1 research outputs found

    The stigma against tuberculosis in students of the faculty of medicine of a public university, 2017

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    Introducci贸n. La tuberculosis es un problema de salud p煤blica en nuestro pa铆s. Los pacientes afectados tardan en acceder a los servicios de salud entre otros factores por el estigma y discriminaci贸n social que se tiene de esta enfermedad en la poblaci贸n. Adem谩s, el estigma tiene impacto en la relaci贸n social y familiar de los pacientes afectados. El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar el estigma en estudiantes de la facultad de medicina de una universidad p煤blica. M茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se aplic贸 un cuestionario previamente validado a estudiantes de los tres primeros a帽os de la facultad de medicina, con la finalidad de cuantificar el estigma a la tuberculosis. Resultados. Se aplic贸 el cuestionario a 505 estudiantes de la facultad de medicina. El 39% de la poblaci贸n estudiantil mostr贸 un moderado y gran estigma frente a las personas afectadas por tuberculosis; asimismo, el 38% mostr贸 un leve estigma y 23% no present贸 estigma frente a esta enfermedad. Conclusiones. Existe moderado y gran estigma en 39% de los estudiantes de la facultad de medicina estudiados.Introduction. Tuberculosis is a public health problem in our country. Affected patients are slow to access health services, among other factors due to the stigma and social discrimination that this disease has in the population. In addition, stigma has an impact on the social and family relationship of affected patients. The objective of the present study was to quantify the stigma in students of the faculty of medicine of a public university. Methods. An observational, descriptive and transversal study was carried out. A previously validated questionnaire was applied to students of the first three years of medical school, in order to quantify the stigma of tuberculosis. Results. The questionnaire was applied to 505 students of the medical school. 39% of the student population showed a moderate and great stigma in front of the people affected by tuberculosis; likewise, 38% showed a slight stigma and 23% did not present stigma against this disease. Conclusions. There is moderate and great stigma in 39% of the students of the medical school studied