1,558 research outputs found

    Gauge covariance and the fermion-photon vertex in three- and four- dimensional, massless quantum electrodynamics

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    In the quenched approximation, the gauge covariance properties of three vertex Ans\"{a}tze in the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self energy are analysed in three- and four- dimensional quantum electrodynamics. Based on the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action, it is inferred that the spectral representation used for the vertex in the gauge technique cannot support dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. A criterion for establishing whether a given Ansatz can confer gauge covariance upon the Schwinger-Dyson equation is presented and the Curtis and Pennington Ansatz is shown to satisfy this constraint. We obtain an analytic solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for quenched, massless three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics for arbitrary values of the gauge parameter in the absence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 17 pages, PHY-7143-TH-93, REVTE

    Dynamics of Toroidal Spiral Strings around Five-dimensional Black Holes

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    We examine the separability of the Nambu-Goto equation for test strings in a shape of toroidal spiral in a five-dimensional Kerr-AdS black hole. In particular, for a `{\it Hopf loop}\rq string which is a special class of the toroidal spiral strings, we show the complete separation of variables occurs in two cases, Kerr background and Kerr-AdS background with equal angular momenta. We also obtain the dynamical solution for the Hopf loop around a black hole and for the general toroidal spiral in Minkowski background.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, references adde

    The analytic structure of heavy quark propagators

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    The renormalised quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is studied in the limit of the renormalised current heavy quark mass m_R --> infinity. We are particularly interested in the analytic pole structure of the heavy quark propagator in the complex momentum plane. Approximations in which the quark-gluon vertex is modelled by either the bare vertex or the Ball-Chiu Ansatz, and the Landau gauge gluon propagator takes either a gaussian form or a gaussian form with an ultraviolet asymptotic tail are used.Comment: 21 pages Latex and 5 postscript figures. The original version of this paper has been considerably extended to include a formalism dealing with the renormalised heavy quark Dyson-Schwinger equation and uses a more realistic Ansatz for the gluon propagator

    Exactly solvable strings in Minkowski spacetime

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    We study the integrability of the equations of motion for the Nambu-Goto strings with a cohomogeneity-one symmetry in Minkowski spacetime. A cohomogeneity-one string has a world surface which is tangent to a Killing vector field. By virtue of the Killing vector, the equations of motion can be reduced to the geodesic equation in the orbit space. Cohomogeneity-one strings are classified into seven classes (Types I to VII). We investigate the integrability of the geodesic equations for all the classes and find that the geodesic equations are integrable. For Types I to VI, the integrability comes from the existence of Killing vectors on the orbit space which are the projections of Killing vectors on Minkowski spacetime. For Type VII, the integrability is related to a projected Killing vector and a nontrivial Killing tensor on the orbit space. We also find that the geodesic equations of all types are exactly solvable, and show the solutions.Comment: 11 pages, a reference added, some points clarifie

    Off Mass Shell Effects in Hadron Electric Dipole Moments

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    We note that off the quark mass shell the operators (pi+pf)μγ5(p_i+p_f)_\mu\gamma_5 and iσμν(pipf)νγ5i\sigma_{\mu\nu}(p_i -p_f)^\nu\gamma_5, both of which reduce to σE-\vec{\sigma}\cdot\vec{E} in the non-relativistic limit, are no longer identical. In this paper we explore the effects of this difference in the contribution of these quark electric moments to hadronic electric moments.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, Revtex, uses psfi

    Survey of J=0,1 mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    The Bethe-Salpeter equation is used to comprehensively study mesons with J=0,1 and equal-mass constituents for quark masses from the chiral limit to the b-quark mass. The survey contains masses of the ground states in all corresponding J^{PC} channels including those with "exotic" quantum numbers. The emphasis is put on each particular state's sensitivity to the low- and intermediate-momentum, i.e., long-range part of the strong interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Collective synchronization in spatially extended systems of coupled oscillators with random frequencies

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    We study collective behavior of locally coupled limit-cycle oscillators with random intrinsic frequencies, spatially extended over dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices. Phase synchronization as well as frequency entrainment are explored analytically in the linear (strong-coupling) regime and numerically in the nonlinear (weak-coupling) regime. Our analysis shows that the oscillator phases are always desynchronized up to d=4d=4, which implies the lower critical dimension dlP=4d_{l}^{P}=4 for phase synchronization. On the other hand, the oscillators behave collectively in frequency (phase velocity) even in three dimensions (d=3d=3), indicating that the lower critical dimension for frequency entrainment is dlF=2d_{l}^{F}=2. Nonlinear effects due to periodic nature of limit-cycle oscillators are found to become significant in the weak-coupling regime: So-called {\em runaway oscillators} destroy the synchronized (ordered) phase and there emerges a fully random (disordered) phase. Critical behavior near the synchronization transition into the fully random phase is unveiled via numerical investigation. Collective behavior of globally-coupled oscillators is also examined and compared with that of locally coupled oscillators.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Mass singularity and confining property in QED3QED_3

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    We discuss the properties of the position space fermion propagator in three dimensional QED which has been found previouly based on Ward-Takahashi-identity for soft-photon emission vertex and spectral representation.There is a new type of mass singularity which governs the long distance behaviour.It leads the propagator vanish at large distance.This term corresponds to dynamical mass in position space.Our model shows confining property and dynamical mass generation for arbitrary coupling constant.Since we used dispersion retation in deriving spectral function there is a physical mass which sets a mass scale.For finite cut off we obtain the full propagator in the dispersion integral as a superposition of different massses.Low energy behaviour of the proagator is modified to decrease by position dependent mass.In the limit of zero infrared cut-off the propagator vanishes with a new kind of infrared behaviour.Comment: 22pages,4figures,revtex4,Notational sloppiness are crrected.Submitted to JHE

    Neutron electric dipole moment: Constituent-dressing and compositeness

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    Contributions to the neutron's EDM, are calculated using a well-constrained Ansatz for the nucleon's Poincare' covariant Fadde'ev amplitude. The momentum-dependent quark dressing amplifies the contribution from the current-quarks' EDMs; and dressed-quark confinement and binding make distinguishable the effect of the two CP and T violating interactions: i gamma_5 sigma_{mu nu} (p_1-p_2)_nu and gamma_5 (p_1+p_2)_mu, where p_{1,2} are the current-quarks' momenta. The value of |d_n| obtained using the current-quark EDMs generated by a minimal three Higgs doublet model of spontaneous CP violation is close to the current experimental upper bound.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e. Errors in Table 1 corrected; five references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pseudoscalar Meson Nonet at Zero and Finite Temperature

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    Theoretical understanding of experimental results from relativistic heavy-ion collisions requires a microscopic approach to the behavior of QCD n-point functions at finite temperatures, as given by the hierarchy of Dyson-Schwinger equations, properly generalized within the Matsubara formalism. The convergence of sums over Matsubara modes is studied. The technical complexity of finite-temperature calculations mandates modeling. We present a model where the QCD interaction in the infrared, nonperturbative domain, is modeled by a separable form. Results for the mass spectrum of light quark flavors (u, d, s) and for the pseudoscalar bound-state amplitudes at finite temperature are presented.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, based on invited lectures at "Dense Matter In Heavy Ion Collisions and Astrophysics", 21.08-01.09 2006, Dubna, Russi