4 research outputs found

    TracWork: An On-Field Employee Tracking System

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    The internet has transformed the world into a global village, benefiting our society as a whole and empowering people in a variety of ways. Many mobile applications are becoming a part of people's daily lives and assisting them in their jobs or daily routines, thanks in part to the phenomenal growth of Internet usage over the last 21 years. Previous research has found a scarcity of high-quality apps that cover all bases. This project's primary goals are to combine fragmented market systems into a product capable of performing functions such as tracking an employee's on-field movement using GPS; assisting employees in navigating to their next destination; maintaining and improving productivity levels using indicators such as battery status; current and past location; and so on. We highlight previous work and how we learned to extract a model that harmonises current systems while also improving quality of life in this study. We investigated numerous approaches, methods, and procedures before applying them to the development of the system


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    Every person will experience stress around the world, some healthy, called EUSTRESS and some unpleasant, named DISTRESS. Good pressure and stress promote success. Stress damages people's lives and health and causes various diseases. On the other hand, psychiatrists have a hard time treating their patients owing to a lack of time. They need innovative and intelligent equipment to treat their patients. We prepared a device that can detect a person's POSITIVE and NEGATIVE emotions through a smartwatch and a gadget that can sense body temperature, respiration, and heart rate. After witnessing these parameters, it can store the results on a website depending on the patient's condition. For example, the psychiatrist observed one patient for at least seven days regarding the days' results stored on a website. After seven days, the report is generated. The goal of psychiatrists in keeping their patients for seven days is to assess their emotional health and determine if they need to adjust their treatment. This system detects eight positive and negative emotions through heartbeat, respiratory, and body temperature sensors. These sensors are incorporated by utilizing machine learning. Web-based apps interpret sensor readings. Psychiatrists will analyze and report the website's results

    Shopick – Shop for Ease

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    According to findings made during a survey performed at malls, consumers have difficulty determining their best preferences and requirements while shopping. Local marketers confront several obstacles. They don't have access to a platform that may aid in the expansion and growth of their sales and business. Following this statistic, Shopick was created, which would be beneficial to both customers and suppliers

    Easy-Mart: Self-Checkout System for Supermarkets

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    Long-awaited queues are the fundamental problem faced by check-out counters nowadays. However, the problem described can be sorted efficiently by providing customers with a self-checkout facility. Easy Mart is a mobile application that allows you to prevent these long queues by performing your transaction in a snap. Easy Mart allows its customers to scan the items using the camera. Then please set the item quantity and generate the total bill on their mobile. The Easy Mart app is designed to be used on mobile phones by its customers. However, in addition to that, it offers a POS system that can be tailored to the supermarket's back-end operations. The desktop application consists of an admin portal where various algorithms will be placed. These algorithms will perform analytics and sales patterns from historical data. Additionally, this application highlights which products will be in demand during which seasons and informs suppliers of what is required