4 research outputs found

    Teymur Ateşli’s emigration poems

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    Azerbaycan muhaceret edebiyatının önemli isimlerinden olan Teymur Ateşli’nin şiirleri hem içerik hem de sanat açısından oldukça zengindir. Eserlerinde Azerbaycan Halk Edebiyatı ve Klasik Edebiyatı’nın etkisi büyüktür. Ateşli’nin şiirlerinin incelenmesi Azerbaycan Edebiyatı’nın araştırılması açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Şiirlerini kronolojik olarak iki grupta incelemek yerinde olacaktır: 1949’a kadarki dönem ve 1949 sonrası Türkiye dönemi. Ateşli’nin şiirlerindeki kahramanlık mücadelesi, vatan sevgisi duygusunu aşılamaya büyük ihtiyaç duyulan herhangi bir toplumdaki modern genç nesil için önemli örnektir. Şair “Qafkaz”, “Bir Parça”, “İstiklal”, “Ustadıma” şiirlerinde vatan özlemini, Sovyet toplumuna karşı öfke ve nefretini, isyanını yansıtmakta; bağımsız bir Azerbaycan ummaktadır. “Vazifeni Yap Arkadaş!”, “Taşlamalar” şiirlerindeyse şairin yaşadığı toplumda haksızlığa karşı yapılan protestoya tanık olunmaktadır. Ateşli’nin adalet, azim ve vatanseverlik mücadelesi Türk dünyasının gençliğine örnek olarak her zaman hafızalarda yaşayacaktır. Araştırmada ilk defa konu hakkında daha çok Teymur Ateşli’nin kitap, dergi ve gazetelerdeki şiirlerinden, orijinal kaynaklardan ve akademik çalışmalardan yararlanılmış; karşılaştırmalı analiz ve tarihî tahlil yöntemi kullanılmıştır.The poetry of Teymur Ateşli, one of the prominent figures of Azerbaijani emigrant literature, is very rich both in terms of content and art. The influence of Azerbaijani folklore and classical literature is great in his work. The study of Teymur Ateşli’s poem is of great importance for the study of Azerbaijani literature. It would be appropriate to examine her poems chronologically in two groups: the period until 1949 and Turkey period after 1949. The heroic struggle for national independence in T. Ateşli’s poems is a prime example for the modern young generation in any society where there is a great need to instill a sense of patriotism. There are in his poems, he longs for his homeland, anger, hatred, rebellion against Soviet society and hopes for an independent Azerbaijan in “Qafkaz”, “Bir Parça”, “İstiklal”, “Ustadıma” poems. In the poems Vazifeni Yap Arkadaş!”, “Taşlamalar” we witness the poet’s protest against injustice in the society in which he lives. T. Ateşli’s struggle for justice, determination, and patriotism will always live in memories as an example to the youth of the Turkish world. In this article, for the first time, the poems published in the “Akşam Haberleri” newspaper, Azerbaijan magazine and anthology books w.ere analyzed by using the poet's poems with analytical and historical analysis method

    Role of Thylakoid Protein Phosphorylation in Energy-Dependent Quenching of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Rice Plants

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    Under natural environments, light quality and quantity are extremely varied. To respond and acclimate to such changes, plants have developed a multiplicity of molecular regulatory mechanisms. Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ) and thylakoid protein phosphorylation are two mechanisms that protect vascular plants. To clarify the role of thylakoid protein phosphorylation in energy-dependent quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qE) in rice plants, we used a direct Western blot assay after BN-PAGE to detect all phosphoproteins by P-Thr antibody as well as by P-Lhcb1 and P-Lhcb2 antibodies. Isolated thylakoids in either the dark- or the light-adapted state from wild type (WT) and PsbS-KO rice plants were used for this approach to detect light-dependent interactions between PsbS, PSII, and LHCII proteins. We observed that the bands corresponding to the phosphorylated Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 as well as the other phosphorylated proteins were enhanced in the PsbS-KO mutant after illumination. The qE relaxation became slower in WT plants after 10 min HL treatment, which correlated with Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 protein phosphorylation in the LHCII trimers under the same experimental conditions. Thus, we concluded that light-induced phosphorylation of PSII core and Lhcb1/Lhcb2 proteins is enhanced in rice PsbS-KO plants which might be due to more reactive-oxygen-species production in this mutant