4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Practice of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in a State Hospital

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    In terms of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgical patients, incorrect application in hospitals is still one of the most frequently made errors in the medical practice. Surgical site infections, with a rate of 15%-18%, are seen as the second most prevalent of all nosocomial infections.The aim of our study was to investigate the use of antibiotics implemented in surgical prophylaxis. The study was conducted on 180 patients on whom elective surgery was performed in Mardin State Hospital between the dates of September 1 and December 31, 2013. Drug distribution was made according to age, gender, risk factors for surgical site infection; ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) score, the name of the prophylactic antibiotics used, clinics distribution, and wound classification. Our study determined that in 71.7% of the cases, prophylaxis was given in incorrect doses; that it was continued for too long a period in 56.2%; and that an inappropriate antibiotic had been selected in 51.7%. It has become more important for the infection control committee to not only create a guide, but also to periodically update training in coordination with anesthesiologists and surgical specialists and take necessary measures. The contribution of the clinical pharmacy practice to the solution of this problem must be discussed. [Med-Science 2015; 4(3.000): 2441-9

    Polyelectrolyte Chondroitin Sulfate Microgels as a Carrier Material for Rosmarinic Acid and Their Antioxidant Ability

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    Polyelectrolyte microgels derived from natural sources such as chondroitin sulfate (CS) possess considerable interest as therapeutic carriers because of their ionic nature and controllable degradation capability in line with the extent of the used crosslinker for long-term drug delivery applications. In this study, chemically crosslinked CS microgels were synthesized in a single step and treated with an ammonia solution to attain polyelectrolyte CS−[NH4]+ microgels via a cation exchange reaction. The spherical and non-porous CS microgels were injectable and in the size range of a few hundred nanometers to tens of micrometers. The average size distribution of the CS microgels and their polyelectrolyte forms were not significantly affected by medium pH. It was determined that the −34 ± 4 mV zeta potential of the CS microgels was changed to −23 ± 3 mV for CS− [NH4]+ microgels with pH 7 medium. No important toxicity was determined on L929 fibroblast cells, with 76 ± 1% viability in the presence of 1000 μg/mL concentration of CS−[NH4]+ microgels. Furthermore, these microgels were used as a drug carrier material for rosmarinic acid (RA) active agent. The RA-loading capacity was about 2.5-fold increased for CS−[R]+ microgels with 32.4 ± 5.1 μg/mg RA loading, and 23% of the loaded RA was sustainably release for a long-term period within 150 h in comparison to CS microgels. Moreover, RA-loaded CS−[R]+ microgels exhibited great antioxidant activity, with 0.45 ± 0.02 μmol/g Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity in comparison to no antioxidant properties for bare CS particles

    Light-Activated Modified Arginine Carbon Dots as Antibacterial Particles

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    Nitrogen-doped arginine carbon dots (Arg CDs) as light-sensitive antibacterial agents were prepared by using citric acid as the carbon source and arginine amino acid as the nitrogen source via a microwave-assisted synthesis method. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements and TEM images revealed that the Arg CDs were in the 1–10 nm size range with a graphitic structure. To improve their antibacterial capability, the Arg CDs were modified with ethyleneimine (EDA), pentaethylenehexamine (PEHA), and polyethyleneimine (PEI) as different amine sources, and the zeta potential value of +2.8 ± 0.6 mV for Arg CDs was increased to +34.4 ± 4.1 mV for PEI-modified Arg CDs. The fluorescence intensity of the Arg CDs was significantly enhanced after the modification with EDA, and the highest antibacterial effect was observed for the PEI-modified Arg CDs. Furthermore, the photodynamic antibacterial capacity of bare and EDA-modified Arg CDs was determined upon light exposure to show their light-induced antibacterial effects. Photoexcited (315–400 nm, UVA, 300 W), EDA-modified Arg CDs at 5 mg/mL concentration were found to inhibit about 49 ± 7% of pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Escherichia coli, with 5 min of light exposure. Furthermore, the biocompatibilities of the bare and modified Arg CDs were also investigated with blood compatibility tests via hemolysis and blood clotting assays and cytotoxicity analysis on L929 fibroblast cells

    Light-Activated Modified Arginine Carbon Dots as Antibacterial Particles

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    Nitrogen-doped arginine carbon dots (Arg CDs) as light-sensitive antibacterial agents were prepared by using citric acid as the carbon source and arginine amino acid as the nitrogen source via a microwave-assisted synthesis method. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements and TEM images revealed that the Arg CDs were in the 1–10 nm size range with a graphitic structure. To improve their antibacterial capability, the Arg CDs were modified with ethyleneimine (EDA), pentaethylenehexamine (PEHA), and polyethyleneimine (PEI) as different amine sources, and the zeta potential value of +2.8 ± 0.6 mV for Arg CDs was increased to +34.4 ± 4.1 mV for PEI-modified Arg CDs. The fluorescence intensity of the Arg CDs was significantly enhanced after the modification with EDA, and the highest antibacterial effect was observed for the PEI-modified Arg CDs. Furthermore, the photodynamic antibacterial capacity of bare and EDA-modified Arg CDs was determined upon light exposure to show their light-induced antibacterial effects. Photoexcited (315–400 nm, UVA, 300 W), EDA-modified Arg CDs at 5 mg/mL concentration were found to inhibit about 49 ± 7% of pathogenic bacteria, e.g., Escherichia coli, with 5 min of light exposure. Furthermore, the biocompatibilities of the bare and modified Arg CDs were also investigated with blood compatibility tests via hemolysis and blood clotting assays and cytotoxicity analysis on L929 fibroblast cells