world, are becoming more common, with many targeting English as the SL or FL. The pressures for such English language programmes come from top-down notions that in a globalised world English is required for societies to be competitive, especially with Asian neighbours, and bottom-up pressures from parents who see English as the key to educational success for their children. In many polities, these forces have resulted in support for policies that introduce early primary school English teaching curricula for all students and have led to parents spending large sums of money on private tutoring or out-of-school tuition. This study reviews the results of nine language planning studies from the Asian region that set out to examine questions such as 'Is this trend towards early primary SL or FL education (mainly English) realistic or is it unattainable and a waste of resources? Do children really benefit from these programmes? What needs to be done to foster learners' success?' These issues are viewed from a language planning and policy perspective through an examination of the language-in-education policy types required for the development of successful programmes. The policies of a number of Asian countries are used as case studies to illustrate this issue

    Language motivation in a reconfigured Europe: access, identity, autonomy

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    In this paper, I propose that we need to develop an appropriate set of conceptual tools for examining motivational issues pertaining to linguistic diversity, mobility and social integration in a rapidly changing and expanding Europe. I begin by drawing on research that has begun to reframe the concept of integrative motivation in the context of theories of self and identity. Expanding the notion of identity, I discuss the contribution of the Council of Europe's European Language Portfolio in promoting a view of motivation as the development of a plurilingual European identity and the enabling of access and mobility across a multilingual Europe. Next, I critically examine the assumption that the individual pursuit of a plurilingual identity is unproblematic, by highlighting the social context in which motivation and identity are constructed and embedded. To illuminate the role of this social context, I explore three inter-related theoretical frameworks: poststructuralist perspectives on language motivation as 'investment'; sociocultural theory; and theories of autonomy in language education. I conclude with the key message that, as with autonomy, language motivation today has an inescapably political dimension of which we need to take greater account in our research and pedagogical practice

    Macro-language planning for multilingual education : focus on programmes and provision

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    This overview identifies some common features of macro-level language planning and briefly summarises the changing approaches to the analysis of macro-planning in the field. It previews six cases of language-in-education planning in response to linguistic diversity presented by the contributors to this issue. The cases show how macro-planning can either fail to recognise diverse ethnolinguistic identities or work to acknowledge them. Three common themes in language planning for multilingual education can be identified from the contributions: (i) top-down definitions of what counts as mother tongue can have both intended and unintended outcomes; (ii) language-as-problem responses to linguistic diversity can work to reinforce social exclusion; and (iii) the acknowledgement of diversity and minority language rights needs to flow through from statements of intent to on-the-ground implementation if they are to become a reality

    Disturbed atrial metabolism, shear stress, and cardiac load contribute to atrial fibrillation after ablation:AXAFA biomolecule study

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    Aims: Different disease processes can combine to cause atrial fibrillation (AF). Their contribution to recurrent AF after ablation in patients is not known. Cardiovascular processes associated with recurrent AF after AF ablation were determined by quantifying biomolecules related to inflammation, metabolism, proliferation, fibrosis, shear stress, atrial pressure, and others in the AXAFA biomolecule study.Methods and results: Twelve circulating cardiovascular biomolecules (ANGPT2, BMP10, CA125, hsCRP, ESM1, FABP3, FGF23, GDF15, IGFBP7, IL6, NT-proBNP, and hsTnT) were quantified in plasma samples obtained prior to a first AF ablation using high-throughput, high-precision assays. Cox regression was used to identify biomolecules associated with recurrent AF during the first 3 months after AF ablation. In 433 patients (64 years [58, 70]; 33% women), baseline concentrations of ANGPT2, BMP10, hsCRP, FGF23, FABP3, GDF15, and NT-proBNP were elevated in patients with recurrent AF (120/433; 28%). After adjustment for 11 clinical features and randomized treatment, elevated NT-proBNP [hazard ratio (HR) 1.58, 95% confidence interval (1.29, 1.94)], ANGPT2 [HR 1.37, (1.12, 1.67)], and BMP10 [HR 1.24 (1.02, 1.51)] remained associated with recurrent AF. Concentrations of ANGPT2, BMP10, and NT-proBNP decreased in patients who remained arrhythmia free, but not in patients with recurrent AF, highlighting their connection to AF. The other eight biomarkers showed unchanged concentrations. Conclusion: Elevated concentrations of ANGPT2, BMP10, and NT-proBNP are associated with recurrent AF after a first AF ablation, suggesting that processes linked to disturbed cardiomyocyte metabolism, altered atrial shear stress, and increased load contribute to AF after AF ablation in patients

    Processfolio: uniting Academic Literacies and Critical Emancipatory Action Research for practitioner-led inquiry into EAP writing assessment

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    This paper reports on the design and implementation of an alternative form of writing assessment on a UK English for Academic Purposes (EAP) presessional course. The assessment, termed processfolio, was a response to research inquiry into how writing assessment in a local context negated student agency and inculcated disempowering models of teaching and learning academic writing. The project merged an Academic Literacies approach to writing (Lea and Street, 1998) with a Critical Emancipatory Action Research (Carr and Kemmis, 1986) framework and a Critical Realist(Bhaskar, 1989) perspective. Data collected from the folios and interviews with students and teachers on their experiences of the processfolio found that a small scale intervention has potential for agency to be exercised within the highly constrained context of a UK EAP pre-sessional. New directions in research are proposed which can engage students and teachers to work for change in UK EAP assessment within their internal and external constraints