4 research outputs found

    Excess mortality among people with podoconiosis: secondary analysis of two Ethiopian cohorts

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    Background While morbidity attributable to podoconiosis is relatively well studied, its pattern of mortality has not been established. Methods We compared the age-standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) of two datasets from northern Ethiopia: podoconiosis patients enrolled in a 1-y trial and a Health and Demographic Surveillance System cohort. Results The annual crude mortality rate per 1000 population for podoconiosis patients was 28.7 (95% confidence interval [CI] 17.3 to 44.8; n=663) while that of the general population was 2.8 (95% CI 2.3 to 3.4; n=44 095). The overall SMR for the study period was 6.0 (95% CI 3.6 to 9.4). Conclusions Podoconiosis patients experience elevated mortality compared with the general population and further research is required to understand the reasons

    Paradata analyses to inform population-based survey capture of pregnancy outcomes: EN-INDEPTH study.

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    BACKGROUND: Paradata are (timestamped) records tracking the process of (electronic) data collection. We analysed paradata from a large household survey of questions capturing pregnancy outcomes to assess performance (timing and correction processes). We examined how paradata can be used to inform and improve questionnaire design and survey implementation in nationally representative household surveys, the major source for maternal and newborn health data worldwide. METHODS: The EN-INDEPTH cross-sectional population-based survey of women of reproductive age in five Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites (in Bangladesh, Guinea-Bissau, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Uganda) randomly compared two modules to capture pregnancy outcomes: full pregnancy history (FPH) and the standard DHS-7 full birth history (FBH+). We used paradata related to answers recorded on tablets using the Survey Solutions platform. We evaluated the difference in paradata entries between the two reproductive modules and assessed which question characteristics (type, nature, structure) affect answer correction rates, using regression analyses. We also proposed and tested a new classification of answer correction types. RESULTS: We analysed 3.6 million timestamped entries from 65,768 interviews. 83.7% of all interviews had at least one corrected answer to a question. Of 3.3 million analysed questions, 7.5% had at least one correction. Among corrected questions, the median number of corrections was one, regardless of question characteristics. We classified answer corrections into eight types (no correction, impulsive, flat (simple), zigzag, flat zigzag, missing after correction, missing after flat (zigzag) correction, missing/incomplete). 84.6% of all corrections were judged not to be problematic with a flat (simple) mistake correction. Question characteristics were important predictors of probability to make answer corrections, even after adjusting for respondent's characteristics and location, with interviewer clustering accounted as a fixed effect. Answer correction patterns and types were similar between FPH and FBH+, as well as the overall response duration. Avoiding corrections has the potential to reduce interview duration and reproductive module completion by 0.4 min. CONCLUSIONS: The use of questionnaire paradata has the potential to improve measurement and the resultant quality of electronic data. Identifying sections or specific questions with multiple corrections sheds light on typically hidden challenges in the survey's content, process, and administration, allowing for earlier real-time intervention (e.g.,, questionnaire content revision or additional staff training). Given the size and complexity of paradata, additional time, data management, and programming skills are required to realise its potential

    Home-based HPV self-sampling assisted by a cloud-based electronic data system: Lessons learnt from a pilot community cervical cancer screening campaign in rural Ethiopia

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    Primary HPV testing and triage of HPV-positive women is an effective cervical cancer screening strategy. Such a multi-visit screening algorithm is also promising for community-based screening in resource-poor communities, provided a robust tracking system is in place. A cervical cancer screening campaign was conducted in a rural community in Ethiopia. All women aged 25-65 years were offered genital self-sampling using the Evalyn Brush (R). Samples were HPV-DNA-tested at a central laboratory. Key indicators were captured on tablet computers and linked by a cloud-based information system. HPV-positive women were examined at the local clinic using portable colposcopy, p16/Ki-67 dual stain cytology and biopsy examination. CIN2+ women were referred for LEEP to the referral hospital. Of 749 enumerated age-eligible women 634 (85%, (95% CI 82-88)) consented to screening, 429 samples were adequate for HPV testing, giving a total testing coverage of 57% (95% CI 53-62). The hrHPV prevalence was 14% (95% CI 5-22), 72% (95% CI 60-84) attended the clinic for a triage examination. Home-based HPV-DNA self-sampling and clinic-based triage assisted by cloud-based information technology is feasible in rural Ethiopia. Key components of such strategy are broad community awareness, high competency of community workers, and establishment of an adequate self-sampling and HPV-DNA testing platform

    Electronic data collection in a multi-site population-based survey: EN-INDEPTH study

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    Background: Electronic data collection is increasingly used for household surveys, but factors influencing design and implementation have not been widely studied. The Every Newborn-INDEPTH (EN-INDEPTH) study was a multi-site survey using electronic data collection in five INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites. Methods: We described experiences and learning involved in the design and implementation of the EN-INDEPTH survey, and undertook six focus group discussions with field and research team to explore their experiences. Thematic analyses were conducted in NVivo12 using an iterative process guided by a priori themes. Results: Five steps of the process of selecting, adapting and implementing electronic data collection in the EN-INDEPTH study are described. Firstly, we reviewed possible electronic data collection platforms, and selected the World Bank’s Survey Solutions® as the most suited for the EN-INDEPTH study. Secondly, the survey questionnaire was coded and translated into local languages, and further context-specific adaptations were made. Thirdly, data collectors were selected and trained using standardised manual. Training varied between 4.5 and 10 days. Fourthly, instruments were piloted in the field and the questionnaires finalised. During data collection, data collectors appreciated the built-in skip patterns and error messages. Internet connection unreliability was a challenge, especially for data synchronisation. For the fifth and final step, data management and analyses, it was considered that data quality was higher and less time was spent on data cleaning. The possibility to use paradata to analyse survey timing and corrections was valued. Synchronisation and data transfer should be given special consideration. Conclusion: We synthesised experiences using electronic data collection in a multi-site household survey, including perceived advantages and challenges. Our recommendations for others considering electronic data collection include ensuring adaptations of tools to local context, piloting/refining the questionnaire in one site first, buying power banks to mitigate against power interruption and paying attention to issues such as GPS tracking and synchronisation, particularly in settings with poor internet connectivity