16 research outputs found

    ACHA: Avaliação da Contaminação hídrica por agrotóxico.

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    Modelos matemáticos e simuladores têm sido desenvolvidos para prever a lixiviação de agrotóxicos em solos, permitindo grande economia de tempo e recursos financeiros, além de permitir análises de risco com maior representatividade e confiabilidade. O Brasil ainda não faz uso dessas ferramentas no processo de avaliação de risco e classificação ambiental dos agrotóxicos. Estas ferramentas não são utilizadas pelas autoridades nacionais por não estarem adaptadas às condições brasileiras. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional para simulação da lixiviação de agrotóxicos em cenários agrícolas brasileiros. A ferramenta computacional recebeu o nome de ACHA, que se refere ao acrônimo de Avaliação da Contaminação Hídrica por Agrotóxico. Para simulação do fluxo no solo utilizou-se a equação de Richards e para o transporte de agrotóxicos considerou-se os mecanismos de convecção, dispersão e difusão na fase líquida. A sorção do agrotóxico na fase sólida foi descrita pela isoterma de Freundlich e a degradação por uma equação de primeira ordem. O efeito dos fatores ambientais como temperatura, umidade e profundidade do solo é considerado na simulação da degradação do agrotóxico no solo. Os processos de absorção de água e agrotóxicos pelas plantas não são considerados. A ferramenta é composta de três partes: (i) código em Fortran para solução e integração dos modelos matemáticos; (ii) base de dados para armazenamento dos cenários e (iii) interface gráfica para inserção dos dados de entrada e visualização das simulações. Como resultados, a ferramenta é capaz de simular perfis de umidade e concentração do agrotóxico no solo em função do tempo.bitstream/item/29245/1/BP201058.pd

    Can the combined use of the mirid predator Nesidiocoris tenuis and a braconid larval endoparasitoid Dolichogenidea gelechiidivoris improve the biological control of Tuta absoluta?

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    The koinobiont solitary larval endoparasitoid Dolichogenidea gelechiidivoris (Marsh) (Syn.: Apanteles gelechiidivoris) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the predatory bug Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) are important natural enemies of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a serious pest of tomato. Although N. tenuis preferentially feeds on T. absoluta eggs, it is also recorded as a predator of first and second instar larval stages. Dolichogenidea gelechiidivoris preferentially seeks these early larval stages of T. absoluta for oviposition. The occurrence of intraguild predation between N. tenuis and D. gelechiidivoris and the consequences on the oviposition performance of D. gelechiidivoris were investigated in the laboratory. Regardless of the manner of introduction (i.e., the sequence of combinations with D. gelechiidivoris) or density (i.e., number of N. tenuis combined with D. gelechiidivoris), the presence of N. tenuis did not affect the oviposition performance of D. gelechiidivoris or the parasitoid’s progeny. Combination assays revealed that the efficacy of the combined use of N. tenuis and D. gelechiidivoris in controlling T. absoluta populations was significantly higher than that of either natural enemy alone. Our results highlight the potential of combining mirid predators and koinobiont larval endoparasitoids to control T. absoluta. The findings further contribute to data supporting the release of D. gelechiidivoris in tomato agroecosystems for the control of T. absoluta in Africa, where N. tenuis is widespread and abundant.Table S1: Counties of Kenya where Tuta absoluta was collected to maintain the genomic pool of the established laboratory colony.The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned and administered through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Fund for International Agricultural Research (FIA); the World Vegetable Center, Taiwan; the Biovision foundation Tuta IPM project; the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the section for research, innovation, and higher education; the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) through the In-Region Postgraduate Scholarship; the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST); the National Research Foundation (NRF); icipe core donors—UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office (FCDO); Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; and the Kenyan Government.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/insectsam2022Zoology and Entomolog

    Association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the multinational Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been associated with exposures in the workplace. We aimed to assess the association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study. Methods We analysed cross-sectional data from 28 823 adults (≥40 years) in 34 countries. We considered 11 occupations and grouped them by likelihood of exposure to organic dusts, inorganic dusts and fumes. The association of chronic cough, chronic phlegm, wheeze, dyspnoea, forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/FVC with occupation was assessed, per study site, using multivariable regression. These estimates were then meta-analysed. Sensitivity analyses explored differences between sexes and gross national income. Results Overall, working in settings with potentially high exposure to dusts or fumes was associated with respiratory symptoms but not lung function differences. The most common occupation was farming. Compared to people not working in any of the 11 considered occupations, those who were farmers for ≥20 years were more likely to have chronic cough (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.19–1.94), wheeze (OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.16–1.63) and dyspnoea (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.53–2.20), but not lower FVC (β=0.02 L, 95% CI −0.02–0.06 L) or lower FEV1/FVC (β=0.04%, 95% CI −0.49–0.58%). Some findings differed by sex and gross national income. Conclusion At a population level, the occupational exposures considered in this study do not appear to be major determinants of differences in lung function, although they are associated with more respiratory symptoms. Because not all work settings were included in this study, respiratory surveillance should still be encouraged among high-risk dusty and fume job workers, especially in low- and middle-income countries.publishedVersio

    Prevalence of chronic cough, its risk factors and population attributable risk in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study: a multinational cross-sectional study

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Background: Chronic cough is a common respiratory symptom with an impact on daily activities and quality of life. Global prevalence data are scarce and derive mainly from European and Asian countries and studies with outcomes other than chronic cough. In this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic cough across a large number of study sites as well as to identify its main risk factors using a standardised protocol and definition. Methods: We analysed cross-sectional data from 33,983 adults (≥40 years), recruited between Jan 2, 2003 and Dec 26, 2016, in 41 sites (34 countries) from the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study. We estimated the prevalence of chronic cough for each site accounting for sampling design. To identify risk factors, we conducted multivariable logistic regression analysis within each site and then pooled estimates using random-effects meta-analysis. We also calculated the population attributable risk (PAR) associated with each of the identifed risk factors. Findings: The prevalence of chronic cough varied from 3% in India (rural Pune) to 24% in the United States of America (Lexington,KY). Chronic cough was more common among females, both current and passive smokers, those working in a dusty job, those with a history of tuberculosis, those who were obese, those with a low level of education and those with hypertension or airflow limitation. The most influential risk factors were current smoking and working in a dusty job. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that the prevalence of chronic cough varies widely across sites in different world regions. Cigarette smoking and exposure to dust in the workplace are its major risk factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of chronic cough, its risk factors and population attributable risk in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study: a multinational cross-sectional study

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    Background: Chronic cough is a common respiratory symptom with an impact on daily activities and quality of life. Global prevalence data are scarce and derive mainly from European and Asian countries and studies with outcomes other than chronic cough. In this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic cough across a large number of study sites as well as to identify its main risk factors using a standardized protocol and definition. Methods: We analyzed cross-sectional data from 33,983 adults (≥40 years), recruited between Jan 2, 2003 and Dec 26, 2016, in 41 sites (34 countries) from the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study. We estimated the prevalence of chronic cough for each site accounting for sampling design. To identify risk factors, we conducted multivariable logistic regression analysis within each site and then pooled estimates using random-effects meta-analysis. We also calculated the population-attributable risk (PAR) associated with each of the identified risk factors. Findings: The prevalence of chronic cough varied from 3% in India (rural Pune) to 24% in the United States of America (Lexington, KY). Chronic cough was more common among females, both current and passive smokers, those working in a dusty job, those with a history of tuberculosis, those who were obese, those with a low level of education, and those with hypertension or airflow limitation. The most influential risk factors were current smoking and working in a dusty job. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that the prevalence of chronic cough varies widely across sites in different world regions. Cigarette smoking and exposure to dust in the workplace are its major risk factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cohort Profile: Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study was established to assess the prevalence of chronic airflow obstruction, a key characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and its risk factors in adults (≥40 years) from general populations across the world. The baseline study was conducted between 2003 and 2016, in 41 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Oceania, and collected high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry from 28 828 participants. The follow-up study was conducted between 2019 and 2021, in 18 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. At baseline, there were in these sites 12 502 participants with high-quality spirometry. A total of 6452 were followed up, with 5936 completing the study core questionnaire. Of these, 4044 also provided high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry. On both occasions, the core questionnaire covered information on respiratory symptoms, doctor diagnoses, health care use, medication use and ealth status, as well as potential risk factors. Information on occupation, environmental exposures and diet was also collected

    Etude epidemiologique des accidents sur les lieux de travail dans une compagnie d’energie electrique au Togo

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de décrire le profil épidémiologique des  accidents sur les lieux de travail dans une compagnie d’énergie électrique au Togo. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective menée du 1er janvier 2015 au 31 décembre 2016 au sein de la compagnie. Elle a pris en compte toutes les fiches de déclaration des accidents sur les lieux de travail durant la période. Les informations ont été recueillies au moyen d’une fiche de collecte préétablie ; l’analyse statistique a été réalisée avec le logiciel EPI Info version 3.5.3. Au total 73 Accident de travail (AT) ont été recensés durant les deux années soit 6,52% de l’effectif total. Les victimes,  majoritairement de sexe masculin (97,26%) avaient un âge moyen de 35,12 ± 10 ans, et moins de cinq ans d’ancienneté au poste (82,19%). Les ouvriers temporaires (57,53%) et les électriciens affectés aux postes techniques : branchement, dépannage et maintenance étaient les plus touchés (64,38%). Les contusions, les brûlures cutanées et les lumbagos prédominaient (respectivement 52,04%, 15,06% et 09,58%). Le siège des lésions était multiple (20,54%), aux mains (35,61%) et au tronc (16,8%). Les AT étaient dus au courant électrique (27,39%), au matériel électrique (24,65%) et aux outils à main (15,06%). 14% des victimes avaient  bénéficiés d’une incapacité temporaire de travail d’une durée moyenne de 5jours. Aucun AT mortel n’a été enregistré pendant la période. Des mesures de prévention s’imposent pour la réduction des AT au sein de la compagnie.Mots-clés : Accident du travail, épidémiologie, lieux de travail, Togo.  Epidemiological study of workplace accidents in an electricity  company in TogoThe objective of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of accidents at the workplace in an electric power company in Togo. This was a retrospective study conducted from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 within the company. She took into account all the accident report cards in the workplace during the period. The information was collected using a pre-established collection card; the statistical analysis was carried out with the software EPI Info version 3.5.3. A total of 73 accidents at work were recorded during the two years, that is 6.52% of the total workforce. The majority of male victims (97.26%) had an  average age of 35.12 ± 10 years and less than five years of seniority  (82.19%). Temporary workers (57.53%) and electricians assigned to technical positions: connection,  troubleshooting and maintenance were the most affected (64.38%). Bruises, skin burns and lumbago predominated (52.04%, 15.06% and 09.58% respectively). The site of lesions was multiple (20.54%), hands (35.61%) and trunk (16.8%). The accidents were due to electric current (27.39%), electrical equipment (24.65%) and hand tools (15.06%). 14% of the victims had a temporary work disability of an average duration of 5 days. No fatal workplace’s accident was recorded during the period. Preventive measures are  needed to reduce accidents within the company.Keywords: Occupational accident, epidemiology, workplace, Togo.

    Diminution de l’effet de l’infection placentaire palustre sur le risque de prematurite et de retard de croissance intra-uterin chez des nouveau-nes Beninois

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    Objectifs: Identifier les facteurs de risque de prématurité et de Retard de Croissance Intra Utérin (RCIU) et de mesurer l’effet de l’infection placentaire palustre sur ces deux pathologies.Matériel et méthodes: les nouveau-nés prématurés diagnostiqués par la méthode de Ballard et ceux en RCIU identifiés en utilisant la courbe de Williams ont été recensés au cours d’une étude transversale entre juin 2011 et juillet 2012. L’infection placentaire palustre a été recherchée sur frottis placentaire. Les données sur les mères ont été collectées à l’accouchement. Les analyses statistiques ont été faites en utilisant un modèle de régression logistique.Résultats: Au total 526 nouveau-nés ont été recrutés. Les prévalences de prématurité, de RCIU et d’infection placentaire palustre étaient respectivement de 10,3%, 25,3% et 10,9%. Il n’y avait aucun lien significatif entre l’infection placentaire palustre et la prématurité (OR [IC 95%] = 1,09 [0,43-2,75]) et le RCIU (OR [IC 95%] = 1,30 [0,69-2,46]). Les autres facteurs associés avec un risque élevé de RCIU étaient le faible statut pondéral maternel (p<0,001), la primiparité (p=0,017) et le sexe masculin (p=0,015). Seul le sexe masculin était associé à un faible risque de prématurité (p=0,03).Conclusion: Cette étude confirme une baisse de l’impact de l’infection placentaire palustre sur le risque de prématurité et de RCUI. Les actions de santé publique luttant contre le paludisme gestationnel doivent être poursuivies.Mots clés: Infection placentaire palustre-Prématurité- Retard de croissance intra utérinEnglish Title: A decrease of placental malaria infection effect on prematurity and intra uterine growth retardation in Beninese newbornEnglish AbstractObjective: To identify risk factors of prematurity and IUGR and to assess the effect of placental malaria infection.Methods: Preterm births, using the Ballard method, and IUGR, using William’s sex-specific reference curve of birth weight-for-gestational-age, were searched during a cross-sectional study in June 2011 and July 2012. Placental smears were made to look for placental malaria infection. Mothers and newborn information’s were collected at delivery. Analyses were performed using logistic regression.Results: 526 newborns were recruited. Prevalence of prematurity, IUGR and placental malaria infection were 10.3%, 25.3% and 10.9% respectively. Placental malaria infection was associated neither with prematurity (OR [IC 95%] = 1.09 [0.43-2.75]) nor with IUGR (OR [IC 95%] = 1.30 [0.69-2.46]). The others factors associated with an increased risk of IUGR were low maternal weight status (p<0.001), primiparity (p=0.017) and male sex (p=0.015). Only male sex was associated with a lower risk of prematurity (p=0.03).Conclusion: This study confirms the decrease of the impact of placental malaria infection on the risk of preterm birth and IUGR. Preventive health policies targeting gestational malaria need to be continued.Keywords: Placental malaria infection-Prematurity-Intra uterine growth retardatio

    Aspects sanitaires du travail des enfants dans les carrieres d’exploitation de gravier et de sable dans la Region Maritime au Togo

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    Introduction : Le travail des enfants (TDE) est un grave problème de santé publique en raison de ses multiples conséquences. L’Afrique subsaharienne y est particulièrement exposée en raison de la pauvreté.Objectifs : Décrire le profil sociodémographique de ces enfants travailleurs et répertorier les affections liées au travail de ces enfants dans les carrières.Méthodologie : Etude transversale descriptive portant sur les aspects sanitaires du TDE conduite d’août à novembre 2014, sur 18 sites d’extraction de graviers et de sable des préfectures de la région maritime du Togo.Résultats : Nous avons recensé 99 sujets de moins de 18 ans sur une population totale de 345 travailleurs. Les enfants avaient été retrouvés sur tous les sites d’extraction de gravier dans la région maritime.Les enfants étaient dans 77,7% de sexe masculin (77 enfants) avec un sex-ratio 3,3. Tous les enfants avaient au moins 7 ans avec une moyenne de 12 ans et dans 49,5% (49 enfants) leur âge était compris entre 11 et 14 ans.Les accidents de travail ont été signalés dans 81,8% des cas (81 enfants). Les types de lésions rapportées ont été essentiellement des plaies dans 79,8% (79enfants) et des entorses dans 36,4% des cas (36 enfants).Les symptômes respiratoires comme rhume et toux ont été retrouvé dans respectivement 43,4% (43 enfants) et 42,4% (42 enfants) ; des douleurs musculaires étaient retrouvées dans 92,9% des cas.Sur tous les sites visités aucun moyen de protection adapté n’a été observé. La prise en charge des accidents du travail a été effectuée par les enfants eux-mêmes et par leurs parents dans respectivement 46,5% (46 enfants) et 53,5% des cas (53 enfants).Conclusion : Les enfants présents sur tous les sites d’extraction étaient le plus souvent de sexe masculin et avaient un âge moyen de 12 ans. Les pathologies rencontrées sont dominées par les atteintes respiratoires avec les douleurs comme plaintes chez les enfants. Des accidents de travail fréquents sont pris en charge par les enfants ou leurs parents. Mots-clés : Travail des enfants, maladies professionnelles, accidents du travail, carrières, Togo.   English Title: Aspects sanitaires du travail des enfants dans les carrières d’exploitation de gravier et de sable dans la Région Maritime au TogoIntroduction: Child labor (CL) is a serious public health problem because of its multiple consequences. Sub-Saharan Africa is particularly vulnerable because of poverty. Objectives: To describe the socio-demographic profile of these child workers and to list the conditions related to the work of these children in careers. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study on the health aspects of the CL conducted from August to November 2014, on 18 gravel and sand extraction sites in the prefectures of the maritime region of Togo. Results: We identified 99 subjects under 18 years old out of a total population of 345 workers. The children had been found at all gravel extraction sites in the Maritime Region. Children were 77.7% male (77 children) with a sex ratio of 3. 3. All children were at least 7 years old with an average of 12 years old and in 49.5% (49 children) their age was between 11 and 14 years old. Work-related accidents were reported in 81.8% of cases (81 children). The types of lesions reported were mainly wounds in 79.8% (79 children) and sprains in 36.4% of the cases (36 children). Respiratory  symptoms such as colds and coughs were found in respectively 43.4% (43 children) and 42.4% (42 children); muscle pain was found in 92.9% of cases. At all the sites visited no suitable means of protection were observed. The management of accidents related to work was carried out by the children themselves and their parents in respectively 46.5% (46 children) and 53.5% of the cases (53 children). Conclusion: The children present at all extraction sites were mostly male and had an average age of 12 years. The pathologies encountered are dominated by respiratory disorders with pains as complaints in children. Frequent work accidents are dealt with by children or their parents. Keywords: Child labor, occupational diseases, accidents at work, careers, Togo

    Global epidemiology of yaws: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: To achieve yaws eradication, the use of the new WHO strategy of initial mass treatment with azithromycin and surveillance twice a year needs to be extended everywhere the disease occurs. However, the geographic scope of the disease is unknown. We aimed to synthesise published and unpublished work to update the reported number of people with yaws at national and subnational levels and to estimate at-risk populations. METHODS: We searched PubMed and WHO databases to identify published data for prevalence of active and latent yaws from Jan 1, 1990, to Dec 31, 2014. We also searched for ongoing or recently completed unpublished studies from the WHO yaws surveillance network. We estimated yaws prevalence (and 95% CIs). We collected yaws incidence data from official national surveillance programmes at the first administrative level from Jan 1, 2010, to Dec 31, 2013, and we used total population data at the second administrative level to estimate the size of at-risk populations. FINDINGS: We identified 103 records, of which 23 published articles describing 27 studies and four unpublished studies met the inclusion criteria. Prevalence of active disease ranged from 0.31% to 14.54% in yaws-endemic areas, and prevalence of latent yaws ranged from 2.45% to 31.05%. During 2010-13, 256 343 yaws cases were reported to WHO from 13 endemic countries, all of which are low-income and middle-income countries. 215 308 (84%) of 256 343 cases reported to WHO were from three countries-Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Ghana. We estimated that, in 2012, over 89 million people were living in yaws-endemic districts. INTERPRETATION: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Ghana should be the focus of initial efforts at implementing the WHO yaws eradication strategy. Community-based mapping and active surveillance must accompany the implementation of yaws eradication activities. FUNDING: None