3 research outputs found


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    Internet technology is an effective and efficient information medium in disseminating information. which can be accessed by anyone and anywhere. The use of internet media in this increasingly modern era is utilized as a means of information and communication globally with the aim of increasing business so that it can reach consumers in various regions. SMEs and other micro-entrepreneurs are now using the internet as a way to market the products they sell, which is rather easy to find and reach a wider range of consumers. have to come to the store to buy the item. This research is designed so that MSME business actors of shoe craftsmen can become an online shop that sells goods that have been produced in order to reach a wider market with a variety of shoe products that vary in order to attract buyers. The function of this online store is also so that consumers can obtain information about various kinds of shoes that will be sold easily and efficiently, in various kinds of shoes that are displayed in the form of product images as well as information related to products and product prices being marketed. For this reason, in order to increase sales, this idea is taken into consideration and there is a need for follow-up to build a website-based application in the form of an online shop to help MSME business actors in marketing various products.Teknologi internet merupakan media informasi yang efektif dan efisen dalam penyebaran informasi. yang dapat di akses oleh siapa saja dan dimana saja. Penggunaan media internet di era yang semakin modern ini di manfaatkan sebagai sarana informasi dan komunikasi secara global dengan tujuan meningkatkan bisnis agar dapat menjangkau konsumen di berbgai daerah. pelaku usaha UMKM dan pengusaha mikro yang lainya kini menggunakan internet sebagai salah satu cara memasarkan produk yang di jual agak mudah di cari dan di jangkau oleh konsumen yang lebih luas, selain itu kegunaan media internet sebagai sarana bisnis yaitu dapat melakukan transaksi jual beli barang secara mudah tanpa harus datang ke toko untuk membeli barang tersebut. Penelitian ini merancang agar pelaku usaha UMKM pengrajin sepatu dapat menjadi sebuah toko online yang menjual barang yang telah di produksi agar dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas dengan produk berbagai macam sepatu yang bervariasi guna menarik pembeli. Fungsi dari toko online ini juga agar konsumen dapat memperoleh informasi mengenai berbagai macam sepatu yang akan di jual secara mudah dan efisien, dalam hal ini berbagai macam sepatu di tampilkan berupa gambar produk serta informasi terkait produk dan harga produk yang di pasarkan. Untuk itu agar penjualan lebih meningkat gagasan ini menjadi pertimbangan dan perlu adanya tindak lanjut guna membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis website berupa toko online guna membantu para pelaku usaha UMKM dalam memasarkan berbagai produkny

    Implementasi Forward Chaining Untuk Mendeteksi Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Pada Anak Berbasis Web Responsif

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) if defined in general describes the condition of children who show signs or symptoms of lack of concentration (inattentive), can't stay still (hyperactivity), and act as they please (impulsivity). Lack of teacher supervision and attention at school can cause a child to experience ADHD symptoms. Among them are children who play as they please, cannot sit still and listen, like to annoy their friends and make it difficult to concentrate. Diagnosis of hyperactivity or ADHD is usually done by an expert or psychologist. But actually teachers or parents can make early detection of the possibility of ADHD in children by observing children's behavior at school or at home from the way they communicate, interact socially with their peers, and the child's imagination ability. The expert system is a solution to assist teachers and parents in early detection of possible ADHD. The expert system is designed based on responsive web by utilizing the forward chaining method as an inference engine. The research method used is data collection methods ranging from observations to literature studies that are built and structured using use case diagrams and PHP as a programming language and MySQL as a database storage. With the system that has been built, it is hoped that it will provide benefits for users in early detection of the symptoms and types of ADHD disorders

    Implementasi Hotspot Internet Dengan User Manager Dan Manajemen Bandwidth Di Sman 1 Kutorejo

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    This research is motivated by the development of information and communication technology which results in the need for internet access to increase among the community, especially in the field of education. The use of the internet in education is very supportive in the teaching and learning process, because with this media students and teachers can more easily access the internet. However, the obstacles that are often experienced are the difficulty of accessing material and knowing the latest information about education, the network devices used are still limited so they cannot reach all areas of the school, so a hotspot is needed by dividing users, bandwidth, and access rights to make it easier for teachers and students in accessing the internet network, as well as limiting student access rights so as not to use the internet incorrectly, in supporting the development of this network, additional network devices are needed, namely mikrotik and access points. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the right design is so that internet connections are more optimal for use, design a bandwidth management system, optimize internet users' logins according to what is specified