283 research outputs found

    Observation of quantum spin noise in a 1D light-atoms quantum interface

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    We observe collective quantum spin states of an ensemble of atoms in a one-dimensional light-atom interface. Strings of hundreds of cesium atoms trapped in the evanescent fiel of a tapered nanofiber are prepared in a coherent spin state, a superposition of the two clock states. A weak quantum nondemolition measurement of one projection of the collective spin is performed using a detuned probe dispersively coupled to the collective atomic observable, followed by a strong destructive measurement of the same spin projection. For the coherent spin state we achieve the value of the quantum projection noise 40 dB above the detection noise, well above the 3 dB required for reconstruction of the negative Wigner function of nonclassical states. We analyze the effects of strong spatial inhomogeneity inherent to atoms trapped and probed by the evanescent waves. We furthermore study temporal dynamics of quantum fluctuations relevant for measurement-induced spin squeezing and assess the impact of thermal atomic motion. This work paves the road towards observation of spin squeezed and entangled states and many-body interactions in 1D spin ensembles

    Generation and detection of a sub-Poissonian atom number distribution in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We demonstrate preparation and detection of an atom number distribution in a one-dimensional atomic lattice with the variance −14-14 dB below the Poissonian noise level. A mesoscopic ensemble containing a few thousand atoms is trapped in the evanescent field of a nanofiber. The atom number is measured through dual-color homodyne interferometry with a pW-power shot noise limited probe. Strong coupling of the evanescent probe guided by the nanofiber allows for a real-time measurement with a precision of ±8\pm 8 atoms on an ensemble of some 10310^3 atoms in a one-dimensional trap. The method is very well suited for generating collective atomic entangled or spin-squeezed states via a quantum non-demolition measurement as well as for tomography of exotic atomic states in a one-dimensional lattice

    Coupling of Light and Mechanics in a Photonic Crystal Waveguide

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    Observations of thermally driven transverse vibration of a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) are reported. The PCW consists of two parallel nanobeams with a 240 nm vacuum gap between the beams. Models are developed and validated for the transduction of beam motion to phase and amplitude modulation of a weak optical probe propagating in a guided mode (GM) of the PCW for probe frequencies far from and near to the dielectric band edge. Since our PCW has been designed for near-field atom trapping, this research provides a foundation for evaluating possible deleterious effects of thermal motion on optical atomic traps near the surfaces of PCWs. Longer term goals are to achieve strong atom-mediated links between individual phonons of vibration and single photons propagating in the GMs of the PCW, thereby enabling opto-mechanics at the quantum level with atoms, photons, and phonons. The experiments and models reported here provide a basis for assessing such goals, including sensing mechanical motion at the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL).Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Reduced volume and reflection for bright optical tweezers with radial Laguerre–Gauss beams

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    Spatially structured light has opened a wide range of opportunities for enhanced imaging as well as optical manipulation and particle confinement. Here, we show that phase-coherent illumination with superpositions of radial Laguerre–Gauss (LG) beams provides improved localization for bright optical tweezer traps, with narrowed radial and axial intensity distributions. Further, the Gouy phase shifts for sums of tightly focused radial LG fields can be exploited for phase-contrast strategies at the wavelength scale. One example developed here is the suppression of interference fringes from reflection near nanodielectric surfaces, with the promise of improved cold-atom delivery and manipulation

    Reduced volume and reflection for bright optical tweezers with radial Laguerre–Gauss beams

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    Spatially structured light has opened a wide range of opportunities for enhanced imaging as well as optical manipulation and particle confinement. Here, we show that phase-coherent illumination with superpositions of radial Laguerre–Gauss (LG) beams provides improved localization for bright optical tweezer traps, with narrowed radial and axial intensity distributions. Further, the Gouy phase shifts for sums of tightly focused radial LG fields can be exploited for phase-contrast strategies at the wavelength scale. One example developed here is the suppression of interference fringes from reflection near nanodielectric surfaces, with the promise of improved cold-atom delivery and manipulation

    An advanced apparatus for the integration of nanophotonics and cold atoms

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    We combine nanophotonics and cold atom research in a new apparatus enabling the delivery of single-atom tweezer arrays in the vicinity of photonic crystal waveguides

    The integration of photonic crystal waveguides with atom arrays in optical tweezers

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    Integrating nanophotonics and cold atoms has drawn increasing interest in recent years due to diverse applications in quantum information science and the exploration of quantum many-body physics. For example, dispersion-engineered photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) permit not only stable trapping and probing of ultracold neutral atoms via interactions with guided-mode light, but also the possibility to explore the physics of strong, photon-mediated interactions between atoms, as well as atom-mediated interactions between photons. While diverse theoretical opportunities involving atoms and photons in 1-D and 2-D nanophotonic lattices have been analyzed, a grand challenge remains the experimental integration of PCWs with ultracold atoms. Here we describe an advanced apparatus that overcomes several significant barriers to current experimental progress with the goal of achieving strong quantum interactions of light and matter by way of single-atom tweezer arrays strongly coupled to photons in 1-D and 2-D PCWs. Principal technical advances relate to efficient free-space coupling of light to and from guided modes of PCWs, silicate bonding of silicon chips within small glass vacuum cells, and deterministic, mechanical delivery of single-atom tweezer arrays to the near fields of photonic crystal waveguides
