68 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Characteristic Based method for Artificially Compressible flows with Heat Transfer

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    The purpose of the current work is to develop a solution method for incompressible Navier- Stokes equations both for velocity and temperature fields based on artificial compressibility concept.The equations are discretized in Finite-Volume formulation, convective fluxes are calculated using a high order characteristic-based Row like flux spitting.For time-marching 5th-order Runge-Kuta algorithm, because of wide range of stability, is used.The formation can be used for both steady and unsteady flows.The results for three different flux treatments are presented.The method validation is performed by solving velocity and temperature fields over a ribbed surface and comparing them by experimental data, in which a reasonable agreement would exist.The convergence rate of the method shows a sensible reduction in iteration steps.The influence of semi-hexagonal riblet on Local Nussel number is addresse

    The Efficacy of “Care for Child Development” Intervention on the Improvement of the Development Skills of Orphanage Children

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    ObjectivesDevelopment refers to the progressive enhancement of skills and functional capacity, i.e., qualitative changes in the child’s functions.The process of development begins before birth and continues throughout life. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the “Care for Child Development (CCD)” program on 4-42 months children’s developmental skills in orphanages.Materials & MethodsIn this study, two orphanages in the capitals of East and West Azerbaijan provinces were selected using the convenience sampling technique, and thirty children were included. Then, they were randomly divided into two intervention and control groups (each group, N=15). Next, after obtaining consent from the head of the orphanages, a group of volunteers from the healthcare center performed the CCD program, considering children’s chronological ages (4 to 42 months), for three sessions a week, with each session lasting two hours and it lasted for three months. At the end of the intervention process, the Bayley Scale of Infant and Toddler Development 3rd version (BSID-III) and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-II (ASQ) were completed for the two intervention and control groups to compare them in the cognitive, motor, communication, and personal-social domains. ResultsComparing the two control and intervention groups using the T-test (difference in mean) indicates that except for the domain of cognitive skills (Bayley: P-value = 0.176), there was statistically a significant difference between the two groups in communication (ASQ: P-value= 0.001; Bayley: P-value = 0.003), motor (ASQ: P-value = 0.000; Bayley: P-value = 0.009), and personal-social (ASQ: P-value <0.000)skills.ConclusionIn the present study, it was concluded that it is required to apply interventions, including standard ones such as the CCD program in environments like orphanages, to enhance the developmental skills of those children living in them    

    Modeling and Optimized Gait Planning of Biped Robots with Different Leg Mechanisms

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    This research focuses on modeling and gait generation optimization of four different real biped models that include practical extended models of the theoretical SLIP and compass gait as a novelty of the work. The first model is kneed Biped model without spring that is a 5-rigid-link robot with four actuators in its hip and knees. The second model, kneed biped model with springs in shins is very similar to the first model, but its shins have linear springs. The 3rd model is a semi-telescopic springy biped model and the 4th model is a semi-compass gait with kneed swing leg. Optimization parameters of their walking gait, objective functions and constraints are presented and successive stages of optimization are completed to find the optimal gaits. The efficiency of the gaits and required motor torques for the optimal gait of each model are illustrated

    Innføring av screening for underernæring på en medisinsk avdeling

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    Sammendrag Temaet ernæring og helse er stadig oppe til diskusjon. Vi ønsket derfor å se nærmere på hvordan pasienters ernæringsstatus vurderes og ivaretas på sykehus. Etter forutgående undersøkelser valgte vi å utrede spørsmål om innføring av screening for underernæring ved medisinsk avdeling på Gjøvik. Hensikten var dels å se på utbredelsen av underernæring hos eldre og kronisk syke, korrelasjon mellom underernæring og dårlig prognose/morbiditet/mortalitet, om screening er effektivt for å finne underernærte, og eventuelt hvilket screeningsverktøy som bør brukes. Oppgavens overordnede formål var definert innenfor rammene av KloK (temaene kunnskapshåndtering, ledelse og kvalitetsforbedring). Med de valgte problemstillinger fokuserer oppgaven i hovedsak på spørsmål om kvalitetsforbedring. Kunnskapsgrunnlaget er hentet fra medisinske databaser med hovedvekt på Medline, Cochrane og Clinical Evidence. Det har vært lagt vekt på å finne relevante artikler basert på RCT-studier, epidemiologiske studier, meta-analyser og relevante retningslinjer, som har blitt vurdert opp mot kunnskapssenterets lister. Vi ønsket å se på hvordan medisinsk avdeling på Gjøvik håndterte spørsmål om utredning av ernæringsstatus, og da særlig hvordan avdelingen forholdt seg til de spørsmål vi har reist i oppgaven. Kunnskapsgunnlaget ga klare holdepunkter for at ernæringsstatus burde utredes med sikte på å bedre mortalitet, morbiditet m.v. Oppgaven sikter på å vurdere innføring av sreening av ernæringsstilstand som tiltak. Ulike screeningmetoder er vurdert, og den screeningmetoden vi fant best dokumentasjon på er foreslått som egnet tiltak ( ). Informasjon om praksis ble hentet inn gjennom intervjuer av helsepersonell i avdelingen og observasjoner fra detaltakelse i avdelingen under studentutplassering. Avdelingen syntes i praksis ikke å ha nevneverdige implementerte tiltak som tok sikte på å avklare disse problemstillingene på en systematisk måte. Utredning og tiltak tilknyttet ernæringsstatus var i hovedsak tilfeldig organisert rundt det kliniske arbeidet. På denne bakgrunn ble aktuelle tiltak foreslått innført ved avdelingen. Som indikator har vi foreslått et surrogatmål, gjennomgang av dokumentert screening og ernæringsstatus i aktuelle journaler

    Interferon beta-1a as a Candidate for COVID-19 Treatment; An Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Since December 2019, an outbreak of Covid-19 has caused growing concern in multiple countries. Researchers around the world are working to find a treatment or a vaccine for Covid-19 and different treatment approaches have been tested in this regard. Objective: This study was designed and conducted to assess the possible efficacy of Interferon beta-1a as a safe and efficient candidate for Covid-19 treatment. Methods: This is an investigator-initiated, open-label, single-arm clinical trial. Twenty patients with suspected Covid-19, who were admitted to Sina hospital in Tehran, Iran, with moderate to severe symptoms, from 6 to 10 March, 2020, were enrolled. Patients were treated with antiviral and hydroxychloroquine combination therapy, along with subcutaneous Interferon beta-1a for 5 consecutive days. Baseline characteristics and findings during the course of admission and 5 days after discharge were recorded for all the patients. Results: In total, 20 patients with suspected Covid-19 were included in this study, 12 (60%) of which were male. The median (Interquartile (IQ) range) of patients’ age was 55.5 (43-63.5). The most common symptom of the patients at onset of disease was fever. The median (IQ range) of duration of hospital stay was 5.0 (3-6) days. Only 2 cases were admitted to ICU. At the time of follow-up, 15 (94%) patients reported that they generally felt good and had oral tolerance, 1 patient had suffered from dyspnea, 5 patients had suffered from cough, none of them had experienced fever and no case of re-admission or death was reported after discharge. Conclusions: Results of the current study are in favor of using Interferon beta-1a in addition to recommended antiviral treatment in Covid-19 patients

    Interferon beta-1a as a Candidate for COVID-19 Treatment; An Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Since December 2019, an outbreak of Covid-19 has caused growing concern in multiple countries. Researchers around the world are working to find a treatment or a vaccine for Covid-19 and different treatment approaches have been tested in this regard. Objective: This study was designed and conducted to assess the possible efficacy of Interferon beta-1a as a safe and efficient candidate for Covid-19 treatment. Methods: This is an investigator-initiated, open-label, single-arm clinical trial. Twenty patients with suspected Covid-19, who were admitted to Sina hospital in Tehran, Iran, with moderate to severe symptoms, from 6 to 10 March, 2020, were enrolled. Patients were treated with antiviral and hydroxychloroquine combination therapy, along with subcutaneous Interferon beta-1a for 5 consecutive days. Baseline characteristics and findings during the course of admission and 5 days after discharge were recorded for all the patients. Results: In total, 20 patients with suspected Covid-19 were included in this study, 12 (60%) of which were male. The median (Interquartile (IQ) range) of patients’ age was 55.5 (43-63.5). The most common symptom of the patients at onset of disease was fever. The median (IQ range) of duration of hospital stay was 5.0 (3-6) days. Only 2 cases were admitted to ICU. At the time of follow-up, 15 (94%) patients reported that they generally felt good and had oral tolerance, 1 patient had suffered from dyspnea, 5 patients had suffered from cough, none of them had experienced fever and no case of re-admission or death was reported after discharge. Conclusions: Results of the current study are in favor of using Interferon beta-1a in addition to recommended antiviral treatment in Covid-19 patients

    Sensing of Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis Using Nano-Bio Interfaces

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    It is well understood that patients with different diseases may have a variety of specific proteins (e.g., type, amount, and configuration) in their plasmas. When nanoparticles (NPs) are exposed to these plasmas, the resulting coronas may incorporate some of the disease-specific proteins. Using gold (Au) NPs with different surface properties and corona composition, we have developed a technology for the discrimination and detection of two neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and multiple sclerosis (MS). Applying a variety of techniques, including UV-visible spectra, colorimetric response analyses and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we found the corona-NP complexes, obtained from different human serums, had distinct protein composition, including some specific proteins that are known as AD and MS biomarkers. The colorimetric responses, analyzed by chemometrics and statistical methods, demonstrate promising capabilities of the technology to unambiguously identify and discriminate AD and MS. The developed colorimetric technology might enable a simple, inexpensive and rapid detection/discrimination of neurodegenerative diseases. KEYWORDS: Alzheimer’s disease; colorimetric technology; disease-specific protein corona; gold nanoparticles; multiple sclerosi

    Selvskading og behandlingsmuligheter

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    Deliberate self-harm is a serious health problem which is reported by around 3-11% of adolescents in Scandinavia. The prevalence is highest in the age of 15-19 years. Delibrate self-harm is defined as intentionally injuring oneself in a manner that ends in damage to body tissue, but without any conscious suicidal intention. Deliberate self-harm is associated with high suicidal risk, PTSD, eating disorder, substance use disorders and personality disorders. Some risk factors for deliberate self-harm are childhood sexual and physical abuse, neglect, insecure attachment with the caregiver and too early separation from the caregiver. Dialectical behaviour therapy is developed by Marsha M. Linehan, an American psychologist, to treat suicidal women with borderline personality disorder. The therapy method is based on cognitive behaviour therapy, dialectical and zen-buddhist thinking. DBT works through skill trainings in group, individual therapy and telephon conversation. Mentalization based therapy is a new therapy method which is developed by Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy for treatment of patient with borderline personality disorder. This model suggests that disruption of the attachment relationship early in development, in the first year of life, in combination with later traumatic experience in an attachment context causes impaired neurobiological developments. This combination causes hyper- responsiveness of the attachment system which makes mentalizing, and unstable behaviour during emotional overwhelm. These cause a relational malfunction, unstable self-structure and destructive behaviour in borderline personality disorder. Patient with BPD try to maintain self-structure with self harm. Bateman and Fonagy mean that the correction of some of these malfunctions can be achieved by assisting patients by recovery of mentalizing

    Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Leaf, Ripe and Unripe Peel of Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) Essential Oils

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    Background and Objectives: The chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) leaf, ripe and unripe peel essential oils, cultivated in southwest of Iran, were investigated. Materials and Methods: The analysis of chemical composition of hydro-distilled essential oils was carried out by GC-MS. The disc diffusion and broth micro-dilution were used to assay the antimicrobial effect of achieved essential oils. Results: According to the GC-MS analysis, 34, 39 and 21 components were determined in the leaf, ripe and unripe peel, respectively. The results revealed that the main components of all essential oils were linalool and limonene. The oxygenated monoterpene and hydrocarbonated monoterpene were the main chemical groups of leaf and peel essential oils, respectively. Although all of the examined essential oils had antimicrobial potential, the leaf and unripe peel essential oils with MIC of 4.67 mg/ml were the most effective against the bacteria and yeast species, respectively, and the ripe peel essential oil was the weakest one. The growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was controlled in the treated orange juices. The antifungal activity of essential oils was increased by rising up in their concentration and decreased by passing time. Unripe and ripe essential oils showed the strongest and weakest anti yeast potential, respectively. Conclusions: The essential oils of leaves and ripe and unripe peels of bitter orange could be used as natural preservatives in food industry