251 research outputs found

    Obscuring Supersoft X-ray Sources in Stellar Winds

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    We investigate the possibility of obscuring supersoft X-ray sources in the winds of companion stars. We derive limits on the amount of circumstellar material needed to fully obscure a 'canonical' supersoft X-ray source in the Large Magellanic Cloud, as observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory.Comment: Conference proceedings for IAU Symposium no. 281 "Binary Paths to Type Ia Supernova Explosions", 5-10 July 2011, Padova, Ital

    Nanoparticles and nanoimaging for organic solar cells

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    Injuriesagen mod Grundtvig 1825-1826

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    The Libel Case against Grundtvig 1825-26By Grete BøjeIn his search for a powerful argument against the rationalist understanding of Christianity Grundtvig underwent a long and complex cognitive process at the beginning of the 1820s; in July 1825 he came to the conclusion that the foundation of Christianity is the Apostles’ Creed.In mid-August 1825 Grundtvig, as a subscriber to the book, received a copy of H. N. Clausen’s The Church Constitution, Teaching and Ritual of Catholicism and Protestantism. Grundtvig saw the publication of this book of dogmatics as an admirable opportunity to promote his new understanding of Christianity and its foundations, and he therefore wrote The Church's Retort to the Professor of Theology, Dr. H. N. Clausen, in which he questioned the rationalist approach to Christianity and accused Clausen, among other things, of being a false teacher, claiming that the content of Clausen’s dogmatics was at odds with the constitution of the Danish State Church and its symbolical books.The Church's Retort was published only two days after Clausen’s book was advertised for sale, and it provoked a stormy debate, largely characterized by righteous indignation and scandal. Grundtvig could find noone to debate the serious theological and legal problems he had raised; Clausen was totally disinterested in any form of discussion of the case, and instead summonsed Grundtvig for libel.Grundtvig complained to the King about the summons, regarding his action as no more than the fulfilment of his clerical duties. But his complaint was rejected by the Chancellery and referred to the court’s jurisdiction.At Whitsun 1826 the Church was to celebrate its 1000-year anniversary in Denmark, and in March of that year a royal decree was published allowing the clergy the freedom to choose their own hymns for the anniversary services, provided O Mighty God, we sing Thy Praise (O, Store Gud, Vi love dig) was sung.Grundtvig understood the decree to mean that in their free choice of hymns the clergy were not even bound to the authorized hymnbook. He therefore wrote four hymns of celebration and had them printed in time for the anniversary service. However, the archdeacon at the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen informed him that he was to stick to the authorized hymnbook. When Grundtvig wrote to the archdeacon to query this interpretation of the decree, the archdeacon reported him through Bishop Münter to the Chancellery, who in a further notice directed the clergy to stick to the authorized hymnbook.The King had had the palace chapel restored for the occasion, and Grundtvig had therefore written some poems in honour of the King. The week before the Whitsun festival Grundtvig sought an audience with the King to present the poems to him; during the audience it became clear to Grundtvig that the King regarded him as a libeller.All these factors, together with further threats regarding the libel case, resulted in Grundtvig feeling it necessary to offer his resignation. This was granted him - honourably - at the end of May. He then tried to discontinue the action through a private agreement with Clausen but was turned down flat. His next attempt was to use his resignation as an argument for not being judged for an action performed in the course of his clerical duties, from which he had now resigned. Grundtvig also maintained that by resigning he had voluntarily accepted a punishment for a possible offence. Both these arguments were rejected by Clausen and by the court.Meanwhile A. S. Ørsted published a series of articles in a legal journal on the degree to which the Danish State Church constitution needed changing, and as ill-luck would have it he took Clausen’s side in the libel case, a fact which Clausen naturally made use of in his address to the court. It goes without saying that Grundtvig was angered by this untimely vote against him, presented as it was by such a legal expert as Ørsted. In response Grundtvig wrote Important Questions for Denmark’s Jurists, condemning Ørsted’s reprehensible action and appealing yet again to the King to have the case stopped, but in vain.At the end of October Grundtvig was convicted of libel on the Royal Ordinance of September 27th 1799 concerning the limits to the freedom of the press; he was fined and sentenced to lifelong censorship. However, this was raised in December 1837

    Arbejds- og ledelsesforhold i ny-økonomiske virksomheder

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    Organisations- og ledelsesformerne er studeret i 5 "ny-økonomiske" virksomheder, der formodes at illustrere fremtidens organisationsformer. Virksomhederne er udvalgt, fordi de er præget af relativt højt tempo og tidskrav, fleksibel organisation og selvledelse, en sammenglidning mellem ude og inde, højtuddannede unge medarbejdere og viden som produktionsfaktor. I praksis viser det sig, at der er højt tempo - og en noget kaotisk dagligdag, og at de fungerer i et miljø med meget viden - men med endnu mere uvidenhed. Fleksibiliteten, selvledelsen og sammenglidningen mellem ude og inde er nok større end i "normale" industrivirksomheder, men den er absolut set begrænset. Årsagerne til denne kun "moderate revolution" af organisationsformerne diskuteres: Er det fordi klassisk organisation og social nærkontakt er nødvendig i den nye økonomi, eller er det manglende fantasi og tryghedsbehov? Begge muligheder holdes åbne. Endelig drøftes, om udviklingen er på vej til at realisere en utopi eller dystopi om fremtidens arbejdsplads. Væsentlige dystopiske træk fremhæves

    Mere moralisering end analyse i et biased kampskrift for DR

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    Denne artikel analyserer en bog om Danmarks Radio skrevet af Christian S. Nissen, tidligere generaldirektør for DR. Han argumenterer for, at danske politikere i deres styring af DR ikke har magtet at modvirke truslerne fra internationale medier som YouTube og Netflix, som ifølge ham vinder frem med unfair metoder. Dette mener han vil svække dansk sammenhold og kultur. I artiklen her argumenteres for, at hans bog er et biased partsindlæg for det gamle DR, som ikke selv har formået at komme ind i en ny medieverden. Selvom Nissen præsenterer sig som tidligere forsker og henviser til forskning, er hans brug heraf overfladisk eller forkert

    En skoleleder skal også ud med skrald og tørre bordene af: Skoleledelse mellem profan hverdagspraksis, magisk management og religiøst lederskab

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    This article describes how school leadership, as a response to omnipresent hopes and expectations, seems to be shrouded by mystery and new forms of secular religion. This results in new divisions of labour – between a profane, everyday praxis, a kind of magic management, and divine leadership. The article is theoretically informed by the social anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski, and it is based on empirical data from a project on qualification of school leadership in the Danish Folkeskole (primary and lower secondary school).&nbsp

    Homo pædagogicus: – eller hvordan man kan komme på litteraturlisten i pædagoguddannelsen

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    Med afsæt i empirisk materiale fra EVA’s (2021) undersøgelse af vidensgrundlag og fagligt niveau i litteraturen på pædagoguddannelsen foretages i denne artikel en Bourdieu-inspireret analyse af det, der kaldes pædagogers akademiske rum. Formålet er at fremanalysere doxa og herunder de regulariteter, som udvælgelsen af litteratur synes at ske igennem. Disse regulariteter sammendrages i figuren homo pædagogicus, hvis fremkomst diskuteres i sammenhæng med professionshøjskolernes interesser på området – og universiteternes tilsyneladende mangel på samme. Homo pædagogicus bestemmes som lærebogspræget og konsumptionsorienteret, aktuel og reformmærket, i tæt kontakt med store forlag, understøttet af BUPL eller af politiske aktører og diskurser, selvreferentiel, kollegial og indstillet på kendte navne, professionsvenlig, pædagogisk progressiv, drevet og skrevet af professionshøjskolernes egne undervisere/forskere

    Tæt-koblede rum i løst-koblede organisationer er måden at lede faglige folk på

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    Begrebet løst-koblet organisation henviser til organisationer, hvor mål, viden og handlinger ikke altid hænger sammen. Det antages, at være en organisatorisk normaltilstand. Undersøgelser på Det Kongelige Teater har imidlertid peget på, at der her findes endog meget tæt-koblede, faglige rum i den i øvrigt løst-koblede organisation. Det er f.eks. prøveforløbene og opførelsesforløbene. De svarer til f.eks. operationsstuen og flycockpittet i andre verdener. Disse steder hersker der ret klare faglige mål, og der er en stor del fælles viden, fordi det er nærtbeslægtede fagfolk, der befolker rummet. I rummet lægges der vægt på kvalitet og kvalitetsforskelle, men faglig leg findes også i rummet. Rummet er lukket og ”privat.” Artiklen opregner en række positive funktioner ved disse træk. Der er tre grundlæggende ledelsesopgaver i forbindelse med de tæt-koblede, faglige rum: 1) Oprette dem, hvor de mangler, 2) beskytte dem, der eksisterer, mod erodering, herunder at regulere grænserne mellem rummene og omverdenen og 3) nedlægge forældede tætkoblede, faglige rum

    Terence J. Johnson

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