129 research outputs found

    Universal first-passage statistics of aging processes

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    Many out of equilibrium phenomena, such as diffusion-limited reactions or target search processes, are controlled by first-passage events. So far the general determination of the mean first-passage time (FPT) to a target in confinement has left aside aging processes, involved in contexts as varied as glassy dynamics, tracer diffusion in biological membranes or transport of cold atoms in optical lattices. Here we consider general non-Markovian scale-invariant processes in arbitrary dimension, displaying aging, and demonstrate that all the moments of the FPT obey universal scalings with the confining volume with non trivial exponents. Our analysis shows that a nonlinear scaling of the mean FPT with the volume is the hallmark of aging and provides a general tool to quantify its impact on first-passage kinetics in confinement

    Averaged residence times of stochastic motions in bounded domains

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    Two years ago, Blanco and Fournier (Blanco S. and Fournier R., Europhys. Lett. 2003) calculated the mean first exit time of a domain of a particle undergoing a randomly reoriented ballistic motion which starts from the boundary. They showed that it is simply related to the ratio of the volume's domain over its surface. This work was extended by Mazzolo (Mazzolo A., Europhys. Lett. 2004) who studied the case of trajectories which start inside the volume. In this letter, we propose an alternative formulation of the problem which allows us to calculate not only the mean exit time, but also the mean residence time inside a sub-domain. The cases of any combinations of reflecting and absorbing boundary conditions are considered. Lastly, we generalize our results for a wide class of stochastic motions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Mean first-passage times of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement

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    The first-passage time (FPT), defined as the time a random walker takes to reach a target point in a confining domain, is a key quantity in the theory of stochastic processes. Its importance comes from its crucial role to quantify the efficiency of processes as varied as diffusion-limited reactions, target search processes or spreading of diseases. Most methods to determine the FPT properties in confined domains have been limited to Markovian (memoryless) processes. However, as soon as the random walker interacts with its environment, memory effects can not be neglected. Examples of non Markovian dynamics include single-file diffusion in narrow channels or the motion of a tracer particle either attached to a polymeric chain or diffusing in simple or complex fluids such as nematics \cite{turiv2013effect}, dense soft colloids or viscoelastic solution. Here, we introduce an analytical approach to calculate, in the limit of a large confining volume, the mean FPT of a Gaussian non-Markovian random walker to a target point. The non-Markovian features of the dynamics are encompassed by determining the statistical properties of the trajectory of the random walker in the future of the first-passage event, which are shown to govern the FPT kinetics.This analysis is applicable to a broad range of stochastic processes, possibly correlated at long-times. Our theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for several examples of non-Markovian processes including the emblematic case of the Fractional Brownian Motion in one or higher dimensions. These results show, on the basis of Gaussian processes, the importance of memory effects in first-passage statistics of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement.Comment: Submitted version. Supplementary Information can be found on the Nature website : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v534/n7607/full/nature18272.htm

    First exit times and residence times for discrete random walks on finite lattices

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    In this paper, we derive explicit formulas for the surface averaged first exit time of a discrete random walk on a finite lattice. We consider a wide class of random walks and lattices, including random walks in a non-trivial potential landscape. We also compute quantities of interest for modelling surface reactions and other dynamic processes, such as the residence time in a subvolume, the joint residence time of several particles and the number of hits on a reflecting surface.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Survival probability of stochastic processes beyond persistence exponents

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    For many stochastic processes, the probability S(t)S(t) of not-having reached a target in unbounded space up to time tt follows a slow algebraic decay at long times, S(t)S0/tθS(t)\sim S_0/t^\theta. This is typically the case of symmetric compact (i.e. recurrent) random walks. While the persistence exponent θ\theta has been studied at length, the prefactor S0S_0, which is quantitatively essential, remains poorly characterized, especially for non-Markovian processes. Here we derive explicit expressions for S0S_0 for a compact random walk in unbounded space by establishing an analytic relation with the mean first-passage time of the same random walk in a large confining volume. Our analytical results for S0S_0 are in good agreement with numerical simulations, even for strongly correlated processes such as Fractional Brownian Motion, and thus provide a refined understanding of the statistics of longest first-passage events in unbounded space

    Windings of the 2D free Rouse chain

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    We study long time dynamical properties of a chain of harmonically bound Brownian particles. This chain is allowed to wander everywhere in the plane. We show that the scaling variables for the occupation times T_j, areas A_j and winding angles \theta_j (j=1,...,n labels the particles) take the same general form as in the usual Brownian motion. We also compute the asymptotic joint laws P({T_j}), P({A_j}), P({\theta_j}) and discuss the correlations occuring in those distributions.Comment: Latex, 17 pages, submitted to J. Phys.

    Discrete Feynman-Kac formulas for branching random walks

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    Branching random walks are key to the description of several physical and biological systems, such as neutron multiplication, genetics and population dynamics. For a broad class of such processes, in this Letter we derive the discrete Feynman-Kac equations for the probability and the moments of the number of visits nVn_V of the walker to a given region VV in the phase space. Feynman-Kac formulas for the residence times of Markovian processes are recovered in the diffusion limit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Force-velocity relation and density profiles for biased diffusion in an adsorbed monolayer

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    In this paper, which completes our earlier short publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 511 (2000)], we study dynamics of a hard-core tracer particle (TP) performing a biased random walk in an adsorbed monolayer, composed of mobile hard-core particles undergoing continuous exchanges with a vapor phase. In terms of an approximate approach, based on the decoupling of the third-order correlation functions, we obtain the density profiles of the monolayer particles around the TP and derive the force-velocity relation, determining the TP terminal velocity, V_{tr}, as the function of the magnitude of external bias and other system's parameters. Asymptotic forms of the monolayer particles density profiles at large separations from the TP, and behavior of V_{tr} in the limit of small external bias are found explicitly.Comment: Latex, 31 pages, 3 figure

    Exit and Occupation times for Brownian Motion on Graphs with General Drift and Diffusion Constant

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    We consider a particle diffusing along the links of a general graph possessing some absorbing vertices. The particle, with a spatially-dependent diffusion constant D(x) is subjected to a drift U(x) that is defined in every point of each link. We establish the boundary conditions to be used at the vertices and we derive general expressions for the average time spent on a part of the graph before absorption and, also, for the Laplace transform of the joint law of the occupation times. Exit times distributions and splitting probabilities are also studied and several examples are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys.