3 research outputs found

    FenĂȘtres sur la littĂ©rature yĂ©mĂ©nite contemporaine

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    Cinq poĂšmes et trois nouvelles d'auteurs yĂ©mĂ©nites contemporains sont ici traduits en français. De la premiĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ration (Muhammad al-SharafĂź) Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration montante (WajdĂź al-Ahdal), de la satire Ă  l'Ă©criture fĂ©minine, se mĂȘlent les thĂšmes et les formes de cette " jeune " littĂ©rature.A Window on Contemporary Yemeni LiteratureFive poems and three short stories of contemporary Yemeni authors are translated into French. This “young” literature expresses certain themes and forms, from the first generation (Mu℩ammad al-SharafĂź) to the new one (WajdĂź al-Ahdal), from satire to women’s writing

    FenĂȘtres sur la littĂ©rature yĂ©mĂ©nite contemporaine

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    A Window on Contemporary Yemeni LiteratureFive poems and three short stories of contemporary Yemeni authors are translated into French. This “young” literature expresses certain themes and forms, from the first generation (Mu℩ammad al-Sharafü) to the new one (Wajdü al-Ahdal), from satire to women’s writing