7 research outputs found

    Thermoplastic Recycling: Properties, Modifications, and Applications

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    The increasing rate of plastic waste generation coupled with undesirable disposal, especially in the urban areas, has resulted to environmental threat in the globe which has been attributed to legislation, poor biodegradability, economic growth, rural to urban migration, increase in consumption, and standard or cost of living. This chapter will focus on overview, properties of virgin and recycled thermoplastics, recycling techniques, and applications of different types of thermoplastic articles such as HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PET, and polypropylene (PP) with improved properties based on modifications using eco-friendly materials for sustainable applications in order to save human existence from the menace of environmental and economic issues

    Effect of chemical agents on morphology, tensile properties and water diffusion behaviour of hibiscus sabdariffa fibers

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    Effective utilization of Hibiscus sabdariffa fibers in composites applications as a reinforcing fibers in polymer matrix have been a major concern due to its poor mechanical and hydrophilic properties. It will be of benefits to environmental and technological advancement, if its properties are properly handled. In this study, the morphological, tensile and water absorption characteristics of H. sabdariffa fibers was aimed to be investigated. H. sabdariffa fibers was modified using sodium hydroxides, sodium lauryl sulphate and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid. The morphology using scanning electron microscopy, tensile properties (strength, modulus, elongation and energy at break), water absorption and water diffusion behaviours were studied. Chemical modifications improved fiber surface and roughness, tensile strength and modulus, elongation and energy at break with reduced water absorption of H. sabdariffa fibers. The water diffusion behaviour is less - Fickian controlled by water penetration rate. Hence improved the hydrophobic nature of H. sabdariffa fibers. Keywords: Hibiscus sabdariffa fibers, tensile properties, morphology, water diffusion behaviou

    Recombinant Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase C2β C2 Domain Molecules

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    Recombinant DNA domain remains a dependant of effective use of recombinant proteins in many applications but its production remains an area of concern due to DNA vector and production path. This work is aimed at studying the generation and replication of the recombinant DNA molecule using PI3K C2β C2 domain and glutathione s-transferase (GST) which expressed in pGEX-2T vector. The molecular cloning technique was employed to generate a recombinant DNA molecule. PI3K C2β C2 domain of  isoform PI3K C2β belonging to class PI3K C2 of Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase (PI3K) family was used and the effective digestion of pGEX-2T vector was studied using restricted enzymes (RE) of EcoR I and Sma I with binding partners location. The ligated product of recombinant DNA was obtained after successful doubled digestion of pGEX-2T vector. The best transformation of competent bacterial cells was obtained at molar ratio of 5:1 for RE digested vector insert DNA and vector DNA. The recombinant DNA can be employed may be used in treatment of non – communicable diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Keywords: Recombinant DNA molecule, Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase (PI3K), PI3K C2β C2 domain, Restriction enzyme, Ligatio

    Effect of Chemically Modified Cissus Populnea Fibers on Mechanical, Microstructural and Physical Properties of Cissus populnea/High Density Polyethylene Composites

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    The effect of chemically modified Cissus populnea (C. populnea) fiber using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) on mechanical, morphological and physical (density and water absorption behaviour) properties of C. populnea fiber/recycled HDPE composites was aimed to be investigated. The composites of unmodified and modified C. populnea fiber/HDPE were prepared using injection molding machine. The mechanical properties (tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength and modulus, hardness and impact strength), interfacial shear stress, density, water absorption behaviour, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscope were studied. The results shows that C. populnea fiber improved the mechanical properties of HDPE matrix with reduced impact strength of the composites. The NaOH and SLS treatments, respectively, improved the mechanical properties of C. populnea fiber/HDPE composites, although NaOH treated C. populnea fiber reduced the tensile modulus. The change in morphology and functional group, respectively, due to the modification was observed in SEM and FTIR. The density and water absorption of the composites, respectively, reduced when SLS modified C. populnea fiber was used compared to untreated C. populnea fiber/HDPE composites. The SLS treated C. populnea fiber prove to be superior for reinforcement, stiffness and light weight material.The effect of chemically modified Cissus populnea (C. populnea) fiber using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) on mechanical, morphological and physical (density and water absorption behaviour) properties of C. populnea fiber/recycled HDPE composites was aimed to be investigated. The composites of unmodified and modified C. populnea fiber/HDPE were prepared using injection molding machine. The mechanical properties (tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength and modulus, hardness and impact strength), interfacial shear stress, density, water absorption behaviour, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscope were studied. The results shows that C. populnea fiber improved the mechanical properties of HDPE matrix with reduced impact strength of the composites. The NaOH and SLS treatments, respectively, improved the mechanical properties of C. populnea fiber/HDPE composites, although NaOH treated C. populnea fiber reduced the tensile modulus. The change in morphology and functional group, respectively, due to the modification was observed in SEM and FTIR. The density and water absorption of the composites, respectively, reduced when SLS modified C. populnea fiber was used compared to untreated C. populnea fiber/HDPE composites. The SLS treated C. populnea fiber prove to be superior for reinforcement, stiffness and light weight material

    Girl-Child and Women: Education and Empowerment for Sustainable Development

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    Improper education of the girl-child and women characterized with low self-esteem, lack of confidence, insecurity and national development. The reasons for girl-child and women education as well as empowerment for sustainable health and development was aimed to be investigated. Critical issues in girl-child education such as access to education, drop out from school by a female child and quality of education experience which endangered the girl-child or women have been discussed in this report. Educating and empowering of female children and women coupled with proffered solutions such as building of good mentoring as well as networking groups, sponsorships and proper training would not only apparently contribute towards embracing gender equality, increasing the workforces, particularly, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) workforce but improved emotional, economic, mental, physical, political, religion and social experiences. Thus, yield a healthy nation, high quality leadership, reduced rate of dependence and increased nation’s workforce for sustainable development. Keywords: Education, Girl-child, Women Empowerment, Sustainable development

    Cissus Populnea Fiber - Unsaturated Polyester Composites: Mechanical Properties and Interfacial Adhesion

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    Mechanical (flexural, hardness, and impact) properties and interfacial adhesion of acetic anhydride (AC) and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) treated Cissus populnea fiber-unsaturated polyester (UPR) composites was investigated because of poor durability of the natural fiber-UPR composite applications. UPR composites were prepared with untreated and optimally treated fiber using hand-lay-up technique. Optimization of mechanical properties and interfacial adhesion between the fiber and UPR were determined using response surface methodology and fiber pull-out method, respectively. AC and EDTA treated fibers improved the flexural and hardness properties and interfacial adhesion at reduced impact strength. This is corroborated with morphology of the composites