7,123 research outputs found

    Suppression of thermal conduction in non-cooling flow clusters

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    Recent X-ray observations have revealed a universal temperature profile of the intracluster gas of non-cooling flow clusters which is flat for r \le 0.2 r_{180}. Numerical simulations, however, obtain a steeper temperature profile in the inner region. We study the effect of thermal conduction on the intracluster gas in non-cooling flow clusters in light of these observations, using the steep temperature profiles obtained by authors of numerical simulations. We find that given 10^{10} yr for the intracluster gas to evolve, thermal conduction should be suppressed from the classical value by a factor \sim 10^{-3} in order to explain the observations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS (pink pages

    Dynamical friction of radio galaxies in galaxy clusters

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    The distribution of luminous radio galaxies in galaxy clusters has been observed to be concentrated in the inner region. We consider the role of dynamical friction of massive galaxies (M1012.5M\sim 10^{12.5} M_{\odot}), assuming them to be hosts of luminous radio galaxies, and show that beginning with a Navarro-Frenk-White density profile of a cluster of mass Mcl1015M_{cl}\sim 10^{15} M_{\odot} of concentration c5c\sim 5 and collapsing at z1z\sim 1, the density profile of radio galaxies evolve to a profile of concentration c25c \sim 25, as observed, in a time scale of t35t\sim 3\hbox{--}5 Gyr.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS (Letters) in pres

    Limits on the AGN activities in X-ray underluminous galaxy groups

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    We have observed four X-ray underluminous groups of galaxies using the Giant Meterwave RadioTelescope. The groups NGC 524, 720, 3607, and 4697 are underluminous in relation to the extrapolation of the Lx - T relation from rich clusters and do not show any evidence of current AGN activities that can account for such a departure. The GMRT observations carried out at low frequencies (235 and 610 MHz) were aimed at detecting low surface brightness, steep-spectrum sources indicative of past AGN activities in these groups. No such radio emissions were detected in any of these four groups. The corresponding upper limits on the total energy in relativistic particles is about 3 X 1057^{57} erg. This value is more than a factor of 100 less than that required to account for the decreased X-ray luminosities (or, enhanced entropies) of these four groups in the AGN-heating scenario. Alternatively, the AGN activity must have ceased about 4 Gyr ago, allowing the relativistic particles to diffuse out to such a large extent (about 250 kpc) that their radio emission could have been undetected by the current observations. If the latter scenario is correct, the ICM was pre-heated before the assembly of galaxy clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Cosmic rays, lithium abundance and excess entropy in galaxy clusters

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    We consider the production of 6^6Li in spallation reactions by cosmic rays in order to explain the observed abundance in halo metal-poor stars. We show that heating of ambient gas by cosmic rays is an inevitable consequence of this process, and estimate the energy input required to reproduce the observed abundance of 6^6Li/H1011\sim 10^{-11} to be of order a few hundred eV per particle. We draw attention to the possibility that this could explain the excess entropy in gas in galaxy groups and clusters. The evolution of 6^6Li and the accompanying heating of gas is calculated for structures collapsing at the present epoch with injection of cosmic rays at high redshift. We determine the energy required to explain the abundance of 6^6Li at z2z \sim 2 corresponding to the formation epoch of halo metal-poor stars, and also an increased entropy level of 300\sim 300 keV cm2^2 necessary to explain X-ray observations of clusters. The energy budget for this process is consistent with the expected energy output of radio-loud AGNs, and the diffusion length scale of cosmic-ray protons responsible for heating is comparable to the size of regions with excess entropy. We also discuss the constraints imposed by the extragalactic gamma-ray background.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Figure, Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Letters

    Self-regulated black hole accretion, the M-sigma relation, and the growth of bulges in galaxies

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    We argue that the velocity dispersions and masses of galactic bulges and spheroids are byproducts of the feedback that regulates rapid black hole growth in protogalaxies. We suggest that the feedback energy liberated by accretion must pass through the accreting material, in an energy-conserving flux close-in and a momentum-conserving flux further out. If the inflowing gas dominates the gravitational potential outside the Bondi radius, feedback from Eddington-limited accretion drives the density profile of the gas to that of a singular isothermal sphere. We find that the velocity dispersion associated with the isothermal potential, sigma, increases with time as the black hole mass M grows, in such a way that M is proportional to sigma^4. The coefficient of this proportionality depends on the radius at which the flow switches from energy conserving to momentum conserving, and gives the observed M-sigma relation if the transition occurs at ~100 Schwarzschild radii. We associate this transition with radiative cooling and show that bremsstrahlung, strongly boosted by inverse Compton scattering in a two-temperature (T_p >> T_e) plasma, leads to a transition at the desired radius. According to this picture, bulge masses M_b are insensitive to the virial masses of their dark matter haloes, but correlate linearly with black hole mass. Our analytic model also explains the M_b-sigma (Faber-Jackson) relation as a relic of black hole accretion. The model naturally explains why the M-sigma relation has less scatter than either the M-M_b (Magorrian) or the Faber-Jackson relation. It suggests that the M-sigma relation could extend down to very low velocity dispersions, and predicts that the relation should not evolve with redshift.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, submitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Entropy "floor" and effervescent heating of intracluster gas

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    Recent X-ray observations of clusters of galaxies have shown that the entropy of the intracluster medium (ICM), even at radii as large as half the virial radius, is higher than that expected from gravitational processes alone. This is thought to be the result of nongravitational processes influencing the physical state of the ICM. In this paper, we investigate whether heating by a central AGN can explain the distribution of excess entropy as a function of radius. The AGN is assumed to inject buoyant bubbles into the ICM, which heat the ambient medium by doing pdV work as they rise and expand. Several authors have suggested that this "effervescent heating" mechanism could allow the central regions of clusters to avoid the ``cooling catastrophe''. Here we study the effect of effervescent heating at large radii. Our calculations show that such a heating mechanism is able to solve the entropy problem. The only free parameters of the model are the time-averaged luminosity and the AGN lifetime. The results are mainly sensitive to the total energy injected into the cluster. Our model predicts that the total energy injected by AGN should be roughly proportional to the cluster mass. The expected correlation is consistent with a linear relation between the mass of the central black hole(s) and the mass of the cluster, which is reminiscent of the Magorrian relation between the black hole and bulge mass.Comment: accepted for Ap

    Narrow escape: how ionizing photons escape from disc galaxies

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    In this paper we calculate the escape fraction (fescf_{\rm esc}) of ionizing photons from starburst galaxies. Using 2-D axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, we study superbubbles created by overlapping supernovae in OB associations. We calculate the escape fraction of ionizing photons from the center of the disk along different angles through the superbubble and the gas disk. After convolving with the luminosity function of OB associations, we show that the ionizing photons escape within a cone of 40\sim 40 ^\circ, consistent with observations of nearby galaxies. The evolution of the escape fraction with time shows that it falls initially as cold gas is accumulated in a dense shell. After the shell crosses a few scale heights and fragments, the escape fraction through the polar regions rises again. The angle-averaged escape fraction cannot exceed [1cos(1radian)]=0.5\sim [1- \cos (1 \, {\rm radian})] = 0.5 from geometrical considerations (using the emission cone opening angle). We calculate the dependence of the time- and angle-averaged escape fraction on the mid-plane disk gas density (in the range n0=0.1550n_0=0.15-50 cm 3^{-3}) and the disk scale height (between z0=10600z_0=10-600 pc). We find that the escape fraction is related to the disk parameters (the mid-plane disk density and scale height) roughly so that fescαn02z03f_{\rm esc}^\alpha n_0^2 z_0^3 (with α2.2\alpha\approx 2.2) is a constant. For disks with a given WNM temperature, massive disks have lower escape fraction than low mass galaxies. For Milky Way ISM parameters, we find fesc5%f_{\rm esc}\sim 5\%, and it increases to 10%\approx 10\% for a galaxy ten times less massive. We discuss the possible effects of clumpiness of the ISM on the estimate of the escape fraction and the implications of our results for the reionization of the universe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 19 pages, 18 figure