219 research outputs found

    Selective memory retrieval can revive forgotten memories

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    Humans remember less and less of what was encoded as moreand more time passes. Selective retrieval can interrupt such time-dependent forgetting, enhancing recall not only of the retrievedbut also of the nonretrieved information. The recall enhancementhas been attributed to context retrieval and the idea that selective retrieval reactivates the retrieved item’s temporal context during study, which can facilitate recall of other items that had a similar context at study. However, it is unclear whether context retrieval induces a transient discontinuity in the stream of temporal contextonly, or a more permanent updating of context that would entaila lasting interruption of time-dependent forgetting. In three experiments, we analyzed time-dependent forgetting of encoded information right after study and after time-lagged selectiveretrieval. Selective retrieval boosted recall of the nonretrieved information up to the levels observed directly after study. Intriguingly, it also created a restart of time-dependent forgetting that made forgetting after retrieval indistinguishable from forgetting after study and thus induced a reset of the recall process. The results suggest that selective retrieval can revive forgotten memories and cause lasting recall enhancement, effects likely mediated by context retrieval and a permanent updating of temporal context

    The Mechanisms Underlying Interference and Inhibition: A Review of Current Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research

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    The memory literature has identified interference and inhibition as two major sources of forgetting. While interference is generally considered to be a passive cause of forgetting arising from exposure to additional information that impedes subsequent recall of target information, inhibition concerns a more active and goal-directed cause of forgetting that can be achieved intentionally. Over the past 25 years, our knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying both interference-induced and inhibition-induced forgetting has expanded substantially. The present paper gives a critical overview of this research, pointing out empirical gaps in the current work and providing suggestions for future studies

    Selective restudy can reset recall of forgotten information

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    Recall of studied material is typically impaired as time between study and test increases. Selective restudy can interrupt such time-dependent forgetting by enhancing recall not only of the restudied but also of the not restudied material. In two experiments, we examined whether this interruption of time-dependent forgetting reflects a transient or more lasting effect on recall performance. We analyzed time-dependent forgetting of studied items right after study and after time-lagged selective restudy. Restudy boosted recall of the not restudied items up to the levels observed directly after study and created a restart of time-dependent forgetting from this enhanced recall level. Critically, the forgetting after restudy was indistinguishable from the forgetting after study, suggesting that restudy induced a reset of recall for the not restudied items. The results are consistent with the idea that restudy reactivates the temporal context during study, thus facilitating recall of the not restudied items. In particular, the findings suggest that such context updating reflects a lasting effect that entails a restart of the original time-dependent forgetting. Results are discussed with respect to recent, similar findings on effects of time-lagged selective retrieval

    Brief wakeful resting can eliminate directed forgetting

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    When cued to intentionally forget previously encoded memories, participants typically show reduced recall of the memories on a later recall test. We examined how such directed forgetting is affected by a brief period of wakeful resting between encoding and test. Encoding was followed by a passive wakeful resting period in which subjects heard emotionally neutral music or perceived neutral pictures, or it was followed by an active distraction period in which subjects were engaged in counting or calculation tasks. Whereas typical directed forgetting was present after active distraction, the forgetting was absent after wakeful resting. The findings indicate that the degree to which people can intentionally forget memories is influenced by the cognitive activity that people engage in shortly after learning takes place. The results provide first evidence on the interplay between wakeful resting and intentional forgetting

    Self-paced part-list cuing

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    Ironically, the presentation of a subset of studied material as retrieval cues at test often impairs recall of the remaining (target) material—an effect known as part-list cuing impairment. Part-list cues are typically provided at the beginning of the recall period, a time when nearly all individuals would be able to recall at least some studied items on their own. Across two experiments, we examined the effects of part-list cuing when student participants could decide on their own when the cues were presented during the recall period. Results showed that participants activated the cues relatively late in the recall period, when recall was already close to asymptote. Critically, such delayed cuing no longer impaired recall performance. The detrimental effect of part-list cuing, as it has been demonstrated numerous times in the memory literature, thus seems to depend on presentating the cue items (too) early in the recall period

    To-be-forgotten information shows more relative forgetting over time than to-be-remembered information

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    People can intentionally forget studied material when cued to do so. Corresponding evidence has arisen from studies on item-method directed forgetting, in which participants are asked to forget single items directly upon presentation. We measured memory performance of to-be-remembered (TBR) and to-be-forgotten (TBF) items across retention intervals of up to 1 week and fitted power functions of time to the observed recall (Experiment 1) and recognition (Experiment 2) rates. In both experiments and each retention interval condition, memory performance for the TBR items was higher than for the TBF items, supporting the view that directed forgetting effects are lasting. Recall and recognition rates of both TBR and TBF items were well fit by the power function. However, the relative forgetting rates of the two item types differed, with a higher forgetting rate for the TBF than the TBR items. The findings are consistent with the view that TBR and TBF items differ (mainly) in recruitment of rehearsal processes and resulting memory strength

    The critical importance of timing of retrieval practice for the fate of nonretrieved memories

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    Retrieval practice performed shortly upon the encoding of information benefits recall of the retrieved information but causes forgetting of nonretrieved information. Here, we show that the forgetting effect on the nonretrieved information can quickly evolve into recall enhancement when retrieval practice is delayed. During a time window of twenty minutes upon the encoding of information, the forgetting effect observed shortly after encoding first disappeared and then turned into recall enhancement when the temporal lag between encoding and retrieval practice was prolonged. Strikingly, recall enhancement continued to emerge when retrieval practice was postponed up to one week. The results illustrate a fast transition from the forgetting of nonretrieved information to recall enhancement. This fast transition is of relevance for daily life, in which retrieval is often selective and delayed

    Retrieval-induced forgetting without competition: Testing the retrieval specificity assumption of the inhibition theory

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    According to the inhibition theory of forgetting (Anderson, Journal of Memory and Language 49:415–445, 2003; Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 7:522-530, 2000), retrieval practice on a subset of target items leads to forgetting for the other, nontarget items, due to the fact that these other items interfere during the retrieval process and have to be inhibited in order to resolve the interference. In this account, retrieval-induced forgetting occurs only when competition takes place between target and nontarget items during target item practice, since only in such a case is inhibition of the nontarget items necessary. Strengthening of the target item without active retrieval should not lead to such an impairment. In two experiments, we investigated this assumption by using noncompetitive retrieval during the practice phase. We strengthened the cue–target item association during practice by recall of the category name instead of the target item, and thus eliminated competition between the different item types (as in Anderson et al., Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 7:522-530 2000). In contrast to the expectations of the inhibition theory, retrieval-induced forgetting occurred even without competition, and thus the present study does not support the retrieval specificity assumption

    A (Preliminary) Recipe for Obtaining a Testing Effect in Preschool Children: Two Critical Ingredients

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    The testing effect refers to the finding that retrieval of previously learned information improves retention of that information more than restudy practice does. While there is some evidence that the testing effect can already arise in preschool children when a particular experimental task is employed, it remains unclear whether, for this age group, the effect exists across a wider range of tasks. To examine the issue, the present experiments sought to determine the potential roles of retrieval-practice and final-test formats, and of immediate feedback during retrieval practice for the testing effect in preschoolers. Experiments 1 and 2 showed no testing effect in preschoolers when a free-recall task was applied during the final test, regardless of whether free recall (Experiment 1) or cued recall (Experiment 2) were conducted during retrieval practice. In contrast, if cued-recall tasks were used during both retrieval practice and the final test (Experiment 3), a reliable testing effect arose. Furthermore, the magnitude of the effect was dramatically enhanced when, in addition, immediate feedback was provided during retrieval practice (Experiment 4). The present findings suggest that cued-recall practice and test formats, as well as immediate feedback during practice, are crucial ingredients for obtaining the testing effect in preschoolers

    Oscillatory Correlates of Selective Restudy

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    Prior behavioral work has shown that selective restudy of some studied items leaves recall of the other studied items unaffected when lag between study and restudy is short, but improves recall of the other items when lag is prolonged. The beneficial effect has been attributed to context retrieval, assuming that selective restudy reactivates the context at study and thus provides a retrieval cue for the other items (Bäuml, 2019). Here the results of two experiments are reported, in each of which subjects studied a list of items and then, after a short 2-min or a prolonged 10-min lag, restudied some of the list items. Participants' electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded during both the study and restudy phases. In Experiment 2, but not in Experiment 1, subjects engaged in a mental context reinstatement task immediately before the restudy phase started, trying to mentally reinstate the study context. Results of Experiment 1 revealed a theta/alpha power increase from study to restudy after short lag and an alpha/beta power decrease after long lag. Engagement in the mental context reinstatement task in Experiment 2 eliminated the decrease in alpha/beta power. The results are consistent with the view that the observed alpha/beta decrease reflects context retrieval, which became obsolete when there was preceding mental context reinstatement
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