1 research outputs found

    Značajke metaboličkih poremećaja u kokoÅ”i nesilica infestiranih crvenom grinjom Dermanyssus gallinae

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    Dermanyssosis is a common ectoparasitic disease of birds. Some characteristics of metabolic disorders were identified in Hy-Line laying hens with such a disease. The disease caused by Dermanyssus gallinae, a poultry red mite, was detected during a complex parasitological survey in one of two industrial poultry buildings inspected. A high degree of mite infestation was found in the poultry building where the hens of the experimental group were kept. This condition was considered to be a stress factor for the hens, i.e. as a disturbance of their comfortable living conditions. The D. gallinae parasite infestation caused a decrease in erythrocytes and leukocytes, and in hemoglobin concentration in the laying hens. Changes in the content of some stress-associated hormones were analyzed, and they showed an increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in triiodothyronine. Multiple metabolic rate disorders in the organism of the infested hens were revealed. In dermanyssosis stimulation of gluconeogenesis occurred and an increase in the proportion of oxygen-free glycolysis in the hens. These changes were obviously due to the molecular effects of the increase in stress. The hens from the experimental group were found to have high concentrations of lipid peroxidation products as compared to the control. Increased lipid peroxidation was found, together with a decrease in the total antioxidant defense of the experimental laying hensā€™ organisms. The research results add to our understanding of how a high degree of infestation of a poultry building by D. gallinae impacts the organism of Hy-Line hens.Crvena grinja Dermanyssus gallinae (D. gallinae), poznata joÅ” kao tekut, česti je vanjski parazit ptica. U Hy-Line kokoÅ”i nesilica infestiranih s navedenim grinjom istražene su neke značajke metaboličkih poremećaja. Infestacija je otkrivena za vrijeme inspekcije dva industrijska objekta za peradarsku proizvodnju. Sveobuhvatnom parazitoloÅ”kom obradom utvrđen je visok stupanj infestacije grinjama u jednom od dva objekta, u kojemu su držane kokoÅ”i iz pokusne skupine. Stanje je uzrokovalo naruÅ”avanje povoljnih uvjeta za uzgoj Å”to je rezultiralo stresom za kokoÅ”i. DoÅ”lo je do smanjenje broja eritrocita i leukocita te koncentracije hemoglobina. Analizirane su promjene hormona povezanih sa stresom, koje su pokazale porast razine kortizola i smanjenje razine trijodtironina. U infestiranih kokoÅ”i nesilica otkriveni su viÅ”estruki metabolički poremećaji. Uočena je stimulacija glukoneogeneze i porast udjela glikolize bez prisutnosti kisika, a te su promjene očito uzrokovane molekularnim učincima porasta stresa. KokoÅ”i iz pokusne skupine imale su veću koncentraciju produkata lipidne peroksidacije u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Porast lipidne peroksidacije uočen je s istodobnim smanjenjem ukupne antioksidacijske obrane organizma. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju bolje razumijevanje učinaka koji visok stupanj infestacije peradarskih objekata ektoparazitom D. gallinae ima na organizam Hy-Line kokoÅ”i nesilica