22 research outputs found

    Perforation of the appendix and the sigmoid colon by an ectopic IUD

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    The perforation of both appendix and sigmoid colon by an ectopic Intrauterine device (IUD) by an intrauterine device is a rare occurrence. We present a case of a patient is a 47- year- old hispanic woman who presented at the Gynaecology clinic with complaints of chronic right sided pelvic pain. She had an intrauterine device inserted 10 years prior with no recent gynaecological follow-up. The device was identified by ultrasonography and she was planned for a hysterectomy and IUD retrieval by the gynaecology team. An intra-operative finding of sigmoid colon and appendiceal perforation by an IUD during a total abdominal hysterectomy and emergent involvement of the general surgery team. She underwent a segmental resection of the involved sigmoid colon, appendectomy and removal of the IUD.  All missing Intrauterine devices should be accurately localized by tomographic or magnetic imaging preoperatively


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    This paper focused on addressing the effects of operational issues on the stakeholders to a private organisation. The findings show that the implementation of stakeholders’ involvement lent support to effective zero waste practice in this research. It is an action research, carried out in a case study of a commercial livestock farm, using workshop and interviews as key data collection methods. The research considered the interest of the affected and involved stakeholders in identifying and deliberating on key operational issues such as live-stock waste management and mortality. Suggestions and decisions result in effective approach to addressing stakeholders’ marginalisation through a participatory research process, which led to a zero-waste operational practice. The research concludes with the suggestion for a mixed method to explore the topic in future research in a private sector organisation

    Technology Entrepreneurship: Pathway to Industry-University Engagement

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    Technology entrepreneurship is a concept that describes technology-driven entrepreneurship whereby technology is leveraged upon on to achieve entrepreneurial success. The countries called ASIAN tigers emerged on the platform of technology entrepreneurship. This study attempted the use of case studies to describe University- Industry transformation on society drawing strength from the theory of planned behaviour. It is premised upon the belief that universities can facilitate their partnerships with industry by developing competencies in the area of technology. Renowned world economies revolutionized on the bases of technology entrepreneurship. The current statistics in turn revealed that nine out of top ten firms in the world are technology-based. The study proposes that universities should embark on planned behaviour towards development-driven research in the area of technology. It further recommends that innovation culture should be strategically integrated into the university system for enhanced societal and economic impact

    Developing a Model for Employees’ Intrapreneurial Engagement and Organizational Survival

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    The survival of any organisation in the midst of economic hardship and competitiveness is becoming a serious concern. One of the strategies organisations can adopt is to tap into the intrapreneurial potentials of their employees. The main objective of this study examines the strategic roles of employees’ intrapreneurial engagement and its implication for organisational survival. A descriptive research method (Structural Equation Model {AMOS 22}) was applied to analyse the two hundred and fifty-nine (259) copies of valid questionnaire completed by the respondents using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. However, the study indicated that fostering employees’ intrapreneurial engagement have positive significant implications on organisational survival. This suggests that employees’ empowerment, involvement, autonomy, relationships and reward system have significant effects on organisational survival. It is therefore recommended that organisations should challenge their employees by providing them with autonomy and the freedom to innovate and carve out spaces for them to take risks and experiment

    Contribution of small and mediumenterprisesto economic development: Evidencefroma transitingeconomy

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    The focusofthisresearchwastopresentadataarticleonthe contribution ofSMEstoeconomicdevelopmentinatransiting economy.Descriptiveresearchdesignwasadoptedinthisstudy. Data wereobtainedfrom600respondentsin60small-scale enterprises locatedindifferentpartsofthecountry(20small-scale enterprises locatedinLagosState,20inAnambraStateand20in Kano StateofNigeriarespectively).Dataanalysiswascarriedout using tablesandpercentagesandthenullhypothesesofthestudy wastestedusingchi-square(X2) inferentialstatisticalmodelat5% level ofsignificance. The findings revealedthatthereisasig- nificant relationshipbetweentheoperationofsmallandmedium- scale enterprisesandeconomicgrowthindevelopingnations

    Technology Entrepreneurship: Pathway to IndustryUniversity Engagement

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    Technology entrepreneurship is a concept that describes technology-driven entrepreneurship whereby technology is leveraged upon on to achieve entrepreneurial success. The countries called ASIAN tigers emerged on the platform of technology entrepreneurship. This study attempted the use of case studies to describe University- Industry transformation on society drawing strength from the theory of planned behaviour. It is premised upon the belief that universities can facilitate their partnerships with industry by developing competencies in the area of technology. Renowned world economies revolutionized on the bases of technology entrepreneurship. The current statistics in turn revealed that nine out of top ten firms in the world are technology-based. The study proposes that universities should embark on planned behaviour towards developmentdriven research in the area of technology. It further recommends that innovation culture should be strategically integrated into the university system for enhanced societal and economic impact

    Dataset on brand culture and perceived value of offerings to customers in the hospitality industry in Nigeria

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    This studycriticallyexaminestheroleofbrandcultureininfluencing theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomerswithinthe hospitality industryinNigeria.Intoday'scompetitivemarket,the extentatwhichorganizationsdisregardtheimportanceofdevel- oping astrongbrandculturebeforecommunicatingtheirvalueto the outsideworldhasbecomeworrisome.Hence,thisstudy filled in thegapsandatotalof434customersdrawnfromsixdifferent hotelsinLagosstate,Nigeria,weresampled.Thedatawereana- lysedusingStructuralEquationModelling(SEM).Managementof these hotelswereabletodefine theirexpectationsinorderto deliveraconsistentbrandexperiencetotheircustomers.The result showedthatbrandculturehaspositivesignificant influence on theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomers.Important recommendations havealsobeenmade


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    Considering that most part of organisational operations depend on group effectiveness, yet there is scarcely any empirical study on the interactions between group-tacit knowledge and organisational effectiveness. In order to overcome this gap, this study involves a survey of 230 managers and other administrative & technical employees of the four major firm in the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) sub-market of Nigeria’s telecommunications industry. Data was gathered using a mixed method research approach. Correlation, Regression, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistics and thematic analysis was carried out as means of testing the hypothesis for this research study. The findings showed that firms need to focus keenly on ideas of employees that are shared during conferences, team leaders’ mentoring role, collective reasoning over task and constantly hold strategic meetings that probe into developments arising in each functional unit of the organisation. These factors are shown to have a strong influence on organisational effectivenes

    Integrated datasets on transformational leadership attributes and employee engagement: The moderating role of job satisfaction in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG)industry

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    Transformationalleadershiphasgainedagreatdealofattention since itsdevelopmentthroughresearchandevaluationsfrom James MacGregorBurnsandBernardBass.Butcentraltoits development, therearestilluncertaintiesregardingtheattributes and interventionsoftransformationalleadershipstyleindevel- oping nationslikeNigeria.Hence,thisarticlepresentedaninte- grateddatasetsontransformationalleadershipattributes, employeesatisfactionandengagementusingselectedFastMoving Consumer Goods(FMCGs) firms inNigeria.Thestudyadopteda descriptiveresearchdesigntoestablishtrendsandthequantitative approach wasemployedusingsurveyquestionnaire.Asamplesize of threehundredand fifty-nine(359)staffandmanagementof sampled firms wereselected.Datawasanalysedwiththeuseof measurement andstructuralequationmodellingandthe field data set ismadewidelyaccessibletoenablecriticaloramorecom- prehensiveinvestigation.The findings identified intellectualsti- mulation (creativityandinnovation)andattributedcharismaas predictivedeterminantsoftransformationalleadershipattributes for increasedsatisfactionandengagementofsampled firms. Itwas recommended thatFCMGs firms needtoinvestnecessaryresour- ces indevelopingstrategiesandinterventionstoidentifydiffering needs, abilities,andaspirationsforstaffsatisfactio


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    Background: The recent recession has placed importance on innovation performance, reduction of costs, and retention of talent. Concurrently, the increase in turnover, negative workplace behaviours and frustration have driven an omnipresent interest in ethics and organizational justice. Organisational justice remains topical in Nigeria’s educational quest for long term competitiveness. Unfortunately, most of the existing studies adopted a uni-dimensional approach to organizational justice and primarily focused on performance, ignoring its impact on retention outcome. Methods: Overall, a quantitative approach was adopted in empirical research conducted within selected private universities. One hundred and ninety-seven (197) Information Technology Professionals of selected private universities in Ogun state, Nigeria were involved in the survey and was analysed using measurement and structural models. Results: A quantitative analysis of survey data highlighted the underlying principles necessary to nurture an environment that promotes justice, equity and retention. Organisational justice has various dimensions and each one of them exerts varying degree of impact on the retention of IT professionals in private universities. The study indicated that distributive and interactional justice have positive and significant impact on retention of staff. While that of procedural justice was not accepted as its results were seen to be negatively associated and insignificant too. Conclusion: Organizational justice is very important, playing an important role in influencing employees' work attitude and enthusiasm. The role of management is to ensure that organisational justice prevails and jobs are equally distributed along with equal distribution of benefits and rewards. Fair implementation of rules and regulations with no personal or selective favours is essentia