26 research outputs found

    Job Burnout: An Examination of Outpatient Clinics

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    The purpose of this study was to examine job burnout of medical providers in outpatient clinics. Job burnout is a psychological syndrome resulting from job interpersonal stressors; it is measured using three dimensions: (1) emotional exhaustion – feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one’s work, (2) depersonalization -a unfeeling and impersonal response toward patients, and (3) personal accomplishment – feelings of competence and achievement in one’s work (Maslach & Jackson, 2020). Using a convenience sample, healthcare providers in Southern Nevada were asked to participate. The study was approved by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Internal Review Board (IRB). After an initial Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel (MBI-HSS (MP)) was administered virtually (due to COVID-19), healthcare providers were presented with a job burnout educational in-service regarding how to identify and define job burnout, a summary of research and findings regarding employee stress, information of when to seek help, and a discussion of how job burnout affects patient care. After a 60-day period, the MBI-HSS (MP) was re-administered, voluntarily, to the same employees. This project’s aim was to improve job burnout subscale scores in a 60-day period using a job burnout educational intervention

    Critical Factors Impacting the Implementation of Environmental Protection Strategies among Malaysia Industries

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    Environmental protection is a heavily debated topic along with development. Uncontrolled development will sacrifice our environmental and causing issues such as pollution, land slide, flash flood, etc. The objective of this study is to understand drivers of the implementation of environmental protection strategy among industries in Malaysia. Questionnaire was designed and tested with 130 Malaysian organizations. The framework consisted of independent variables such as Client’s Requirement, Corporate Social Responsibility, Government Grants and Subsidy versus the dependent variable Environmental Protection Strategy. From the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), it was found out that only client’s requirement and corporate social responsibility are relevant towards implementation of environmental protection strategy. One of the important findings is that government regulation is no longer a mandatory driver for organizations to implement environmental protection strategy. This could be a positive sign that organizations are working the self-regulatory direction than instrumental enforcement. This is in par with department of environment’s latest focus to implement guided self-regulation through environmental mainstreaming tools. The outcome of the study can help the policy makers, regulatory bodies,, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to shape their direction to form strategies that are most effective

    Critical Factors Impacting the Implementation of Environmental Protection Strategies among Malaysia Industries

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    Environmental protection is a heavily debated topic along with development. Uncontrolled development will sacrifice our environmental and causing issues such as pollution, land slide, flash flood, etc. The objective of this study is to understand drivers of the implementation of environmental protection strategy among industries in Malaysia. Questionnaire was designed and tested with 130 Malaysian organizations. The framework consisted of independent variables such as Client’s Requirement, Corporate Social Responsibility, Government Grants and Subsidy versus the dependent variable Environmental Protection Strategy. From the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), it was found out that only client’s requirement and corporate social responsibility are relevant towards implementation of environmental protection strategy. One of the important findings is that government regulation is no longer a mandatory driver for organizations to implement environmental protection strategy. This could be a positive sign that organizations are working the self-regulatory direction than instrumental enforcement. This is in par with department of environment’s latest focus to implement guided self-regulation through environmental mainstreaming tools. The outcome of the study can help the policy makers, regulatory bodies,, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to shape their direction to form strategies that are most effective

    Work Trajectories of Female and Male Immigrants in Spain

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    This article aims to examine in depth the work trajectories of individuals over time, in orderto provide a wider perspective of the employment history of immigrants compared to nativepeople, by gender and for more than one decade (2005&-2017) in Spain. We use microdata (cohortand multivariate analysis) from the Labour Force Survey and carry out a comparison forthree groups: the Spanish born in Spain, the Spanish born abroad, and the non-Spanish bornabroad. The results confirm that the non-Spanish born-abroad group is characterized by theexistence of segmented assimilation. All foreigners suffered a loss in their work trajectories,since their employment rate in 2017 has as yet neither reached the level of the last years ofthe previous economic expansion nor the level of the previous cohorts at the same age