2 research outputs found

    Znaczenie wynik贸w elektrokardiografii w diagnozowaniu ubytku przegrody mi臋dzyprzedsionkowej

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    Background: Atrial septal defect (ASD) is the most frequent heart defect observed in adulthood. Although it is usually non-symptomatic, it may result in heart failure, arrhythmic complications, and paradoxical embolism-related morbidity or mortality if the diagnosis is late. Aim: This study was planned in order to investigate the importance of electrocardiographic findings in the diagnosis of ASD. Methods: Sixty-one patients with a diagnosis of ASD and 66 healthy volunteers without cardiac disease were enrolled in the study. Electrocardiographs (ECG) were performed on all patients to investigate the presence of right bundle branch block (RBBB), incomplete RBBB, defective T wave (DTW), and notch finding in the R wave of inferior derivations (crochetage R wave). ASD types and diameters were determined via transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography. Results: It was determined that incomplete RBBB (56% vs. 5%), DTW (48% vs. 3%), and R wave crochetage (57% vs. 8%) in inferior derivations were more frequent in ASD patients compared to the control group patients. The specificity of the defined ECG findings in the diagnosis of ASD were 95%, 97%, and 92%, respectively. No correlation was detected between the ASD diameter and incomplete RBBB, whereas significant correlation was observed between the ASD diameter and the presence of crochetage R wave (17.5 卤 4.0 mm in patients with crochetage R wave, and 20.9 卤 8.2 mm in patients without crochetage R wave, p = 0.057). Conclusions: Detection of RBBB, DTW, and crochetage R wave in superficial ECG may contribute to early detection in patients with ASD. 聽Wst臋p: Ubytek przegrody mi臋dzyprzedsionkowej (ASD) jest najcz臋stsz膮 wad膮 serca wyst臋puj膮c膮 u os贸b doros艂ych. Zwykle nie powoduje ona objaw贸w, lecz je艣li nie zostanie wcze艣nie rozpoznana, mo偶e by膰 przyczyn膮 niewydolno艣ci serca, zaburze艅 rytmu i zator贸w paradoksalnych oraz zwi膮zanych z tym 艣miertelno艣ci i chorobowo艣ci. Cel: Celem pracy by艂a ocena znaczenia parametr贸w elektrokardiograficznych (EKG) w diagnozowaniu ASD. Metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 61 chorych z ASD i 66 os贸b zdrowych (bez chor贸b serca). U wszystkich pacjent贸w wykonano badanie EKG w celu sprawdzenia, czy wyst臋puj膮: blok prawej odnogi p臋czka Hisa (RBBB), niezupe艂ny RBBB, nieprawid艂owy za艂amek T (DTW) i wci臋cia w za艂amku R w odprowadzeniach II, III i aVF (zaz臋biony za艂amek R). Typy i wymiary ASD okre艣lono za pomoc膮 echokardiografii przezklatkowej i przezprze艂ykowej. Wyniki: Ustalono, 偶e niezupe艂ny RBBB (56% vs. 5%), DTW (48% vs. 3%) i zaz臋biony za艂amek R (57% vs. 8%) w odprowadzeniach II, III i aVF wyst臋powa艂y cz臋艣ciej u chorych z ASD ni偶 u os贸b z grupy kontrolnej. Swoisto艣膰 okre艣lonych cech w EKG w stosunku do rozpoznania ASD wynosi艂a odpowiednio 95%, 97% i 92%. Nie wykazano 偶adnych korelacji mi臋dzy 艣rednic膮 ASD a niezupe艂nym RBBB, stwierdzono natomiast istotne zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy 艣rednic膮 ASD a obecno艣ci膮 zaz臋bionego za艂amka R (17,5 卤 4,0 mm u chorych z zaz臋bionym za艂amkiem R i 20,9 卤 8,2 mm u pacjent贸w bez zaz臋bienia za艂amka R; p = 0,057). Wnioski: Stwierdzenie RBBB, DTW i zaz臋bionego za艂amka R w zapisie powierzchniowego EKG mo偶e si臋 przyczyni膰 do wczesnego wykrycia ASD.

    Comparison of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Parasternal Block for Postoperative Pain Management after Cardiac Surgery

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    Background. Parasternal block and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) have been demonstrated to produce effective analgesia and reduce postoperative opioid requirements in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Objectives. To compare the effectiveness of TENS and parasternal block on early postoperative pain after cardiac surgery. Methods. One hundred twenty patients undergoing cardiac surgery were enrolled in the present randomized, controlled prospective study. Patients were assigned to three treatment groups: parasternal block, intermittent TENS application, or a control group. Results. Pain scores recorded 4鈥塰, 5鈥塰, 6鈥塰, 7鈥塰, and 8鈥塰 postoperatively were lower in the parasternal block group than in the TENS and control groups. Total morphine consumption was also lower in the parasternal block group than in the TENS and control groups. It was also significantly lower in the TENS group than in the control group. There were no statistical differences among the groups regarding the extubation time, rescue analgesic medication, length of intensive care unit stay, or length of hospital stay. Conclusions. Parasternal block was more effective than TENS in the management of early postoperative pain and the reduction of opioid requirements in patients who underwent cardiac surgery through median sternotomy. This trial is registered with Clinicaltrials.gov number NCT02725229