9 research outputs found
Characteristics of household energy consumption in the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war - a case study from Hungary
This study aims to identify the factors affecting household energy consumption by applying spatial econometric models. Our findings suggest that sharp energy price growth is followed by significant reductions in household energy consumption, but it is difficult to distinguish specific consumer groups. Weather conditions are of particular importance (compared to the EU average). The results highlight two things: a) the problem of obsolete housing stock and the need for energy efficiency improvements and b) low energy awareness of households, especially before the energy crisis. Furthermore, hotspots with higher per capita gas consumption are also identified in Hungary. The geographical dimension is crucial, and it is not possible to make general decisions on energy efficiency issues. Effective results can be achieved through spatially concentrated interventions
A magyarországi háztartások energiafogyasztásának jellemzői az orosz–ukrán háború árnyékában = Characteristics of Hungarian households’ energy consumption in the shadow of the Russian–Ukrainian war
Az orosz–ukrán háborúnak, számos jelentős társadalmi-gazdasági hatása mellett, meghatározó befolyása van Európa energiaellátására is. Az Európai Unió (EU) energiaimport-függősége jelentős, ami az utóbbi másfél évben magas energiabeszerzési árakkal párosult, így szükségessé válik az egész eddigi energiapolitikája fenntarthatóságának újragondolása. A tanulmány előbb rövid áttekintést ad az Európai Unió jelenlegi energiahelyzetéről és az uniós háztartások energiafelhasználásáról, bemutatja Magyarország energiaportfólióját, majd nemzetközi példák segítségével igyekszik képet adni a háztartási földgázfogyasztást befolyásoló tényezőkről, térökonometriai modellek segítségével, végezetül a legfrissebb magyar adatok alapján elemzi a villamos energia és a földgáz fogyasztásának jelenlegi trendjeit. Megállapításaink szerint a drasztikus energiaár-emelkedéseket jelentős fogyasztáscsökkenés fogja követni, azonban ebben a folyamatban nehéz jellegzetes fogyasztói csoportokat elkülöníteni. A földrajzi dimenziónak viszont meghatározó szerepe van az energiafogyasztásban, nem lehet univerzális döntéseket hozni az energiahatékonysági kérdésekben. Térben koncentrált beavatkozásokkal és az energiatudatosság fokozásával lehet hatékony eredményeket elérni az energiafogyasztás csökkentése területén. = In addition to many significant socio-economic effects of the Russian–Ukrainian war, it also has a decisive influence on Europe's energy supply. The European Union's (EU) dependence on energy imports is significant, which has been coupled with high energy purchase prices in the last year and a half, so it becomes necessary to reconsider the sustainability of its entire energy policy. The study provides a brief overview of the current energy situation in the European Union and the energy consumption of EU households, then presents Hungary's energy portfolio, and with the help of international examples, it tries to give an idea of the factors influencing household natural gas consumption, with the help of spatial econometric models. Finally, based on the latest Hungarian data, it analyzes the current trends in the consumption of electricity and natural gas. According to our findings, drastic energy price increases will be followed by a significant decrease in consumption, but in this process it is difficult to isolate typical consumer groups. The geographical dimension, on the other hand, has a decisive role in energy consumption, it is not possible to make universal decisions on energy efficiency issues. Effective results can be achieved in the area of reducing energy consumption with spatially concentrated interventions and increasing energy awareness
Social Futuring Index. Concept, Methodology and Full Report 2020
This study aims to summarize in its Part I the concept of Social Futuring (SF) and the applied methodology of the compilation of the Social Futuring Index (SFI). In Part II the 2020 SFI rankings of OECD countries are presented.
In the first part of this volume we outline the foundations and the basic
logic of the SFI focusing on its main elements: the normative standards,
the pillars, the dimensions and the indicators. We also summarize the
methodology used to compile the SFI.
In the second part, the detailed SFI Report 2020 is presented starting
with OECD countries’ overall SFI rankings, followed by country
rankings for each SFI normative standard as well as various country
groupings. Thereafter, every OECD country’s SFI profiles are detailed
and the OECD countries’ SFI clusters are outlined
Social Futuring Index. Concept, Methodology and Report 2020
This study aims to summarize in its Part I the concept of Social Futuring (SF) and the applied methodology of the compilation of the Social Futuring Index (SFI). In Part II the 2020 SFI rankings of OECD countries are presented
Characteristics of Private Farms and Family Farm Labour in Hungary by Settlement Size
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) conducted a general agricultural census (ÁMÖ) in 2010, where enterprises and households performing agricultural activity were surveyed. According to the preliminary results, the number of private farms fell significantly in the last ten years. The present study concentrates on these farms and their labour force, drawing attention to a specific factor, the settlement size and the characteristics related to it. The total population, the agricultural labour force as well as the private farms are not evenly distributed in Hungary by settlement size, specific disparities can be seen in this respect. The study aims to demonstrate not only these differences, but also several other specialities, for instance, the changing role of agricultural activity, the education level and age of the farm labour force on the basis of ÁMÖ 2000 and 2010 databases
Gut microbiome composition: link between sports performance and protein absorption?
ABSTRACTBackground Sufficient protein intake is essential for adequate physical condition and athletic performance. However, numerous factors can influence the absorption of consumed protein, including timing, type of protein intake, and gut microbiota. In the present study, elite male water polo players consumed a plant-based, vegan protein supplement with (n = 10) or without (n = 10) pre- and probiotics daily during the 31-day study period.Methods We determined the anthropometric characteristics and body composition, dietary habits, gut microbiota composition, and blood parameters of the players at the beginning and at the end of the study. Body composition parameters were analyzed using the InBody 970 bioimpedance analyzer. Gut microbiome composition was determined from stool samples by metagenome sequencing. Paired and unpaired t-tests were used to determine differences between body composition and blood parameters within the groups and between the two groups at the two different sampling times. The Wilcoxon test was used to determine the change in bacterial composition during the study. Correlations between changes in body composition, blood parameters, and taxonomic groups were analyzed using a linear correlation calculation.Results Skeletal muscle mass (p < 0.001), body cell mass (p = 0.002), arm circumference (p = 0.003), and protein mass (p < 0.001) increased, while body fat mass (p = 0.004) decreased significantly in the intervention group which consumed pre- and probiotics in addition to protein supplement. Activated acetate (reductive TCA cycle I) and propionate (pyruvate fermentation to propanoate I) pathways correlated positively with increased skeletal muscle mass (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05), and the relative abundance of butyrate-producing species showed a significant positive correlation with changes in body fat mass in the intervention group (p < 0.05). These correlations were not observed in the control group without the intake of pre- and probiotics.Conclusions The composition of the gut microbiota may influence protein absorption and therefore body composition and consequently physical condition and sports performance