136 research outputs found

    A blessed endoscopy

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    Kaposi sarcoma-An unusual cause of asymptomatic anemia

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    Low energy effective theory on a regularized brane in 6D gauged chiral supergravity

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    We derive the low energy effective theory on a brane in six-dimensional chiral supergravity. The conical 3-brane singularities are resolved by introducing cylindrical codimension one 4-branes whose interiors are capped by a regular spacetime. The effective theory is described by the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory with the BD parameter given by ωBD=1/2\omega_{\rm BD}=1/2. The BD field is originated from a modulus which is associated with the scaling symmetry of the system. If the dilaton potentials on the branes preserve the scaling symmetry, the scalar field has an exponential potential in the Einstein frame. We show that the time dependent solutions driven by the modulus in the four-dimensional effective theory can be lifted up to the six-dimensional exact solutions found in the literature. Based on the effective theory, we discuss a possible way to stabilize the modulus to recover standard cosmology and also study the implication for the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Gaussianity from Symmetry

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    We point out that a light scalar field fluctuating around a symmetry-enhaced point can generate large non-Gaussianity in density fluctuations. We name such a particle as an "ungaussiton", a scalar field dominantly produced by the quantum fluctuations,generating sizable non-Gaussianity in the density fluctuations. We derive a consistency relation between the bispectrum and the trispectrum, tau_NL = 10^3 f_NL^(4/3), which can be extended to arbitrary high order correlation functions. If such a relation is confirmed by future observations, it will strongly support this mechanism.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure;v2 discussion and references added. To appear in JCA

    Quadra-Spectrum and Quint-Spectrum from Inflation and Curvaton Models

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    We calculate the quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum, corresponding to five and six point correlation functions of the curvature perturbation. For single field inflation with standard kinetic term, the quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum are small, which are suppressed by slow roll parameters. The calculation can be generalized to multiple fields. When there is no entropy perturbation, the quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum are suppressed as well. With the presence of entropy perturbation, the quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum can get boosted. We illustrate this boost in the multi-brid inflation model. For the curvaton scenario, the quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum are also large in the small r limit. We also calculate representative terms of quadra-spectrum and quint-spectrum for inflation with generalized kinetic terms, and estimate their order of magnitude for quasi-single field inflation.Comment: 16 pages; v2: references added

    Primordial Trispectrum from Entropy Perturbations in Multifield DBI Model

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    We investigate the primordial trispectra of the general multifield DBI inflationary model. In contrast with the single field model, the entropic modes can source the curvature perturbations on the super horizon scales, so we calculate the contributions from the interaction of four entropic modes mediating one adiabatic mode to the trispectra, at the large transfer limit (TRS≫1T_{RS}\gg1). We obtained the general form of the 4-point correlation functions, plotted the shape diagrams in two specific momenta configurations, "equilateral configuration" and "specialized configuration". Our figures showed that we can easily distinguish the two different momenta configurations.Comment: 17pages, 7 figures, version to appear in JCA

    A geometric description of the non-Gaussianity generated at the end of multi-field inflation

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    In this paper we mainly focus on the curvature perturbation generated at the end of multi-field inflation, such as the multi-brid inflation. Since the curvature perturbation is produced on the super-horizon scale, the bispectrum and trispectrum have a local shape. The size of bispectrum is measured by fNLf_{NL} and the trispectrum is characterized by two parameters Ï„NL\tau_{NL} and gNLg_{NL}. For simplicity, the trajectory of inflaton is assumed to be a straight line in the field space and then the entropic perturbations do not contribute to the curvature perturbation during inflation. As long as the background inflaton path is not orthogonal to the hyper-surface for inflation to end, the entropic perturbation can make a contribution to the curvature perturbation at the end of inflation and a large local-type non-Gaussiantiy is expected. An interesting thing is that the non-Gaussianity parameters are completely determined by the geometric properties of the hyper-surface of the end of inflation. For example, fNLf_{NL} is proportional to the curvature of the curve on this hyper-surface along the adiabatic direction and gNLg_{NL} is related to the change of the curvature radius per unit arc-length of this curve. Both fNLf_{NL} and gNLg_{NL} can be positive or negative respectively, but Ï„NL\tau_{NL} must be positive and not less than (65fNL)2({6\over 5}f_{NL})^2.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures; refs added; a correction to \tau_{NL} for n-field inflation added, version accepted for publication in JCA

    The Trispectrum in the Multi-brid Inflation

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    The trispectrum is at least as important as the bispectrum and its size can be characterized by two parameters Ï„NL\tau_{NL} and gNLg_{NL}. In this short paper, we focus on the Multi-brid inflation, in particular the two-brid inflation model in arXiv.0805.0974, and find that Ï„NL\tau_{NL} is always positive and roughly equals to (65fNL)2({6\over 5}f_{NL})^2 for the low scale inflation, but gNLg_{NL} can be negative or positive and its order of magnitude can be the same as that of Ï„NL\tau_{NL} or even largerComment: 12 pages; minor correction, refs added; further refs added, version for publication in JCA
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