15 research outputs found

    B3: An Automated Cross-Platform Mobile Bible Application

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    The Bible is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is a historical text as well as a religious text, capturing some of the most remarkable stories of mankind and its relationship with God the creator. With the advancement of technology, the distribution and communication of this book has found its place in computers, both fixed and mobile. The problem with most Bible software is that it does not present the scriptures in a format that is easy to read and follow in the mobile context. It offers developers a lasting solution to the conflicts that arise over native and web application development. The main objective of this research is to develop a widget application titled the B3 application, which will increase the accessibility of the Bible and other Bible-related content using a mobile phone. In developing the application, HTML5 and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to design the structure and layout of the webpages; Javascript serves as a scripting language to perform client-side processing of data; extensible Markup Language acts as the data storage for the Bible combined with Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) for data retrieval. These software tools provide readers of the Bible with a mobile bible application with easy accessibility and simplicity for the end users

    Development of a File Tracking System for Tertiary Institutions

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    Large volumes of data are usually generated in most institutions of learning today. Locating files among tons of others can thus be tedious and time-consuming process for administrative as well as academic staff of such institutions. The aim of this paper is to develop and deploy an Electronic File Tracking System (EFTS) to improve productivity amongst Core administrative personnel. The EFTS developed in this paper is a web application that is able to manage the creation, and movement of files from desk to desk of personnel who work on them. The system was developed with open source software after establishing vital functional and non-functional requirements and detailed workflows. Files, such as, reports, decisions, requests, reminders can be processed and tracked by the system in real-time. Furthermore, the system helps in online tracking and provides location information. The system is interactive and usable and able to improve file management and productivity in University administrative operations

    Analytical Solution of the Schwartz - Moon Growth Option Model Revisited

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    In this work we revisited an earlier work, analytical solution of extended Schwartz and Moon growth option model, a model used for valuing a company, a particular case of a bank, the solution to the model proposed in the earlier work was represented and solved. The analytical problem presented in the earlier work was partitioned; an algorithm presented and solved using Monte Carlo simulation

    Human Factors and Cultism Control in Social Media for Higher Education

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    The social media network is one of the trending platforms engaged for communication by students. Regrettably, this system has been used by persons to plan and commit cyber fraud and public vices. Some of the tertiary institutions including secondary and university in Nigeria have been turned to cultist environments resulting in killings and disorder amongst students in the school and environs. This is a situation that has continued to struggle with solutions in most higher institutions in the country, particularly in the government owned institutions. This obviously is a human factor issue that needs to be addressed. The objective of this study is to provide social media‐based system that is integrated with anti‐cultism component services towards combating cultism on campus. The platform will support interaction and learning on and off campus while at the same time helping to curtail cultism among students through filtering of keywords communicated on social media that are crime‐based or cultismrelated. In carrying out this study, appropriate research methods and implementation techniques such as modeling, design, server‐side programming, database were deployed. The platform provides a dual platform that will enable active students to participate in learning, and also cultism control in the school system

    Application of Mechatronics in Agriculture: A review

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    Mechatronics has found quite a number of useful applications in agriculture. Agriculture as one of the oldest industries, dating as far back as the nomadic age originally depended solely on human effort, then apprehended animal labour, and then came mechanical advances such as diesel/steam-engine tractors and mechanical tools with hydrostatic power which needed control. The answer to unresolved problems relies on more advances that necessitate the replacement of human intellect to meet the requirements for superior autonomy in more indefinite and unstructured environments. Promising disciplines in this framework include Mechatronics, Large-scale optimization and Complex system automation, and our focus is on the advancement of irrigation system. Some of the applications of mechatronics in agriculture and their processes are discussed to gain insight on the state of the art, advantages and weaknesses of several methods employed

    Solar Powered Microcontroller-based Automated Irrigation System with Moisture Sensors

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    In traditional irrigation approach where water is irrigated on the land without adequate control measures, crops sometimes undergo increased stress with disparities in the soil moisture which consequently reduce the crop performance and output. In this paper, we come up with a prototype to increase crop yield while considering adequate agricultural water management and labour reduction, by adequate control measures in the irrigation process. An automatic irrigation system is designed and developed by integrating several hardware and software features. The system is designed to determine when exactly the soil of crops need water and deliver a controlled amount of water to the root zone of the crops based on the soil moisture state. With the microcontroller, the data obtained from the soil at the roots of the crops will determined how much water for irrigation is needed at a point in time, and supplies it, thereby incorporating good water management practice. The system is designed to run 24/7 on renewable solar energy.

    ExplainEx: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Framework for Interpreting Predictive Models

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly dependent on machine learning models which lack interpretability and algorithmic transparency, and hence may not be trusted by its users. The fear of failure in these systems is driving many governments to demand more explanation and accountability. Take, for example, the “Right of Explanation” rule proposed in the European Union in 2019, which gives citizens the right to demand an explanation from AI-based predictions. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is an attempt to open up the “black box” and create more explainable systems which create predictive models whose results are easily understandable to humans. This paper describes an explanation model called ExplainEx which automatically generates natural language explanation for predictive models by consuming REST API provided by ExpliClas open-source web service. The classification model consists of four main decision tree algorithms including J48, Random Tree, RepTree and FURIA. The user interface was designed based on Microsoft.Net Framework programming platform. At the background is a software engine automating a seamless interaction between Expliclas API and the trained datasets, to provide natural language explanation to users. Unlike other studies, our proposed model is both a stand-alone and client-server based system capable of providing global explanations for any decision tree classifier. It supports multiple concurrent users in a client-server environment and can apply all four algorithms concurrently on a single dataset, returning both precision score and explanation. It is a ready tool for researchers who have datasets and classifiers prepared for explanation. This work bridges the gap between prediction and explanation, thereby allowing researchers to concentrate on data analysis and building state-of-the-art predictive models

    A Prototype Telepresence Robot for Use in the Investigation of Ebola and Lassa Virus Threatened Villages in Nigeria

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    The article investigates the idea of low-cost, telepresence-based mobile robots for eventual use within villages and rural areas in Nigeria, where diseases such as the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Lassa Haemorrhagic Fever (LHF) are common, yet human intervention is constrained due to the great risk of transmission through bodily fluids. To illustrate the concept and practical issues arising, a systems design approach is taken to identify some of the engineering requirements; and, in the focus of this article, a prototype has been developed at Lancaster University. The robotic device is semi-humanoid in that the upper half features two 7-DOF manipulators, designed in part to resemble human operation, while the lower half consists of a four-wheeled base, prioritising ease of operation and reliability over the flexibility offered by a leg-based system

    A Prototype Telepresence Robot for Use in the Investigation of Ebola and Lassa Virus Threatened Villages in Nigeria

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    The article investigates the idea of low-cost, telepresence-based mobile robots for eventual use within villages and rural areas in Nigeria, where diseases such as the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Lassa Haemorrhagic Fever (LHF) are common, yet human intervention is constrained due to the great risk of transmission through bodily fluids. To illustrate the concept and practical issues arising, a systems design approach is taken to identify some of the engineering requirements; and, in the focus of this article, a prototype has been developed at Lancaster University. The robotic device is semihumanoid in that the upper half features two 7-DOF manipulators, designed in part to resemble human operation, while the lower half consists of a four-wheeled base, prioritising ease of operation and reliability over the flexibility offered by a leg-based system