581 research outputs found

    Understanding of puberty and related health problems among female adolescents in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objectives: To understand the level of knowledge, a community based study conducted with the objectives as follows: To estimate the proportion of common facilities available and accessible and frequency of utilizing of it. To estimate the proportion of female adolescent utilizing the availability of facilities. To assess the level of understanding related to puberty and related health problems among female adolescents.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the understanding and level of knowledge related to puberty and related health problems among female adolescents of Karachi, Pakistan. Data was collected from 150 female adolescents between 10-19 years of age. The pre-coded questionnaire was used to collect the data which was double entered and analyzed in SPSS. Results: Sixty six percent (66%) of the participants were aware of the names of reproductive organs. Majority of the participants received information related to sexuality from their mothers. Sixty seven percent (67%) of the participants did not know about self breast examination. Cable and internet were cited as a major source of puberty and sexual health related information. Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a lack of knowledge related to puberty and related health problems among female adolescents. This study recommends that the adolescents should be provided with health education before and during their puberty period to make them confident in dealing with their body changes during puberty effectively (JPMA 56:68;2006)

    Resonate and Fire Neuron with Fixed Magnetic Skyrmions

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    In the brain, the membrane potential of many neurons oscillates in a subthreshold damped fashion and fire when excited by an input frequency that nearly equals their eigen frequency. In this work, we investigate theoretically the artificial implementation of such "resonate-and-fire" neurons by utilizing the magnetization dynamics of a fixed magnetic skyrmion in the free layer of a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). To realize firing of this nanomagnetic implementation of an artificial neuron, we propose to employ voltage control of magnetic anisotropy or voltage generated strain as an input (spike or sinusoidal) signal, which modulates the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). This results in continual expansion and shrinking (i.e. breathing) of a skyrmion core that mimics the subthreshold oscillation. Any subsequent input pulse having an interval close to the breathing period or a sinusoidal input close to the eigen frequency drives the magnetization dynamics of the fixed skyrmion in a resonant manner. The time varying electrical resistance of the MTJ layer due to this resonant oscillation of the skyrmion core is used to drive a Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) buffer circuit, which produces spike outputs. By rigorous micromagnetic simulation, we investigate the interspike timing dependence and response to different excitatory and inhibitory incoming input pulses. Finally, we show that such resonate and fire neurons have potential application in coupled nanomagnetic oscillator based associative memory arrays


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    The current demand in Oman’s labour market is to have a young skill full Omani who is capable to cope with the technical challenges in the industry, as work competence is found to be deficient. The quality of the work depends on the provision of On the Job Training (OJT) programme which is overseen by MoMP. As a result, there is a need for further investigation to determine the OJT quality factors that are associated with Trainer Quality, Effective Assessment, Clear Expectation, Learning Stimulation, Competence Development, Training Relevance, Training Resources, Effective support and Active Learning on students’ satisfaction. The study has embraced the quantitative and positivists method of research, using a stratified random sample to gauge 8 TVET institutes with a total sample of 317 participants. Additionally, the reliability of the test depends on Alpha Cronbach’s scale, and it scored acceptable levels i.e., 0.772 to 0.809. The survey instrument of Coates (2009) was adopted and the literature review was done to support the research conceptual frame. The support theories were based on SERVQUAL, TQM and Kirkpatrick four level of training evaluation model. The study survey used five Likert scales to analyze the data. The evaluation of OJT quality factors on TVET students’ satisfaction was measured, P value <0.01 and found statistically significant. The sample adequacy was measured by using KMO and Bartlett’s test and scored 0.833 within the threshold. Also, the research used three measurements of Goodness of fit and met the required threshold. Nonetheless, the hypothesis results showed an overall of 70% of hypotheses have a significant effect on TVET students’ satisfaction. Finally, the research contributes to developing work skills to meet students’ satisfaction.  Article visualizations

    The utilization of services of health care providers among patients presenting to family physicians at a teaching hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objective: To study the utilization of services of Health care providers among patients presenting to Family Physicians in a teaching hospital in Karachi.Methodology: It was a cross sectional study. A questionnaire was developed to collect patient’s utilization of services of health care providers. The investigators administered the questionnaire to 387 patients, after purpose of the study was explained, written consent was taken and confidentiality was assured. Results: The study population included more females than males, with average age of 32.6 years. The majority were married, well educated, in private and government service, were students or housewives. We found that 383(99%), 141(36.4%), 88(22.7%) and 45(11.6%) of the respondents had used services of allopaths, homeopaths, hakims and spiritual healers respectively. It is important to consider that these patients had come for allopathic treatment, thus exhibiting preference for it. The five main ailments for consulting health care providers differed, suggesting the perception in the mind of patients that certain ailments are better treated by particular system of treatment than the others. Studies are needed to explore this area further. The main reasons for consultation with particular health care provider were the recommendation of others or the perceived effectiveness of the practitioners. The reasons cited for non-consultation with health care providers were the lack of belief in them or lack of effectiveness of their treatment. Three hundred seventy nine (98%), 259 (67%), 174 (45%) and 249 (64.4%) of patients were willing to consult allopaths, homeopaths, hakims and spiritual healers again respectively, if unwell in future Conclusion: We found a substantial utilization of services of complimentary medicine practitioners among the utilization and organization of services offered by patients seeking allopathic treatment. Further study on health care providers is required (JPMA 52:269; 2002)


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    The Job Training has been utilised to provide work skills to TVET students in order to meet the labour market in Oman. It is important to determine whether the quality of the training is meeting to what TVET students’ needs. Therefore, this study examines the effect of the On-the Job-Training (OJT) quality factors on TVET students’ satisfaction. The internship is financed by Ministry of Manpower for TVET candidates in Oman and is meant to obtain employability skills. The study looked at the OJT training quality factors in relation to Trainer Quality, Effective assessment, Clear expectation, Learning Stimulation, Training Relevancy, Competence Development, Training Resources, Effective Support and Active Learning as found to have a direct link to students’ satisfaction. The pilot study of 30 samples was carried out and a random sampling method was used. Nevertheless, this study used a quantitative method of research. In addition, a descriptive method was used to analyse the data and the study results are provided in the form of explanatory notes. However, the reliability test was done i.e. Alpha Cronbach’s shows the range between 0.80 to 0.9 and this confirms the study results. The instrument of the survey of this study used the Coates (2009) AQTF quality indicator; using a five-point Likert scale. The literature review focused on Total Quality Management (TQM model) associated with 5-C TQM Model of Academic Excellence and Service Quality (SERVQUAL Model). Finally, the OJT training quality was measured against students’ satisfaction and the P-value was found to be statistically highly significant.  Article visualizations

    The transformative effect of training in counselling and its application, on the community counsellors themselves

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    Objective: To identify the changes in community counsellors\u27 own level of anxiety and depression as a result of learning counselling skills and to explore their subjective experiences after learning and providing counselling.Design: Quantitative: Repeated Measures. / Qualitative: Focus Group Discussions.SETTING: A lower middle class semi urban community of Karachi, Pakistan.PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-one self selected women from the community.Results: Reduction was seen in the post training scores of anxiety and/or depression in the trainees. As a result of learning and then providing counselling the community counsellors\u27 self esteem, self confidence and sense of competence were enhanced and they developed a more positive attitude towards life.CONCLUSION: A minimal level of training in counselling skills and their application led to significant positive changes in the community counsellors themselves, though self-selection and information bias cannot be ruled out


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivation and attitudes of students in secondary schools (G.C.E. Advanced Level classes) towards learning Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) in Sri Lanka. Further, it examines whether JFL students are instrumentally or integratively motivated to study Japanese. This study adapted a quantitative research paradigm and used a questionnaire for collection of data. The study focuses on investigating the two important social psychological variables introduced in Gardner’s socio educational model, which are the instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. The international version (2004) of Gardner's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) was used to examine the students’ attitudes and motivation levels. A systematic sampling was used under the complex probability sampling method. The results discovered that the integrative motivation of the students was slightly greater than the instrumental motivation. Further, it was found that the students had positive attitudes towards learning situation which are language course and the language teacher. The findings shows that JFL learners in G.C.E. Advanced level classes were less likely to hold utilitarian and academic reasons for learning Japanese. However, the results proved that their attitudes towards the Japanese language community and its members were highly positive. Finally, the study introduces some pedagogical implications that would help to enhance the students’ motivation and attitudes.  Article visualizations

    Frequency and associated factors for anxiety and depression in pregnant women: a hospital-based cross-sectional study.

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    Antepartum anxiety and/or depression is a major public health problem globally. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of antepartum anxiety and/or depression among pregnant women. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care hospital among pregnant women. A total of 165 pregnant women were interviewed by a clinical psychologist using HADS for assessing anxiety and/or depression and also collected information regarding sociodemographic, obstetric, family relationships, and home environment. Out of the total of 165 pregnant women about 70 percent of them were either anxious and/or depressed. The increasing age of women (P-value = 0.073), not having any live birth (P-value = 0.036), adverse pregnancy outcome in past including death of a child, stillbirth or abortion (P-value = 0.013), participant\u27s role in household decision making (P-value = 0.013), and domestic violence (verbal or physical abuse towards mother or children by any family member) (P-value = 0.123). Our study highlights that anxiety and/or depression is quite common among pregnant women. Therefore, there is a need to incorporate screening for anxiety and depression in the existing antenatal programs and development of strategies to provide practical support to those identified


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    In this research, it has been investigated to evaluate the operation of human capital management on the employees’ viewpoint in the aviation sector of UAE. The subsequent developments in the international financial framework offer prompted increment the competition among organizations, the survival and success has turned into a major goal of these organizations. In the present study, it has been intended to quantify the degree of applying the HCM practices on employees in a standout amongst the most advancing and developing sectors in the UAE. In UAE, the civil aviation sector is on the top. Following to reviewing the literatures, three variables have been separated which are leadership practices, employee engagement and talent management. The effect of these variables on human capital management has been checked by the researcher in the area of expertise. Therefore, the effect of leadership practices, talent management, and employee engagement on human capital management has been explored in this research. Eventually, through a comprehensive analysis, it has been found that leadership practices and talent management are not significant to HCM, and employee engagement alone has a remarkable effect on the human capital management.  Article visualizations


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    On the employees’ perspective in the UAE aviation sector, this research has been conducted to evaluate the execution of human capital management. The subsequent growths in the global financial framework have driven the rise of competitions among organizations, and survival of success has turned into a vital goal of these organizations. This study intends to measure the degree of applying the HCM practices on employees in a standout amongst the most advanced and developed sectors in the UAE - the civil aviation sector. Following the literatures, three variables have been parted which were leadership practices, employee engagement and talent management. Researcher has checked the effect of these variables on human capital management in her area of expertise. Henceforth, this research explores the effect of leadership practices, talent management, and employee engagement on human capital management. Lastly, after carefully analyzing the results, it has been found that leadership practices and talent management are insignificant to HCM and only employee engagement has noteworthy effect on human capital management. JEL: J24; L91; L93  Article visualizations