59 research outputs found

    Antifungal properties of rhizobacterial strains in relation to fungi of agricultural crops

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    On earth, pathogenic fungal infections are considered one of the most common crop problems, accounting for more than 80% of all plant diseases. The production of biologics and the fight against pathogens are highly relevant priorities. In this article, rhizosphere cultures isolated from wheat root tubers have been studied in detail for the development of pathogenic fungi. In the course of research, the inhibitory properties of rhizobacteria against common pathogenic fungi were studied. The main mechanism of antagonism is that bacteria directly affect phytopathogens or increase plant resistance to diseases by enhancing immunity. The antagonistic activity of rhizospheric microorganisms was studied and the level of their action was determined. It has been established that wheat rhizospheric bacteria Escherichia hermannii, Enterobacter cloacae and Rahnella aquatilis affect the development of pathogens that cause Alternaria and Fusarium wilt. In the experiments, 46 strains of rhizobacteria of the genus Enterobacter (strain E. cloacae CCIM1022), Rahnella (R. aquatilis CCIM1023), Pantoea, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Escherichia were isolated and the effectiveness of their antifungal properties on the reproduction of pathogenic fungi was tested. Pathogenic fungi Alternaria, Fusarium, causing diseases of vegetable and melon crops, were isolated from host plants. It is noted that rhizobacteria have a negative impact and block the development of pure cultures of fungi isolated from tomatoes, zucchini, figs, melons, causing fungal diseases on cups. The 46 isolated and tested strains of rhizobacteria effectively inhibited the development of pathogenic fungi. Of these, Rahnella is the first bacterium studied for this purpose, and has been given great importance in experiments to block the development of Alternaria (A. alternata CCIM 1021). The causative agents of alternariosis are widely open. However, large-scale analysis of their presence and control of pathogens has always been difficult. In experiments to combat the pathogen in the laboratory, a new agent was used to spread nitrogen-fixing bacteria

    Description of a clinical case of seronegative celiac disease in a 5-year-old girl

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    Introduction. Celiac disease is an immuno-mediated systemic disease, which is defined as intolerance to gluten and the corresponding prolamins in the mucous membrane of the small intestine in genetically predisposed children, and is characterized by the development of atrophic enteropathy. The seronegative form of celiac disease, in which serological markers are not determined, but the development of appropriate symptoms and the effect of gluten-free diet (GFD) is observed, still remains a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma.Objectives. Analysis of a clinical case of a child with seronegative celiac disease (SNCD).Results. The disease in a young child before the final diagnosis was severe due to chronic diarrhea and severe flatulence. The girl received outpatient treatment at the place of residence several times with a short-term positive effect, the condition worsened in dynamics: the child lost weight, stopped walking. At the age of 5, she was hospitalized in the gastroenterology department of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics, where, on the bases of normal values of antibodies to tissue transglutaminase and total IgA and IgG (анти-tTG IgA and G), changes in biopsies of the mucosa of the postbulary department of the duodenal bulb, characteristic of Marsh 3, and the presence of HLA DQ2, seronegative celiac disease was supposed to diagnose. The girl was prescribed GFD, symptomatic drug therapy was performed. The dynamics of the condition has improved. After 6 months, at the second visit, there were no gastrointestinal symptoms, physical development corresponded to age, what could help to confirm diagnosis of seronegative celiac disease.Conclusions. This clinical case in a girl with a classic form of celiac disease and severe atrophy of the mucosa of the bulbous small intestine, HLA DQ2, was accompanied by normal values of анти-tTG and total IgA. Treatment of a gluten-free diet was very effective: the girl fully compensated for weight deficiency and laboratory tests

    The development of new technologies of obtaining ice cream from almond milk

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    The article discusses the technology of obtaining ice cream from almond milk, which is useful for people with diabetes and who have lactose intolerance. The study determined the physical and chemical composition of almond milk and the new finished product. In the proposed new product, there is no sugar in the recipe, which is harmful to the human body in large quantities.dates with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, medicinal properties and high nutritional value are added to give the taste properties

    Six-month therapy of CGRP monoclonal antibodies in real-world clinical practice: an interim analysis of efficacy and safety data

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    Introduction. Migraine is one of the most common disabling neurological disorders. Recently developed monoclonal antibodies to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) or its receptor are the first targeted medication for preventive therapy of both episodic and chronic migraine. They have been thoroughly investigated in clinical trials; however, there is little data from real-world clinical practice available to date. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of 6 months of treatment with erenumab in real-world clinical practice and investigate the effect of the drug on the patients’ sensitivity to medicines for migraine headaches relief and patient satisfaction after treatment.Materials and methods. Our observational cohort prospective study included patients in our Headache Clinic prescribed monoclonal antibodies blocking the  CGRP-receptor  – erenumab. During the  investigation, we evaluated the  previous preventive therapy and its efficacy, the number of days with migraine per month, adverse events occurring during the erenumab treatment, depression and anxiety (HADS), migraine disability (MIDAS), the presence of allodynia (ACS-12) and improved response to acute therapy after treatment. A total of 42 patients participated in the study: 6 men, 36 women, the average age was 43.9 ± 12.2. Of them, 38 patients (90%) had chronic migraine. Thirty-two patients (76%) had previously been prescribed preventive therapy, which proved ineffective, and 10 patients (24%) had not once received any type of migraine prevention.Results. Among our patients, we identified 11 patients with resistant migraine and one patient with refractory migraine. During the study, two patients dropped out due to adverse events (constipation). Thirty patients continued the administration of erenumab 70 mg for at least six months. The average number of migraine days per month before treatment was 22.8, and after six months of treatment, it dropped to 7.3. Twenty-nine patients (72.5%) also noted that the response to acute headache treatment improved after the therapy.Conclusion. The results of our study are consistent with the international experience of using erenumab and confirm its effectiveness for migraine preventive therapy, including difficult-to-treat migraine cases. However, further studies with more participants and evaluation of predictors of successful monoclonal antibody therapy are still needed

    Cerebral venous thrombosis and ischemic stroke with hormonal contraception

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    Detailed study of risk factors for the development of acute cerebral disorders blood circulation in young people and a description of the clinical case of cerebral venous thrombosis with the occurrence of ischemic stroke in both hemispheres of the brain in a woman of childbearing age while taking the drug combined oral contraceptives. An analysis of one clinical case, which was carried out on the basis of a thorough and painstaking identification of anamnestic data and interpretation of the results of a comprehensive clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination conducted by different specialists – obstetrician / gynecologist, neurologist and therapist. A clinical case of cerebral venous thrombosis is presented in a 31-year-old patient who developed on the background of hormonal contraception, and then entailed the occurrence of an acute ischemic stroke. In women of childbearing age, an increased risk of stroke as a result of cerebral venous thrombosis is associated with the development of prothrombotic conditions caused by the use of combined oral contraceptive pills. Maintaining patients of fertile age by an obstetrician / gynecologist requires interdisciplinary counseling, as well as the selection of alternative methods of contraception.Цель исследования – подробное исследование факторов риска развития острых нарушений церебрального кровообращения у молодых людей и описание клинического случая церебрального венозного тромбоза с возникновением инфаркта в обоих полушариях головного мозга у женщины детородного возраста на фоне приема лекарственного препарата комбинированных оральных контрацептивов. Приведен анализ клинического случая, который был осуществлен на основании выявления анамнестических данных и интерпретации результатов комплексного клинического, лабораторного и инструментального обследования, проведенного специалистами разного профиля – акушером-гинекологом, неврологом и терапевтом. Представлен клинический случай церебрального венозного тромбоза у пациентки 31 года, который развился на фоне проведения гормональной контрацепции, а затем повлек за собой возникновение острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения по ишемическому типу. У женщин детородного возраста повышенный риск развития инсульта как следствия церебрального венозного тромбоза связан с развитием протромботических состояний, обусловленных приемом препаратов комбинированных оральных контрацептивов. Ведение пациенток фертильного возраста акушером-гинекологом требует междисциплинарного консультирования, а также подбора альтернативных методов контрацепции

    Практические вопросы ведения пациентов с хронической мигренью. Рекомендации российских экспертов

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    The world medicine has achieved considerable advances over the last years in understanding of causes and pathogenesis as well as in specification of diagnostics criteria and studies of therapeutic approaches at chronic migraine (CM). Meantime this widespread disease is badly recognized by the physicians and diagnosed seldom. In addition, there is no generally accepted document, regulating the treatment of patients with CM, who are peculiar by their express deadaptation due to high frequency of severe attacks of the headache (HA), co-morbid psychic and somatic disorders, frequent abuse of analgetic drugs and low adherence to preventive therapy. The specialists of our country, like in other countries, gained their own unique expertise in management of such patients, who are hard to cure, including by botulinum A toxin – representative of the state-of-the-art generation of the registered drugs with the proven efficiency against CM. The article sets out the Recommendation from the Russian specialists as to management of the patients with CM, approved by the meeting of CM Expert Board (on November 12, 2014, Moscow), including with respect to time of treatment, rules of withdrawal and replacement of drugs and some other features, in compliance with modern world concepts on pathogenesis and treatment of such disease and expertise gained in managing patientswith CM in our country.последние годы достигнуты значительные успехи мировой медицины в понимании причин и механизмов развития, а также в уточнении диагностических критериев и изучении терапевтических подходов при хронической мигрени (ХМ). В то же время это широко распространенное заболевание плохо распознается врачами и редко диагностируется. Кроме того, отсутствует общепринятый документ, регламентирующий лечение пациентов с ХМ, отличающихся выраженной дезадаптацией вследствие высокой частоты тяжелых приступов головной боли (ГБ), коморбидных психических и соматических расстройств, частого злоупотребления обезболивающими лекарствами, а также низкой приверженностью к профилактической терапии. В нашей стране, как и в других странах, специалистами накоплен собственный уникальный опыт по лечению таких труднокурабельных пациентов, в том числе ботулиническим токсином типа А – представителем новейшего поколения зарегистрированных лекарственных средств с доказанной эффективностью при ХМ. В статье представлены Рекомендации российских специалистов по ведению пациентов с ХМ, согласованные на Совете экспертов по ХМ (12 ноября 2014 г., Москва), в том числе по срокам лечения, правилам отмены и замены лекарственных препаратов и некоторым другим особенностям, в соответствии с современными мировыми представлениями о патогенезе и лечении данного заболевания, а также накопленным опытом по ведению пациентов с ХМ в нашей стране