6 research outputs found

    Developmental Delay and Its Effective Factors in Children Aged 4 to12 Months

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    Introduction: Over the past two decades, the incidence of cesarean section in most countries has increased.Developmental delay occurs when children do not reach their developmental milestones at the expected time. The main causes of developmental delay are often unknown. Investigation of the prevalence of developmental delay and its effective factors in children from 4 to 12 months old in Pakdasht County was the aim of this study. Methods: Material and Methods: InThis cross-sectional study was carried out among 210 children from 4 to 12 months old in Pakdasht County in 2014. For collecting the survey data, the Questionnaires of demographic and Ages and Stages (ASQ) have been used. Collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, χ2 test and independent t-test by SPSS18 software. Results: The scores on knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, and Enabling factors in the intervention group than the control group showed a significant difference. Results: The study participants in the study consisted 97 girl (46.2%) and 113 boy (53.8%). The average age of children was 7.96 ± 2.83 months. There were significant relations between developmental delay with child nutrition and the mother's education level (

    Risk factors accelerating hypothyroidism in pregnant women referred to health centers in Abadan, Iran

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    The present work contains data obtained during the analysis of pregnant women referred to Abadan Health Centers Organization (Abadan HCO) with confirmed acute hypothyroidism diagnosis. From among all pregnant women referred to Abadan HCO, 600 were chosen consisting of 120 pregnant women from each of the health centers in quintuple areas. In this paper, the effects of family history, occupation, death, abortion, type of diabetes, smoking, lithium consumption, allergy, radiotherapy, ovarian cysts (OC) and oral contraceptive pills (OCP) consumption have been studied (Yassaee et al., 2014) [1]. After completion of the questionnaires by the patients, the obtained coded data were fed into ECSELL software. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using Special Package for Social Sciences version 16 (SPSS 16)

    Association of Health Effects of Air Pollution on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

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    Background & Aims of the Study: Lung is directly exposed to surrounding air and existing pollutants to perform its natural task. In this paper, COPD cases attributed to NO2, O3, and SO2 were studied based on assessed data in Ahvaz city of Iran during 2014-2015. Materials and Methods: Data were processed by Excel through steps including temperature and pressure correction, programming, processing (average) and filtering. Results: The results indicated that number of COPD cases was estimated to 15 members in accordance with the central relative risk, so, each 10µg increase in NO2 concentration would lead to 0.38% increase in COPD risk. Each 10µg/m3 increase in Ozone concentration causes 0.58% increase in disease attributed to this pollutant. Number of cumulative cases of this disease has been equal to 35 members during 2014-2015. Estimated cumulative number of obstructive pulmonary caused by sulfur dioxide has been estimated to 20 members during 2014-2015. Obviously, each 10µg/m3 increase in SO2 concentration would lead to 0.44% increase in risk of the considered disease. Conclusion: In conclusion, O3 as a pollutant has the most effect on COPD compared to the other two pollutants in Ahvaz city of Iran during 2014-2015. This might be because of more days with high concentration of this pollutant compared to other two pollutants in Ahvaz. If emission of this pollutant is not prevented, number of people who are suffering from COPD will increase to 55 members in 2016 and it will be reduced to 13 members in case of control

    The effect of education on the nursing care quality of patients who are under mechanical ventilation in ICU ward

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    Nurses have the most important role among health care workers (HCWs) in each hospital (Aiken et al., 2008) [1]. Nurses education can lead to the improvement of nursing care If is implemented and designed based on nurses’ needs and proper principles (Aiken et al., 2008) [1]. Nowadays, increased quality of the treatment and increase the chances of survival of patients with acute respiratory failure are very important (Teixeira et al., 2013) [2]. Nursing care plan in ICU patients is one of the important elements in nursing care, and one of the main strategies is promotion of education level. Nurses due to longtime relationship with nursing staff in 24 hours and use of multiple roles of education have excellent position in evaluating educational needs and performing clinical educator roles. The effect of education on the nursing care quality of patients who were under mechanical ventilation (UMV) in intensive care unit (ICU) ward of Razi hospital is evaluated during 2015. The present study is descriptive-analytical and semi experimental research. Research statistical population included 30 nurses. In this paper, the effects of communication with the patient, correct suctioning, compliance of aseptic techniques, the correct discharge of tube cuff, chest physiotherapy, the correct change positions, health food gavage, prevent of foot drop, oral hygiene, the eyes hygiene and protect the cornea have been studied. After completion of the questionnaires by patients, the obtained coded data were fed into EXCEL. Reliability was confirmed with coefficient Alfa 0.86 and the result of software and techniques were entered to SPSS for statistics and analysis. Keywords: Education, Nurse, Intensive care unit, Mechanical ventilation, Nursing care, Ira

    The relationship between knowledge of leadership and knowledge management practices in the food industry in Kurdistan province, Iran

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    The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the knowledge of leadership and knowledge management practices. This research strategy, in terms of quantity, procedure and obtain information, is descriptive and correlational. Statistical population, consist of all employees of a food industry in Kurdistan province of Iran, who were engaged in 2016 and their total number is about 1800 people. 316 employees in the Kurdistan food industry (Kurdistan FI) were selected, using Cochran formula. Non-random method and valid questions (standard) for measurement of the data are used. Reliability and validity were confirmed. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out, using SPSS 16. The statistical analysis of collected data showed the relationship between knowledge-oriented of leadership and knowledge management activities as mediator variables. The results of the data and test hypotheses suggest that knowledge management activities play an important role in the functioning of product innovation and the results showed that the activities of Knowledge Management (knowledge transfer, storage knowledge, application of knowledge, creation of knowledge) on performance of product innovation. Keywords: Knowledge-oriented leadership, Product innovation performance, Knowledge management practices, Ira