5 research outputs found

    Volatile Aromatic Flavor Compounds in Yogurt: A Review

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    Lactic acid bacteria are of great importance in the production of yogurt worldwide, yet very little is still known about the mechanisms of aroma formation in foods subjected to lactic acid fermentation. However, advances in the Adolfsson development of instrument methods have made it possible to avoid some of the difficulties in extracting flavoring substances from the otherwise complex matrix of lactic acid products. In this chapter, we present recent developments related to the impact of yogurt starter cultures on the production of the aromatic components in yogurts. In addition, we examine and characterize the aromatic compounds based on the chemical structures and discuss modern analytical techniques for yogurt analysis. As described in this chapter, a large number of flavoring substances can be studied, isolated, and identified with the help of advanced instrument analysis such as synthetic fibers for solid-phase extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These techniques can help us reach a more advanced level of understanding of the importance of specific strains for obtaining the desired sensory qualities of fermented, lactic acid products. At a more advanced stage, these analyses could allow scientists to develop rapid methods for determining the quality and authenticity of lactic acid products based on the aromatic-metabolic profile of starter cultures in the final product

    Production and growth of microalgae in urine and wastewater: A review

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    Issues of climate change, energy demand, and natural resources depletion are calling for circular methods to produce value-added products such as biomass, biofuel, biofertilizers, and nutraceuticals from waste. For instance, culturing photoautotrophic microalgae in wastewater and urine appears promising to recycle nutrients from waste. Here we review microalgal production with focus on wastewater treatment and urine utilization. We present photobioreactors, parameters influencing algal growth, economical aspects, and limitations from consumer acceptance

    Lactic Acid Bacteria: Food Safety and Human Health Applications

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    Research on lactic acid bacteria has confirmed how specific strains possess probiotic properties and impart unique sensory characteristics to food products. The use of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in many food products, thus confers various health benefits to humans when they are frequently consumed in adequate amounts. The advent of functional food or the concept of nutraceuticals objectively places more emphasis on seeking alternatives to limit the use of medications thus promoting the regular consumption of fermented foods. Probiotic use has thus been recommended to fulfill the role of nutraceuticals, as no side effects on human health have been reported. Probiotics and lactic acid bacteria can boost and strengthen the human immune system, thereby increasing its resistance against numerous disease conditions. Consumer safety and confidence in dairy and fermented food products and the desire of the food industry to meet the sensory and health needs of consumers, has thus increased the demand for probiotic starter cultures with exceptional performance coupled with health benefiting properties. The potential of probiotic cultures and lactic acid bacteria in many industrial applications including fermented food products generally affects product characteristics and also serves as health-promoting foods for humans. The alleviation of lactose intolerance in many populations globally has been one of the widely accepted health claims attributed to probiotics and lactic acid bacteria, although many diseases have been treated with probiotic lactic acid bacteria and have been proven with scientific and clinical studies. The aim of our review was to present information related to lactic acid bacteria, the new classification and perspectives on industrial applications with a special emphasis on food safety and human health

    Lactic Acid Bacteria as Antimicrobial Agents: Food Safety and Microbial Food Spoilage Prevention

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    In the wake of continual foodborne disease outbreaks in recent years, it is critical to focus on strategies that protect public health and reduce the incidence of foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Currently, there are limitations associated with conventional microbial control methods, such as the use of chemical preservatives and heat treatments. For example, such conventional treatments adversely impact the sensorial properties of food, resulting in undesirable organoleptic characteristics. Moreover, the growing consumer advocacy for safe and healthy food products, and the resultant paradigm shift toward clean labels, have caused an increased interest in natural and effective antimicrobial alternatives. For instance, natural antimicrobial elements synthesized by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally inhibitory to pathogens and significantly impede the action of food spoilage organisms. Bacteriocins and other LAB metabolites have been commercially exploited for their antimicrobial properties and used in many applications in the dairy industry to prevent the growth of undesirable microorganisms. In this review, we summarized the natural antimicrobial compounds produced by LAB, with a specific focus on the mechanisms of action and applications for microbial food spoilage prevention and disease control. In addition, we provide support in the review for our recommendation for the application of LAB as a potential alternative antimicrobial strategy for addressing the challenges posed by antibiotic resistance among pathogens