206 research outputs found

    Robot Flow Control - Development of a Modular, Graphical User Interface

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    At DLR, the Robotics and Mechatronics Center is developing a new software for robot flow control programming called RAFCON. It is built up from scratch and includes a lot of features coming directly from the people using the software after its completion. Therefore, a lot of requests regarding usability and functionality have to be taken into account. RAFCON uses hierarchical state machines, similar to Harel state machines, to implement the flow control, as this provides a good overview over the task and its parts and supports the step-by-step execution of encapsulated subtasks. This work focuses on the development of a graphical, modular user interface simplifying the workflow and meeting the requirements. These are for instance the integration of RAFCON into the institutes corporate design, an intuitive user interface and fast state machine development. In order to create a consistent and matching design and color theme, the design of the GUI has been developed in collaboration with an external designer. The initial, bright color schema is replaced by a dark one, which reduces the stress on the human eye during work. According to design theory, some important factors need to be considered when creating a user interface. The coloring and contrasts or ''gestalt'' principles are part of this. The colors of the controls (e.g. buttons, text outputs) need to be carefully chosen. Bright signal colors like red or orange guide the user focus on the important elements, whereas decent colors as blue or green are used to show uncritical information. Combining colors accurately, different contrasts can be created to further emphasize the importance of crucial events. Following ''gestalt'' principles, it is possible to arrange the elements in the GUI beneficial for the work flow and use them to generate a coherent look. The created design orders and groups control-elements to improve the utilization of the available space and build a consistent user interface. New icons round out the appearance and help keeping the corporate design. Furthermore, a new feature to rearrange single elements was implemented. It increases the possibility for the user to organize the control elements according to their needs. To gain more flexibility, this is used in the left and right side bars, providing additional information about the selected state and general information (e.g. state machine libraries, history). The logging view has been extended with a feature to choose which information (debug, info, warning and error) should be logged, which helps to improve finding important logging outputs. Additionally, a new toolbar is added next to the graphical editor, containing the execution control buttons (start, pause, stop). Python is the chosen programming language for the entire project. Due to the predefined programming language, GTK is used for the window design and display. For the implementation of the main part of the GUI, the graphical editor, another library (Gaphas) has been used to gain more flexibility in customization. Gaphas is especially designed for the development and display of state machines. It is highly customizable regarding functionality and look. All in all, the new design of the GUI could be realized successfully. The wanted effects of integrating RAFCON into the corporate design and improve the work flow could be achieved using the dark colored theme and the modular design. Furthermore, a lot of additional features have been implemented which work according to their needs. The new design and features turn RAFCON into a reliably working and intuitive software for the creation of robot flow controls

    The Impact of Foreign Macroeconomic News on Financial Markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland

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    In this paper, we investigate the effects of euro area and US macroeconomic news on financial markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland (CEEC-3) from 1999 to 2006. Using a GARCH model, we examine the impact of news on daily returns of three-month interest rates, stock market indices, exchange rates versus the euro, and the US dollar. First, both US and European macroeconomic news has a significant impact on CEEC-3 financial markets. Second, the process of European integration is accompanied by an increasing importance of euro area news relative to US news. Third, there are country-specific differences: for example, the Czech stock market is relatively more affected by foreign news since the Copenhagen Summit in December 2002. In general, our results support the hypothesis of a deepening euro area influence on the CEEC-3 over time and a corresponding reduction in the relative importance of US shocks.Czech Republic, European Monetary Union, Financial Markets, Hungary, Macroeconomic News, Poland

    The impact of foreign macroeconomic news on financial markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland

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    In this paper, we study the effects of euro area and US macroeconomic news on financial markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland (CEEC-3) from 1999 to 2006. Using a GARCH model, we examine the impact on daily returns of three-month interest rates, stock market indices, exchange rates versus the euro, and the US dollar. First, foreign macroeconomic news has a significant impact on CEEC-3 financial markets. Second, neither US nor European news has a stronger effect over the whole observation period. Third, the process of European integration is accompanied by an increasing importance of euro area news relative to US news. Fourth, there are country-specific differences: the Czech markets become more affected by foreign news after the Copenhagen Summit than the other countries. Finally, testing the persistence of news over a business week confirms our main results

    Beyond market neutrality? Central banks and the problem of climate change

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    Starting with a landmark 2015 speech by Mark Carney on the ‘Tragedy of the Horizon’, climate change entered central banking discourse, causing some of its key convictions to come under new scrutiny. This article traces how initially climate change was firmly embedded in a conventional framework of ‘market completion’ that would allow financial markets to price in the negative externality. Yet, over the course of the last seven years, central banks have repositioned their role regarding this problem, taking on a much more active stance which calls into question the notion of ’market neutrality’. To trace these discursive changes, this article identifies three discursive layers formed around market-based mechanisms, responsible investment and monetary policy. We show that in the unfolding of the debate, the issue of climate change has altered the self-understanding of central bankers and driven them towards a more active stance where they acknowledge that central bankers shape and make, and not only ‘mirror’, market forces

    Biologische BekÀmpfung des MaiskÀfers Sitophilus zeamais (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Mais mit der Lagererzwespe Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) sowie der Reismotte Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Reis mit der Mehlmottenschlupfwespe Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

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    Maize and rice constitute some of the most important cereals cultivated in the world, being used as staple food for people especially in Africa. The rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica, and the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, are major pests of stored grains in the tropics. The use of parasitoids in biological pest control is already common in different agricultural and horticultural fields. At present, grain managers tend to look at alternatives to chemicals to control insects in stored grain. Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster) is a synovigenic, solitary larval and pupal ectoparasitoid of several beetle species that infest stored goods. The ability for long-range host finding of this parasitoid mediated by volatiles has been shown (Steidle & Schöller 1997). Habrobracon hebetor (Say) is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of many lepidopterous pests. This wasp occurs naturally in the stored grain ecosystem (Keever & al. 1985) where it attacks several pyralid moths, including the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica. The present study was conducted to assess the host finding of the two parasitoids H. hebetor and L. distinguendus.Wenn VorratsschĂ€dlinge gefĂŒllte SĂ€cke befallen ist eine BekĂ€mpfung mit Hilfe durchgreifender Methoden wie z.B. Begasung oder der Einsatz von KĂ€lte möglich. Die Anwendung dieser Verfahren ist aber technisch nicht immer realisierbar. Verschiedene parasitoide Hymenopteren werden zur biologischen BekĂ€mpfung von VorratsschĂ€dlingen eingesetzt. Diese Wespen dringen in der Regel nicht in Verpackungen ein. SĂ€cke aus Jute besitzen jedoch eine Maschenweite, die das Eindringen von NĂŒtzlingen erlauben könnte. Um die Möglichkeit des NĂŒtzlingseinsatzes in SacklĂ€gern zu prĂŒfen, wurden folgende Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt: (1) Wirtsfindung von Habrobracon hebetor in gesacktem Langkornreis (5 kg-SĂ€cke, Raupen von Corcyra cephalonica 4 cm tief im Reis) (2) Wirtsfindung von Lariophagus distinguendus in gesacktem Mais (5 kg-SĂ€cke, Befall durch Sitophilus zeamais). Es wurde tĂ€glich auf eindringende L. distinguendus bzw. H. hebetor hin kontrolliert. Der tĂ€gliche Schlupf der Nachkommen der Wespen wurde dokumentiert. H. hebetor war nur zu einem sehr geringen Anteil in der Lage, in die SĂ€cke einzudringen. 50% der eingesetzten L. distinguendus drangen in die JutesĂ€cke ein und verringerten den Populationsaufbau der MaiskĂ€fer. Begleitende Untersuchungen in unverpacktem, geschĂŒttetem Reis ergaben, dass H. hebetor mindestens 14 cm tief eindringt und Reismottenraupen parasitiert

    What are predictors of impaired quality of life in patients with hypoparathyroidism?

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    Context Hypoparathyroidism (hypoPT) is a rare endocrine disorder. Little is known about what factors are associated with potential quality of life (QOL) impairments. Design HypoPT patients at a minimum of 6 months' post diagnosis were invited to participate in an online survey through their treating physician or through self-help organisations Methods Impairments of clinical importance in QOL were considered present if the score of the respective functioning scale of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 exceeded a pre-defined threshold. Symptom burden was assessed using the HPQ-28. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with impairments in QOL. Results Data were available for 264 hypoPT patients. Impairments of clinical importance in QOL were reported for 40.4% in role functioning (RF), 40.6% in social functioning (SF), 60.8% in physical functioning (PF), 65.5% in cognitive functioning (CF) and 76.0% in emotional functioning (EF). Higher odds for reporting impaired QOL were seen for higher symptom burden (for almost all domains) and for being unable to work (for PF, RF and SF). Surgery for thyroid cancer being the cause of hypoPT was associated with lower odds in PF for patients and in PF and CF for patients with surgery for other thyroid-related diseases being the hypoPT cause. Conclusions HypoPT needs to be recognised as a disease which might be associated with impaired QOL and affect daily living. Symptom management is crucial for improving QOL in hypoPT patients but socioeconomic factors like work-ability need to be considered when treating hypoPT patients

    Die Trichogramma-Fauna Pakistans (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

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    Die Arten der Gattung Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) sind Eiparasitoide. Aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung fĂŒr die biologische BekĂ€mpfung werden sie in zahlreichen LĂ€ndern kommerziell produziert WAJNBERG & HASSAN 1994). Eine Voraussetzung fĂŒr die erfolgreiche Praxisanwendung ist die Identifikation der Arten. Die Artbestimmung ist aufgrund der geringen KörpergrĂ¶ĂŸe von etwa 0,3 mm und der geringen VariabilitĂ€t morphologischer Merkmale schwierig (PINTO et al. 1989). Schon seit Beginn der Erforschung der Taxonomie der Gattung herrschen Unsicherheit und wiedersprĂŒchliche Auffassungen, so wurden z. B. indische Populationen von T. australicum Girault ĂŒber einen Zeitraum von etwa 50 Jahren als T. minutum Riley oder T. evanescens Westwood bestimmt, obwohl diese Art eine bedeutende Rolle fĂŒr die biologische BekĂ€mpfung in der Region hatte (NAGARKATTI & NAGARAJA 1968). Aus Pakistan ist nur eine einzige Art der Gattung Trichogramma bekannt, T. chilonis Ishii, und diese Art wird dort auch produziert und gegen Schadlepidopteren an Zuckerrohr eingesetzt. Da aus den NachbarlĂ€ndern mehrere Trichogramma-Arten bekannt sind (NAGARAJA 1973), wurde in verschiedenen Landesteilen versucht, neue Nachweise zu erlangen.Comprehensive survey of different ecological zones of Pakistan was conducted to explore the fauna of the Trichogramma species by collecting host insect eggs from all types of vegetation including vegetables, fruits, crops, weeds and forest trees. Three species of Trichogramma namely: T. chilonis, T. semblidis, and T. pintoi are recorded. Except T. chilonis all are new record for Pakistan. A key to all known Pakistani species is presented. Crossing experiments between the species resembling most closely are summarised to show their limited genetic compatibility or incompatibility as the case may be. Biological differences are presented between geographical isolated populations of the same species and between different species

    Projektifizierung durch EU-Förderung: Konturen und TÀtigkeitsbereiche der EU-Projektwelt

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    Dieser Beitrag nimmt die Durchsetzung und die Verbreitung der »Projektlogik« in der EU-Förderpolitik in den Blick und skizziert die vielfÀltigen Arbeits- und TÀtigkeitsbereiche, die in den vergangenen Jahren rund um die EU-Förderpolitik entstanden sind. Ausgehend von der Diskussion um einen generellen Trend zur "Projektifizierung" von Arbeit und Leben in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft werden zunÀchst die grundlegenden Merkmale der Projektorganisation und die Etablierung des Projektmanagements als Managementmodell dargestellt. Daraufhin werden die wichtigsten Prinzipien, Praktiken und TÀtigkeitsbereiche der Projektwelt der EU-Förderpolitik sowie einige Merkmale der »Professionalisierung« des EU-Projektmanagements skizziert. Dabei soll deutlich werden, wie stark die Logik des Projektmanagements die Umsetzung der EU-Förderpolitik heute durchdringt und inwiefern davon vor allem solche Akteur/-innen profitieren, die die Spielregeln der Projektwelt der EU-Förderung beherrschen und geschickt anzuwenden wissen.

    Spatial effects on competition between the larval parasitoids Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Venturia canescens (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) parasitising the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    Die Larvalparasitoide Venturia canescens (Gravenhorst) und Habrobracon hebetor (Say) sind Parasitoide der Mehlmotte Ephestia kuehniella, der Dörrobstmotte Plodia interpunctella und der Tropischen Speichermotte E. cautella. H. hebetor ist ein idiobionter, gregĂ€rer Ektoparasitoid, d.h. die Wirtslarve wird vor der Eiablage paralysiert und mehrere Nachkommen entwickeln sich an einem Wirtstier (Hase, 1922). V. canescens ist ein koinobionter, solitĂ€rer Endoparasitoid, d.h. die Wirtslarve wird vor der Eiablage nicht paralysiert und nur ein Nachkomme entwickelt sich in einem Wirtstier, welches erst kurz vor der Verpuppung eingeht (1937). Press & al. (1977) zeigten in Versuchen in kleinen VersuchsgefĂ€ĂŸen, dass V. canescens vollstĂ€ndig von H. hebetor unterdrĂŒckt wurde. Da bereits von V. parasitierte Larven von H.paralysiert und anschließend parasitiert wurden, konnte sich der Nachwuchs von V.nicht entwickeln. V.ihrerseits war nicht in der Lage, bereits von H.paralysierte Larven zu parasitieren. Press & al. (1977) schlussfolgerten daraus, dass V. canescens bei einer massenweisen Freilassung von H. hebetor zur biologischen BekĂ€mpfung unter Praxisbedingungen verdrĂ€ngt werden wĂŒrde. Dennoch treten beide Parasitoide in MĂŒhlen, BĂ€ckereien und LagerhĂ€usern in Mitteleuropa auch bei einem Einsatz von H. hebetor zur biologischen BekĂ€mpfung gemeinsam auf (Prozell & Schoeller, 1998; Lukas, 2002, Prozell & unveröffentl. Daten). Eine mögliche ErklĂ€rung könnte die bessere WirtsfindungsfĂ€higkeit von V. canescens in grĂ¶ĂŸeren RĂ€umen sein. Das Wirtsfindungsvermögen beider Arten wurde bereits in einigen Arbeiten behandelt (Parra & Al., 1996; Desouhant & 2005), jedoch wurden die Auswirkungen auf die Konkurrenz dabei nicht betrachtet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die rĂ€umliche Konkurrenz zwischen H. hebetor und V. canescens in RĂ€umen mit zunehmendem Volumen zu untersuchen.The Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a suitable host for the hymenopteran parasitoids Habrobracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). These two larval parasitoids differ in the following biological traits: H. hebetor is an idiobiontic, gregarious ectoparasitoid, and V. canescens is a koinobiontic, solitary endoparasitoid. Previous laboratory data obtained in small-scale experiments (Petri-dish) showed that moth larvae parasitised by V. canescens were paralysed by H. hebetor, i.e. the latter parasitoid out-competed V. canescens completely. However, field observations in Central European bakeries and mills showed that both species occur simultaneously. Moreover, V. canescens seems to be more common than H. hebetor in these stored-product environments harbouring populations of E. kuehniella. These observations led to the hypothesis that spatial scale affects the competition between the two parasitoids. Keeping the host-parasitoids ratios constant, experimental chambers with three different volumes were tested, with a maximum volume of 8m3. Hosts were exposed in four patches per room. In trials conducted in small boxes, the increase of parasitism by increasing numbers of female H. hebetor was confirmed. It was shown that the presence of V. canescens did not affect parasitism by H. hebetor under these conditions. With increasing numbers of female H. hebetor in the box, the numbers of emerging adult E. kuehniella decreased. The additional presence of V. canescens drastically reduced the numbers of E. kuehniella emerging in all trials. Spatial effects on competition were detected by comparison of experimental boxes and cages with different volumes. With increasing volume, the percentage of V. canescens emerging was constant, and the number of H. hebetor progeny was decreasing. Patch exploitation was decreasing in H. hebetor with increasing volume, but not in V. canescens. The data suggest that V. canescens is more competitive in large rooms where H. hebetor fails to completely find and exploit host patches
