9,289 research outputs found

    Penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama Tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau

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    Tarekat Naqsabandi merupakan tarekat yang memiliki jaringan terluas di dunia Islam dan memberikan pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan dan corak masyarakat Islam di nusantara khususnya di Kepulauan Riau. Pesatnya perkembangan jaringan tarekat ini tidak lepas dari adanya salāsilaįø„ sebagai hubungan guru-murid yang membentuk jaringan ulama yang khas. Jaringan ulama ini terkandung keilmuan yang penting bagi hala tuju dan pengajaran tasawuf dan syari'at di Kepulauan Riau. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun kerangka penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau. Ada lima masalah pokok dalam kajian ini, iaitu tentang bentuk jaringan, corak jaringan, wujud hubungan guru-murid, penyebaran keilmuan dan kerangka penyebaran. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui temu bual, kajian dokumen dan pemerhatian, dimana kesahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Teknik Analisis data melalui tiga tahap, iaitu pengurangan data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Ada lima dapatan dalam kajian ini, iaitu: pertama, jaringan ulama tarekat naqsabandi terbentuk melalui hubungan keilmuan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi Haramaian, nusantara dan Kepulauan Riau. Kedua, ada tiga corak jaringan tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau iaitu; Khalidi, Muzhari dan Qadiriah Naqsabandi. Ketiga, hubungan keilmuan guru-murid terbentuk melalui pengajaran tarekat di masjid ataupun rumah suluk, dengan kaedah halāqah, talaqqi, hafalan dan bahsul masāil dan menghasilkan hubungan dalam bentuk salāsilaįø„ dan ijāzah serta diperkuat dengan pemahaman kewalian dan guru kammil mukammil. Keempat, kandungan keilmuan yang berkembang memiliki ajaran dalam bentuk bai'at, rabitah, tawajjuh, suluk, zikir dan khatam. Kandungan keilmuan ini memiliki kecenderungan sufi baru yang berbentuk telaah hadis, sangat berpahamkan syari'at dan bersifat aktif untuk kemajuan zaman dan pembangunan insan. Kelima, kerangka yang dihasilkan dari penyelidikan ini mampu menjadi rujukan mengenai penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau

    Islamic Economics system In the Eyes of Maulana Maududi-An Analysis

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    Attempt has been made to investigate the Islamic Economics System from the perspectives of Maulana Maududi. He is one of the greatest thinkers that Islamic world has ever produced. He was a great scholar, and has written a large number of books, articles and booklets on different aspects of Islam. Economics has been one of the fields of his interest. It may be said that at least in the Sub-Continent, he was the person, who has established ā€œEconomics of Islamā€ as a separate branch of knowledge. In this context, he has highlighted the characteristics, principles and objectives of this system. On the pattern set by him, a large number of Muslim economic thinkers have followed his line of thinking. According to Maulana Maududi basic principles of Islamic economic systems are: private ownership, limits of halal and haram, economic equality, free economy and welfare role of state. Whereas this system is established to achieve the objectives of human liberty, simultaneous development of material and moral growth, establishment of justice, equal distribution of wealth, fulfillment of basic needs of people and co-ordination between different groups of society.Islamic economic system, Principles, Objectives.

    Global environment and factors affecting the salary of the CEO (chief executive officer) of a goods producing firm: an Econometric modeling approach using STATA

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    The flattening of the world thanks to the cluster of profound socio-economic and politico-cultural changes has created unprecedented challenges for organizational leadership and management. The fast evolving global world of ours where challenges have to be continually met requires timely decision taken by CEOsā€™ (Chief Executive Officers) who shape and give direction to world politics and economic order. In the light of this we have studied the decisions taken by CEOsā€™ of goods producing firmsā€™ and their decisions on firmā€™s productivity and profitability which in turn depend to a great deal on CEOsā€™ salary structure. Better salary leads to influx of people from all over the world often leading to brain drain situation in developing countries. Globalization has created social disparities in the present economic system that are molded by the increasing polarization of work between people working in high paid knowledge sectors and others working in low paid sectors. Prior research has suggested that in a global environment capitalists benefit from other capitalists who pay higher salaries from the expansion of income. The salary data of 177 CEOsā€™ (Chief Executive Officers) for the year 1990 ā€“ published in the Business Week of June 6, 1991 has been analyzed to determine and correlate the effects of sales, market value (mktval), profit and CEOsā€™ tenure (ceoten) on the CEOsā€™ salary. The performance of goods producing firms where the CEOsā€™ served has been found to be strongly correlated with their salary intakes. The basic purpose of this research and study is to analyze the deciding factor in the salaries of top executives. The CEOsā€™ are the policy makers in all government and non-governmental organizations and their decision-taking greatly influences the performances of their institution. CEOsā€™ performance with respect to their salaries and other variables mentioned above is found to be the deciding factor as regards policy execution matters in goods producing firmā€™s performances.Econometric model; multicollinearity; STATA10; elasticity; employment tenure and market value

    An Analytical Review of Different Concepts of Riba (Interest) in the Sub-Continent

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    The traditional concept of Riba (interest) is an excess amount on loan, which creditor receives from debtor on the repayment of loan. There is almost a consensus on the sprit of this concept that it is traditional thought or school; but along with that some other point of views also exist, which present Riba, in somewhat different ways, will be termed as non-traditional approach in this paper. Both of these schools are agreed on the point that, Riba is just restricted to debt, and the increment on it is Riba; but the main difference among these is that: former approach claims that, each and every addition on loan, regardless of purpose and time duration of loan is Riba; but, the later approach demandā€™s some room for that on different grounds. Actually both of them do not have any sound base. When the concept of unearned income (the income, which is not the result of human labor), is a recognized fact in Islamic economics in different forms, like: ijara (rent), Mudoraba and Mazaraā€™a (Share Cropping); then definitely no logical reason is left to avoid excess income on loan. Both approaches are just unable to give a concrete concept of Riba.Riba, Interest, Rent, Share Cropping

    Heat Integration Study of Biomass Gasification Plant for Hydrogen Production

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    Hydrogen is found to be the most important source of sustainable, renewable and clean of energy. As the world is facing global warming crisis and environmental problem due to usage of fossil fuels as major energy source, the potential of hydrogen as an alternative source of energy is highly regarded. This project aims to develop process simulation of selected flowsheet by using Aspen Plus software. Heat integration development has been applied by using Pinch Analysis technique and carried out in Process Integration Software (STAR). The temperature difference is set at 10. The minimum hot utility required is 0.1642 kW while the minimum cold utility required is 0.05456 kW. Maximum heat recovery from the process is 0.8413 kW. By obtaining problem table algorithm, the pinch temperature is at 628.54oC. Three heat exchangers are proposed to be used result from heat exchanger network development. Calculation of energy saving show around 72% of hot utility and 88% of cold utility can be saved by doing heat integration technique

    The Nature of Infaq and its Effects on Distribution of Weal

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    Infaq is one of the basic terms of Quran, which is used in Quran, at almost sixty places. It is basically pious spending in the way of Allah. It has a significant importance in Islamic economic principles, with reference to redistribution of wealth and elimination of poverty. At different places Quran has described its different aspects, e.g. its need, conditions, ways and monetary and non monetary results. It is used by holy prophet, Peace be upon him (P.B.U.H) at different occasions to fulfill the needs of individuals and society as well. In order to ensure the better distribution of wealth which is the need of time, it is necessary to follow the orders of Infaq as given in Quran, and also the guidelines provided by holy prophet P.B.U.H., therefore, the basic objective of this paper is to analyze the role of these spending particularly infaq as a tool of equitable income distribution in an Islamic society.Infaq Quran, Allah
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