2 research outputs found
Analiziran je sastav zooplanktona u geološki starom,
tektonskom Ohridskom jezeru (Makedonija, jugoistočna
Europa). Glavni cilj rada bio je utvrditi sezonske i prostorne
značajke funkcionalnih hranidbenih skupina zooplanktona i
njihovu povezanost s uvjetima okoliša. Najveća produkcija
zooplanktona utvrđena je u metalimniju, u kojem su biomasa
fitoplanktona i brojnost zooplanktona postigle najveće
vrijednosti. Utvrđeno je 16 pelagičkih vrsta od kojih dvije
endemične: Arctodiaptomus steindachneri (Richard, 1897)
i Cyclops ochridanus (Kiefer, 1932). Zooplankton pelagijala
bio je zastupljen s niskom brojnošću, 25 ± 22 ind. L-1, a
najveći udio, 60 %, postigli su veslonošci. Unutar trofičke
skupine mikrofaga, prevladavali su tijekom ljeta kolnjaci
s vrstom Kellicottica longispina (Kellicott, 1879), a naupliji
veslonožaca prevladavali su u proljeće Eudiaptomus gracilis
(Sars, 1862) and C. achridanus i jesen C.achridanus. Ova
trofička skupina hrani se suspenzijom bakterija i detritusa, te
je tijekom istraživanog razdoblja zauzimala afotički hipolimnij.
Predatori su uglavnom bili zastupljeni s kopepoditima i
odraslim veslonošcima u metalimniju. Na njihove populacije
su značajno i pozitivno utjecali: temperatura (r = 0.417, p =
0.001), otopljeni kisik (r = 0.463, p = 0.0001) te najizraženije
biomasa fitoplanktona (r = 0.708, p < 0.00001). Ovo
istraživanje među prvima razmatra zooplankton Ohridskog jezera kao važnu kariku unutar hranidbene mreže ovog
oligotrofnog ekosustava.Zooplankton is studied in the ancient, tectonic, oligomictic and
oligotrophic Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, South Eastern Europe). The main
aim of this study was to assess the seasonal and spatial patterns of the
zooplankton functional feeding guilds in relation to the environmental
conditions. Metalimnion of the lake was detected as the most productive
environment, where biomass of the phytoplankton and abundance of
the zooplankton reached their maxima. Pelagial zooplankton of low
abundance (25 ± 22 ind. L-1) consisted of 16 species including two endemic
copepods, Arctodiaptomus steindachneri (Richard, 1897) and Cyclops
ochridanus (Kiefer, 1932). Copepods obtained remarkable share (60%)
in the zooplankton assemblage. Microphagous zooplankton was mainly
comprised of the most abundant rotifer Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott,
1879) in summer, and copepod nauplii during the spring Eudiaptomus
gracilis (Sars, 1862) and C.ochridanus, and autumn C.ochridanus. Due to
their requirements for the bacterio-detritus suspension, this microphagous
zooplankton occupied aphotic hypolimnion during the entire study period.
Raptorials were typically represented by copepodites and adult copepods
in the metalimnion, and were significantly and positively affected by
temperature (r = 0.417, p = 0.001), dissolved oxygen (r = 0.463, p = 0.0001)
and, particularly, phytoplankton biomass (r = 0.708, p < 0.00001). This is
the first study in which the link between the lower and higher trophic levels
is investigated in Lake Ohrid