842 research outputs found

    At the Edge of the Modern?: Diplomacy, Public Relations, and Media Practices During Houphouët-Boigny\u27s 1962 Visit to the United States

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    Toward the end of the first decade after the decolonization of most African countries, there emerged a scholarly polemic about the weight of bureaucratic politics in the making of foreign policy in the Third World. A mirror of the reigning modernization paradigm that informed most postwar area studies and social sciences, the discussion unintentionally indexed the narcissism of a hegemonic discourse on political development and statecraft. Graham Allison and Morton Halperin—the original proponents of the bureaucratic model—implied in their largely U.S.-centric model that such a paradigm was not applicable to non-industrialized countries since the newly decolonized countries, for the most part, lacked the institutional/organizational base and political tradition needed to conduct a modern foreign policy. Félix Houphouët- Boigny—leader of the newly independent Ivory Coast—was hardly mentioned in the scholarly debates on the bureaucratic model. Yet one can use the conjuncture of his visit to the United States in May 1962 to explore the arguments developed by the protagonists in the polemic that ensued the publication of the Allison-Halperin theory

    An Unconventional Challenge to Apartheid: The Ivorian Dialogue Diplomacy with South Africa, 1960-1978

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    This article focuses on the dialogue diplomacy that Ivorian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny initiated in the late 1960s to engage apartheid South Africa. Although contemporary observers and subsequent scholars (have) derided the scheme as an act of acquiescence and even betrayal, I argue that Ivory Coast\u27s dialogue diplomacy was neither accommodationist nor dependent on the prodding of neocolonial powers such as France. A Pan-Africanist extension of the home-grown neotraditional practice of Dialogue ivoirienne, the diplomatic initiative never got the backing of other African states. A close analysis of the Ivory Coast\u27s maneuvers in the context of an increasing radicalization of the anti-apartheid movement sheds a new light on the complexity of the transnational politics to defeat apartheid

    Courting American Capital: Public Relations and the Business of Selling Ivorian Capitalism in the U.S., 1960-1980

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    This chapter is an invitation to reimagine the roles assigned to players in the history of capitalism on the global stage. It challenges aspects of the historiography of capitalism in the twentieth century, which tend to center on historical actors and institutions of the Global North. Even when actors in the Global South are discussed, it is usually to portray them as passive victims of an intractable system. By focusing on the Ivory Coast and its economic diplomacy toward the United States, I seek to destabilize this general picture

    Rebirth of a Strategic Continent?: Problematizing Africa as a Geostrategic Zone

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    At a time when the U.S. Department of Defense is putting the finishing touches to the establishment of a military command for Africa (known as AFRICOM) and the People’s Republic of China’s influence on the continent seems to be on the rise, a detour through the history of America’s past geographical imaginations of Africa appears as a necessity. This is especially crucial since the current constructions of the African continent as a strategic place in both policy and military circles seems to echo the geodiscursive representations of Africa during the Second World War. In fact, it was in the early 1940s that Africa publicly ceased to be the place of safari that past or sitting American presidents toured and became a continent endowed with a strategic significance. I argue in the lines that follow that American geographer-diplomats and politically-minded cartographers played a key role in this shift. More significantly, I suggest that global historical forces and developments provided the context to understand 2 this attitudinal change among American decision-makers, geostrategists, and academics. Finally, I recommend that Africanist geographers in academia engage the many (past and present) parallel geographic epistemologies regarding Africa, including the ways of seeing and the body of cartographic knowledge about the African continent that military and/or intelligence services and institutions have produced over the years, both in times of war and peace

    ‘Mightier Than Marx’: Hassoldt Davis and American Cold War Politics in Postwar Ivory Coast

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    Using the travels of Hassoldt Davis in Ivory Coast to explore the global Cold War in French West Africa in the 1950s, this article argues that the main line of confrontation in the postwar era did not always pit Americans against Russians. In many instances, the struggle for the mind and soul of Africans was between the Americans and the French. The study highlights the role of everyday technology in the expansion of the American informal empire. By focusing on Davis and the significance of low-tech artifacts, the article suggests that in our scrutiny of Cold War science/technology, we need to supplement the study of the various production regimes of consumer goods with a comparable research on consumption and how they mediated the daily battles of the era. Such approach not only underscores the historical reality of the ‘social life of things’, but also gives agency to non-state actors as both users of Cold War technoscience and as participants in the politics that informed its mobilization on the world stage. Besides bringing Francophone Africa in the historiography of US–Africa relations, the article demonstrates a convergence of vision among American consular agents, US transnational corporations and an idiosyncratic travel writer

    Triangulating a Modernization Experiment: The United States, France and the Making of the Kossou Project in Central Ivory Coast

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    Toward the end of the 1960s, authorities in the Ivory Coast decided to build the Kossou Dam, a hydro-electric dam on the Bandama River near the geographic center of the Francophone country. Initially conceived as a technopolitical measure to meet the growing energy demand of the most economically successful country of France\u27s former colonies, the damming experiment soon emerged as a multipurpose regional development project aimed at correcting the regional disparities that tarnished the Ivory Coast\u27s phenomenal economic growth. This article focuses on the Kossou modernization experience and the sociopolitical transformations that it caused. I argue that the nationalist enthusiasm that followed the country\u27s independence in 1960 all the way through the first decade of postcolonial nation-building provided the Ivorian authorities with an opportunity to flesh out their electrified vision of their country\u27s future

    Axially magnetized Dark Energy cosmological model

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    We investigate the behaviour of the skewness parameters for an anisotropic universe in the framework of General Relativity. Non interacting dark energy is considered in presence of electromagnetic field. A time varying deceleration parameter simulated by a hybrid scale factor is considered. The dynamics of the universe is investigated in presence and absence of magnetic field. The equation of state parameter of dark energy evolves within the range predicted by the observations. Magnetic field is observed to have a substantial effect on the cosmic dynamics and the skewness parameters. The models discussed here end in a big rip and become isotropic at finite time.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, Version accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Featured Piece

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    This year the General Editors continued the tradition started last year by creating a feature piece to show our appreciation for the History Department. We selected four professors from the faculty to answer a question about history: what figure/event/idea inspires your interest in history? Reading their responses helped give us insight into the thoughts of these brilliant minds and further help us understand their passion for the subject we all share a common love and interest in. We hope that you enjoy reading their responses as much as we did. The four members of the faculty we spoke with are Dr. Abou Bamba, Dr. William Bowman, Dr. David Hadley, and Magdalena Sánchez

    Property of the spectrum of large-scale magnetic fields from inflation

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    The property of the spectrum of large-scale magnetic fields generated due to the breaking of the conformal invariance of the Maxwell theory through some mechanism in inflationary cosmology is studied. It is shown that the spectrum of the generated magnetic fields should not be perfectly scale-invariant but be slightly red so that the amplitude of large-scale magnetic fields can be stronger than ∼10−12\sim 10^{-12}G at the present time. This analysis is performed by assuming the absence of amplification due to the late-time action of some dynamo (or similar) mechanism.Comment: 8 pages, no figure; references correcte

    Thermal and Non-thermal X-Rays from the LMC Super Bubble 30 Dor C

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    We report on the discovery of thermal and non-thermal X-rays from the shells of the super bubble (SB) 30 Dor C in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The X-ray morphology is a nearly circular shell with a radius of about 40 pc, which is bright on the northern and western sides. The spectra of the shells are different from region to region. The southern shell shows clear emission lines, and is well fitted with a model of a thin-thermal plasma (kT = 0.21keV) in non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) plus a power-law component. This thermal plasma is located inside of the H alpha emission, which is the outer edge of the shell of the SB. The northern and western sides of the SB are dim in H alpha emission, but are bright in non-thermal (power-law) X-rays with a photon index of 2.1-2.9. The non-thermal X-ray shell traces the outer boundary of the radio shell. These features of thin-thermal and non-thermal X-rays are similar to those of SN 1006, a prototype of synchrotron X-ray shell, but the non-thermal component of 30 Dor C is about ten-times brighter than that of SN 1006. 30 Dor C is the first candidate of an extragalactic SB, in which energetic electrons are accelerating in the shell. The age is much older than that of SN 1006, and hence the particle acceleration time in this SB may be longer than those in normal shell-like SNRs. We found point-like sources associated with some of tight star clusters. The X-ray luminosity and spectrum are consistent with those of young clusters of massive stars. Point-like sources with non-thermal spectra are also found in the SB. These may be background objects (AGNs) or stellar remnants (neutron stars or black holes).Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ, the paper with full resolution images in http://www-cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/bamba/Paper/30DorC.pd
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