14 research outputs found

    Healthcare Services for the Physically Challenged Persons in Africa: Challenges and Way Forward

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    This chapter is based on persons with physical disabilities in Africa, their challenges, and how it affects their health-seeking behaviors. We noticed that physical challenge has a substantial long-term adverse effect on one’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Both the causes and the consequences of physical disability vary throughout the world, especially in Africa. Environmental, technical, and attitudinal barriers and consequent social exclusion reduce the opportunities for physically challenged persons to contribute productively to the household and the community and further increase the risk of falling into poverty and poor healthcare services. The inability of the physically challenged persons to perceive the lack of points of interest of government has intensified to make significant recommendations and possible solutions. This is appalling because the rate to which a community provides and funds restoration is a way of grading how much interest it has, and importance it connects to the quality of life of its citizens. We advocate and recommend swift actions and disability inclusiveness to accommodate persons with physical disabilities in Africa for them to have a good perception of life

    Yellow fever outbreak in Kenya:A review

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    Yellow fever (YF) is a viral acute hemorrhagic illness caused by infected mosquitoes of the flavivirus family. The first yellow fever outbreak in Kenya was in 1992. Similar outbreaks were recorded in the western part of the country in 1993, 1995, and 2011, particularly in the Rift Valley province of Kenya. In early 2022, the viral acute illness resurfaced and hit Kenya. On January 12, 2022, the first case was discovered, with over 14 patients suffering from fever, jaundice, and joint and muscle pains. On March 4, 2022, a yellow fever outbreak re-emerged in Kenya, affecting 11 wards in Isiolo County. The fatality rate recorded was 11.3% (six deaths), with Chari accounting for 39.6% of the total 21 cases, Cherab 14 (26.4%), and 5 Garba Tulla (9.4%). This has the potential to further endanger the nation's economic growth while also negatively impacting people's daily lives in a part of the world that is already dealing with the catastrophic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. However, there is no curative therapy for yellow fever. The only options for curbing its spread are through vaccination and preventive measures. Hence, Kenya's government must take responsibility for requiring vaccination of its citizens, implement an active national disease surveillance protocol, and set up anti-yellow fever campaigns in the country

    Self-medication and Anti-malarial Drug Resistance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): A silent threat

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    Background Malaria is a global infectious (vector-borne: Anopheles mosquitoes) disease which is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Among all its parasitic (protozoan: Plasmodium sp.) variants, Plasmodium falciparum (PF) is the most virulent and responsible for above 90% of global malaria deaths hence making it a global public health threat. Main context Despite current front-line antimalarial treatments options especially allopathic medications and malaria prevention (and control) strategies especially governmental policies and community malaria intervention programs in SSA, PF infections remains prevalent due to increased antimicrobial/antimalarial drug resistance caused by several factors especially genetic mutations and auto(self)-medication practices in SSA. In this article, we focused on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as the largest SSA country by bringing perspective into the impact of self-medication and antimalarial drug resistance, and provided recommendation for long-term improvement and future analysis in malaria prevention and control in SSA. Conclusions Self-medication and anti-malarial drug resistance is a major challenge to malaria control in DRC and sub-Saharan Africa, and to achieve sustainable control, individual, community and governmental efforts must be aligned to stop self-medication, and strengthen the health systems against malaria

    Control and orientation of urbanization of cities in developing countries: a case study of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    ABSTRACTUrbanization is key to the development of a city. It is part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Developing countries are called upon to modernize and build urban infrastructure. There are several problems in developing countries: undirected and uncontrolled urbanization. This has several consequences, including the proliferation of slums, uncontrolled construction, erosion, flooding, and an increase in the crime rate. It is possible to combat these consequences and mitigate their effects by implementing solid urban planning that takes into account subdivision plans, the reinforcement of embankments, the expansion of the urban area, the construction of infrastructure, and their diversification

    Re‐emergence of Lassa fever in Nigeria: A new challenge for public health authorities

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    Abstract The Lassa virus is an RNA virus belonging to the Arenaviridae family. It is responsible for Lassa fever, an acute viral zoonosis of the severe hemorrhagic fever type with manifestations of fever, muscle pain, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and chest and abdominal pain. Lassa fever is endemic in West Africa, where the first case was reported in 1969 in Lassa, a town in Nigeria, more than 50 years ago, and it is estimated that nearly 5000 deaths occur in West Africa each year. Nigeria is one of the endemic hotspots and has experienced numerous recurrent outbreaks of Lassa fever due to the increased multiplication of the host reservoir, Mastomys natalensis. For the Lassa epidemics in 2022 and January 2023 alone, Nigeria accounts for a quarter of the annual deaths from this disease. Poor lifestyle and hygiene, difficulty in diagnosis due to nonspecific symptomatology, lack of effective treatment based on clinical evidence, an ineffective human immunization program combined with a health system that is not adapted or equipped to control and prevent recurrent deadly epidemics, and an outdated regional disease surveillance system in West Africa are some of the challenges that must be overcome to rapidly and effectively eradicate this disease, whose area of spread is constantly expanding as a result of the movement of populations in the context of economic and socio‐cultural activities

    Efficacy and safety of once-weekly insulin icodec compared to once-daily insulin g U-100 in patients with type II diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background//Objective Diabetes affects millions of people globally, despite treatment options, adherence and other factors pose obstacles. Once-weekly Insulin Icodec, a novel basal Insulin analog with a week-long half-life, offers potential benefits, enhancing convenience, adherence, and quality of life for improved glycemic control. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of once-weekly Insulin Icodec compared to once-daily Insulin Glargine U-100 in individuals with type II diabetes (T2D). Methods A comprehensive literature search was conducted using PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases before September 2023 to identify relevant Randomized control trials (RCTs) with no language restrictions following PRISMA guidelines. The Cochrane risk-of-bias tool was used for quality assessment. All statistical analyses were conducted using RevMan (version 5.4; Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014). Result Four RCTs published from 2020 to 2023 with a cumulative sample size of 1035 were included. The pooled mean difference (MD) revealed a 4.68% longer TIR (%) with Insulin Icodec compared to Insulin Glargine U-100 [{95% CI (0.69, 8.68), p = 0.02}], the estimated mean changes in HbA1c (%) and FPG (mg%) were found to be insignificant between the two groups [MD = − 0.12 {95% CI (− 0.26, 0.01), p = 0.07}] and [MD = − 2.59 {95% CI (− 6.95, 1.78), p = 0.25}], respectively. The overall OR for hypoglycemia was also nonsignificant between the two regimens 1.04 [{95% CI (0.71, 1.52), p = 0.84}]. Other safety parameters were similar between the two groups. Conclusions Switching from daily Insulin Glargine U-100 to weekly Insulin Icodec showed longer TIR (%) as well as similar blood glycemic control and safety profile. Hence, it may be a good alternate option for management of longstanding T2D