66 research outputs found

    Model Pengelolaan Persediaan Darah untuk Palang Merah Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Agent-Based Modelling

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    Darah merupakan produk yang butuh penanganan khusus, terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis komponen dan tipe, dan tergolong ke dalam barang yang mudah rusak. Selain itu terdapat fenomena ketidakpastian dari kebutuhan dan jumlah pendonor. Keunikan dan peran darah yang sangat vital dalam kehidupan menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk mengelola rantai pasok dari darah itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model simulasi pada sistem pengelolaan rantai pasok darah sebagai alat evaluasi dan mengusulkan solusi berupa persediaan darah yang terkoordinasi antar UTD-PMI di Jawa Timur. Model dibangun dengan pendekatan Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation (ABMS) dan terdapat 7 skenario yang dimunculkan. Data sampel yang dihasilkan simulasi dianalisa secara statistik dengan pengujian Bonferroni. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, skenario 7 mampu meurunkan nilai shortage menjadi 27% untuk komponen darah PRC dari sebelumnya 29% dan 31% untuk komponen darah TC dari sebelumnya 32%. ================================================================================================ Blood is a product that needs special handling, consisting of various types of components and category, and classified into perishable product. In addition, there is a phenomenon of uncertainty about the needs and the number of donors. The uniqueness and the vital role of blood in life is a challenge for managing the supply chain of the blood itself. This study aims to develop a simulation model on the blood supply chain management system as an evaluation tool and propose a solution in the form of coordinated blood inventory management between Indonesian Red Cross in East Java. The model was built using the Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation (ABMS) approach and there were 7 scenarios raised. The sample data produced by the simulation were analyzed statistically by Bonferroni test. Based on the simulation results, 7thscenariois able to reduce the shortage value down to 27% for PRC blood components from 29% and 31% for TC blood components from 32% previously

    Consolidating Indonesia’s Fragile Elections Through E-Voting: Lessons Learned from India and the Philippines

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    This research argues that implementing the electronic voting (e-voting) system in Indonesia is urged following the nation's first-ever 2019 simultaneous elections, which cost a deadly price of 527 election official lives of reported extreme fatigue during and after the event. Billed as "the world's most complex election", it has reached a consensus that the current manual election system, in which five different paper-based elections are voted at a time, has to be changed. Not to mention that the long-time gap between the voting day and the result announcement may create an opportunity for election fraud. This is evidenced by loads of electoral dispute lawsuits from the previous election brought to the Constitutional Court of Indonesia accused the others of cheating. This research stresses that despite the controversies of whether Indonesia, an archipelagic country with more than 17 thousand islands and 267 million people, is ready for e-voting.  Whether the application of technology is an appropriate response to the election problems? E-voting is desired as a long-term solution and intends to solve many issues such as speeding the counting of ballots, reducing the cost of elections, providing accessibility for disabled voters, and increasing overall voter turnout

    Internet Shutdown in Indonesia: An Appropriate Response or A Threat to Human Rights?

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of harsh censorship in several parts of the globe, notably Africa and Asia. In some cases, the shutdown may be justified, but in other cases, it is driven by the political interest of the regime. The research evaluates the Internet shutdowns in the post-2019 presidential election in Indonesia and during the social unrest in Papua Island. Using normative legal research, which uses statute, case, and comparative approach concludes that although Internet shutdowns in some situations are tolerable, their usage should be less frequent and more restricted. These explanations must be examined using legality, legitimacy, and proportionality principles to limit official arguments for Internet shutdowns because they infringe on human rights. However, since no enforcement mechanism exists, this is only a formality. The Indonesian government's decision to block Internet access to social media platforms during the 2019 presidential election riots and Papua social unrest is not an appropriate response because the decision violates the principles of declaration, proportionality, necessity, and legality, which must be respected even in an emergency situation. Furthermore, the ruling infringed on the civil rights to information controlled by Article 19 of the ICCPR as adopted by Law Number 12 of 2005. It also harmed several industries, including digital-based commerce. The research proffers alternative Internet policy choices for the government in response to the political escalation and social unrest

    أثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة على األداء التنظيمي في شركات صناعة االلمنيوم األردنية

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    هدف المقال الى دراسة أثر تطبيق ادارة الجودة الشاملة على األداء التنظيمي في قطاع صناعة األلمنيوم األردنية. تم توزيع 140 استبانة على 14 شركة متخصصة في صناعة األلمنيوم لغرض تحقيق هدف الدراسة. تم استرجاع 122 استبانة صالحة للتحليل، حيث تم تحليلها باستخدام برنامج SPSS. وبعد أن تم التأكد من صدق وثبات اداة الدراسة وكذلك وجود عالقة بين المتغيرات، تم استخدام اختبار االنحدار الختبار فرضيات الدراسة. توصلت الدراسة الى النتائج التالية: أن هناك تطبيقا مرتفعا إلدارة الجودة الشاملة واألداء التنظيمي في شركات صناعة االلمنيوم األردنية، وأظهرت النتائج أيضا ان هناك عالقة ً بين عناصر الجودة الشاملة واألداء التنظيمي، كما بّينت نتائج الدراسة أن هناك أثرا للجودة الشاملة في تحقيق األداء ً التنظيمي بشكل عام، حيث كان هناك أثر ذو داللة احصائية لعناصر الجودة الشاملة تكامل الموردين، التركيز على العمالء، والتحسين المستمر، بينما ال يوجد أثر ذو دالله احصائية لاللتزام باإلدارة العليا وتمكين الموظفين على األداء التنظيمي. وفي ضوء النتائج، فقد وصت هذه الدراسة بتطبيق مفهوم ادارة الجودة الشاملة في القطاعات الصناعية األخرى في األردن لما لها من أثر في تحقيق األداء التنظيمي فيها

    Enhancement of Solar PV Hosting Capacity in a Remote Industrial Microgrid: A Methodical Techno-Economic Approach

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    To meet the zero-carbon electricity generation target as part of the sustainable development goals (SDG7), remote industrial microgrids worldwide are considering the uptake of more and more renewable energy resources, especially solar PV systems. Estimating the grid PV hosting capacity plays an essential role in designing and planning such microgrids. PV hosting capacity assessment determines the maximum PV capacity suitable for the grid and the appropriate electrical location for PV placement. This research reveals that conventional static criteria to assess the PV hosting capacity fail to ensure the grid’s operational robustness. It hence demands a reduction in the theoretical hosting capacity estimation to ensure grid compatible post-fault voltage and frequency recovery. Energy storage technologies, particularly fast-responsive batteries, can potentially prevent such undesirable scenarios; nevertheless, careful integration is required to ensure an affordable cost of energy. This study proposes a novel methodical techno-economic approach for an off-grid remote industrial microgrid to enhance the PV hosting capacity by integrating battery energy storage considering grid disturbance and recovery scenarios. The method has been validated in an industrial microgrid with a 2.6 MW peak demand in a ready-made garment (RMG) factory having a distinctive demand pattern and unique constraints in remote Bangladesh. According to the analysis, integrating 2.5 MW of PV capacity and a 1.2 MVA battery bank to offset existing diesel and grid consumption would result in an energy cost of BDT 14.60 per kWh (USD 0.1719 per kWh). For high PV penetration scenarios, the application of this method offers higher system robustness, and the financial analysis indicates that the industries would not only benefit from positive environmental impact but also make an economic profit

    Prevalence and factors associated with dietary supplement use among Bangladeshi public university students: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: The usage of dietary supplement (DS) such as vitamins, minerals, and fish oil has expanded, but there is limited data on their use by sub-populations such as university students. The study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of DS use among Bangladeshi university students and its associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 390 students was conducted from two public universities from Barishal Division in Bangladesh using a structured questionnaire with 72 questions divided into five sections: sociodemographic, knowledge, opinions, and attitudes, types of DS, reasons and sources for using DS, and adverse reactions after taking DS. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were utilized to estimate the results. Results: Among all the students, 15.6% students were using DS where only 7.7% of them used DS according to physicians' recommendation. Additionally, students used DS for general health and well-being, weight gaining and as a source of energy for physical and sporting activities, etc. The use of DS was significantly associated with female sex (AOR = 5.44, 95% CI: 2.18-13.52), >= 25 years age (AOR = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.01-0.67), underweight (AOR = 5.86, 95% CI: 1.95-17.62), having major illness (AOR = 6.99, 95% CI: 1.98-24.70) and good knowledge of DS (AOR = 2.64, 95% CI: 1.23-5.64). Conclusion: This study provides new findings on DS use and its correlates in Bangladeshi students which may be used by the policymakers to improve DS usage among students. Adaptation of an appropriate program is recommended to educate students on proper and safer ways of using DS