15 research outputs found

    La responsabilité familiale et la structure de l\u27information chez les ouvrières (dans l\u27industrie)

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    Uz pomoć posebno konstruiranog testa informiranosti u·tvrđeno je da postoje razlike u strukturi informiranosti među grupama radnica različite obiteljske odgovornosti. Na temelju tih razlika može se zaključiti da su radnice s malim stupnjem obiteljske odgovornosti zainteresirane za zbivanja u svom kolektivu na širem planu od radnica s velikim stupnjem obiteljske odgovornosti, koje su u većoj mjeri orijentirane prema užim aspektima svoje radne situacije.Au cours de ce travail, nous avons voulu voir si à l\u27aide d\u27un test d\u27information spécialement conçu, on pouvait constater des différences dans l\u27information des ouvriers qui montreraient les différences correspondantes dans la grandeur de leur intérêt pour la vie et le travail de leur entreprise. Le test d\u27information a été appliqué à 3 groupes d\u27ouvrières qui se différenciaient ·par le degré de responsabilité familiale et on a constaté des différences caractéristiques dans le degré et la structure de leur information. En se basant sur ces différences, il a été possible de conclure que les ouvrières dont le degré de responsabilité familiale était le plus faible s\u27intéressaient aux évènements de leur collectif sur un plan plus large que les ouvrières ayant une grande responsabilité familiale. Les résultats ont montré la possibilité de l\u27emploi du test d\u27information comme méthode pour l\u27examen indirect des motifs et des \u27intérêts dominants des ouvriers

    An investigation of attitudes towards air-conditioning of offices

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    Pomoću posebno konstruirane skale Thurstoneova tipa ispitao je stav prema klimatizaciji skupine korisnika (N = 198) klimatiziranog poslovnog tornja »Zagrepčanka«, Više od dvije trećine ispitanika iskazalo je negativan stav prema klimatizaciji njihova poslovnog prostora. Istovremeno su objektivna mjerenja temperature, vlažnosti i strujanja zraka pokazala da se mikroklimatske prilike u zgradi nalaze unutar granica udobnosti. Analiza dobivenih odgovora u odnosu prema nizu relevantnih varijabli (dob, spol i obrazovni nivo ispitanika, njihov opći stav prema promjenama i novinama, tip zgrade u kojoj su prije radili, dužina boravka u »Zagrepčanki« i napučenost njihovih prostorija) upućuju na zaključak da se u osnovi negativnog stava prema klimatizaciji nalaze neki psihološki faktori. Dobiveni se rezultati razmatraju u okviru općeg pitanja o potrebi uvođenja klimatizacije u našem podneblju.An 18-item Thurstone type scale was developed to measure attitude towards air-conditioning practice. The scale was administered to a sample (N = 198) of users of a large and new air-conditioned office building. The results showed that more than two thirds of respondents evidenced the negative attitude towards air-conditioning practice of their offices. At the same time the objective measurements of the temperature, humidity and air-circulation revealed that the values obtained in their offices are within the comfortable range. In the further analysis the attitude-scale scores were related to the following variables: age, sex and educational level of respondents, their general attitude towards the change and innovation, the length of their experience with air-conditioning practice, the type of the office building they used before and the density of their present offices. This analysis supported the view that mostly psychological factors underlie the negative reactions towards air-conditioning practice

    Diurnal variations in the activation level and some personality characteristics

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    Ispitivao se odnos između ekstraverzije-introverzije te navika svakodnevnog života (jutarnjost-večernjost) s jedne strane i dnevnih varijacija u stupnju aktivacije tokom dana s druge strane. Kao pokazatelji stupnja aktivacije upotrebljeni su frekvencija pulsa i oralna temperatura. Utvrđeno je da između dimenzije ekstraverzija-introverzija i svakodnevnih navika rada tokom dana (jutarnjost-večernjost) ne postoji značajna povezanost, ali da je svaka od tih dimenzija ponašanja pojedinačno povezana sa stupnjem aktivacije tokom dana. Najveće razlike u stupnju aktivacije tokom dana postižu se kad se kombinira sukladno djelovanje ispitivanih dimenzija ponašanja, jer su najveće razlike postignute između introvertiranih ispitanika koji su ujedno i jutarnji »radnici«, te ekstravertiranih ispitanika koji su ujedno i večernji »radnici«.The relationship between extroversion-introversion and every-day life habits (morningness-eveningness) on one hand, and diurnal variations in the activation level on the other hand were studied. Heart rate and oral temperature served as activation indicators. There was no significant correlation between the dimensions of extroversion-introversion and every-day working habits but each of these dimensions of behaviour was associated with the activation level during the day. The greatest differences in the activation level during the day were observed if congruent effects of the studied dimensions of behaviour were combined. This was the case with the subjects who were both introvert and »morning workers« and those who were both extrovert and »evening workers«

    Prognostic validity of some tests in the profession of craneman

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    Na grupi od 65 brodogradilišnih dizaličara izvršena je validacija nekih testova metodom »prisutnih radnika«. izbor testova za validaciju izvršen je na temelju prethodno provedene analize radnog mjesta. Kao kriterij za validaciju testova upotrebljene su subjektivne procjene radne uspješnosti dizaličara i brzina njihovog napredovanja. Korelacija između većine odabranih testova i brzine napredovanja bile su zadovoljavajuće.A group of tests was validated by the present employee method applied of 65 shipyard craneman in order to compose a battery of tests for the selection of craneman. The tests to be validated were chosen with respect to the previously performed job analysis. Validity of the tests was estimated according to two criteria: manager\u27s subjective rating of the craneman\u27s job efficiency and craneman\u27s promotion rate, Correlations between most of the chosen tests and the ,promotion rate as the efficiency criterion were good