28 research outputs found

    A genomic snapshot of demographic and cultural dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition

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    Upper Mesopotamia played a key role in the Neolithic Transition in Southwest Asia through marked innovations in symbolism, technology, and foodways. We present thirteen ancient genomes (c.8500-7500 calBCE) from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Çayönü in the Tigris basin together with bioarchaeological and material culture data. Our findings reveal that Çayönü was a genetically diverse population, carrying a mixed ancestry from western and eastern Fertile Crescent, and that the community received immigrants. Our results further suggest that the community was organised along biological family lines. We document bodily interventions such as head-shaping and cauterization among the individuals examined, reflecting Çayönü's cultural ingenuity. Finally, we identify Upper Mesopotamia as the likely source of eastern gene flow into Neolithic Anatolia, in line with material culture evidence. We hypothesise that Upper Mesopotamia's cultural dynamism during the Neolithic Transition was the product not only of its fertile lands but also of its interregional demographic connections

    Kliniğimizde yapılan kemik sintigrafisi endikasyonlarının retrospektif analizi

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    Amaç: Kemik sintigrafisi sık kullanılan radyonüklid görüntüleme yöntemlerindendir ve birçok hastalığın tanı ve takibinde başarıyla kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı kliniğimizde yapılan kemik sintigrafisi çekimlerinin endikasyonlarını ve çekim protokollerini belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya Aralık 2011 ve Haziran 2013 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde kemik sintigrafisi çekimi yapılan 252 hasta (132 erkek, 120 kadın) dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 50.1±20.2 idi (yaş aralığı 6-84). Sintigrafik protokoller hastalığın çeşidine göre geç statik tüm vücut görüntüleme ve üç fazlı kemik sintigrafisi olmak üzere iki şekilde yapıldı. Çekim endikasyonları ve sintigrafik pro- tokoller tesbit edildi. Bulgular: 102 hastaya (% 40,5) metastatik kemik hastalıklarının tanı ve takibi amacıyla, 57 hastaya (% 22,6) ortopedik uygulamalar amacıyla, 29 hastaya (% 11,5) primer kemik tümörlerinin tanı ve takibi amacıyla, 17 hastaya (% 6,7) osteomyelit tanısı amacıyla, 12 hastaya (% 4,8) protez enfeksiyonu ve gevşemesi ayrıcı tanısının yapılması amacıyla, 14 hastaya (% 5,6) gref canlılığının araştırılması amacıyla, 9 hastaya (% 3,6) romatoid artrit-sakroileit gibi romatolojik hastalıklar nedeniyle, 4 hastaya (% 1,6) osteoporoz-vertebralarda patolojik kırık araştırılması amacıyla, 2 hastaya (% 0,8) metabolik kemik hastalığı nedeniyle, 5 hastaya (% 1,98) otitis eksterna tanısı amacıyla ve 1 hastaya (% 0,4) sedimantasyon-CRP yüksekliği gibi nedenlerden dolayı malignite şüphesi nedeniyle kemik sintigrafisi çekimi yapıldı. Hastaların 136’sına (% 54) geç statik tüm vücut görüntüleme, 116’sına (% 46) ise üç fazlı görüntüleme protokolü uygulandı. Tartışma: Kemik sintigrafisinin en sık kullanıldığı alan metastatik kemik hastalıklarının tanı ve takibidir. Bunu ortopedik uygulamalar, primer kemik tümörlerinin tanı-takibi ve oste- omyelit tanısı gibi nedenler takip etmektedir.Aim: Bone scintigraphy is one of the commonly used radionuclide imaging and it is successfully used in the diagnosis and follow-up of many diseases. The aim of this study is to determine the indications and flming protocols of bone scintigraphy which was performed in our clinic. Material and Method: Two hundred and ffy two patients (132 male, 120 female) who was per- formed bone scintigprapy in our clinic between December 2011 and June 2013 included the study. Mean age was 50.1±20.2 years. Scintigraphic protocols were made in two ways as late static whole body imaging and three- phase bone scintigraphy according to the type of the diseases. Indications of scintigraphies and scintigraphic protocols were detected. Results: Bone scintigraphy was performed for diagnosis and monitoring of metastatic bone disease to 102 patients (40,5 %), for orthopedic applications to 57 patients (22,6 %), for diagnosis and monitoring of primary bone tumors to 29 patients (11,5 %), for diagnosis of osteomyelitis to 17 patients (6,7 %), for diferential diagnosis of infection and loosening of the prosthesis to 12 patients (4,8 %), investigate the viability of the graf in 14 patients (4,6 %), for rheu- matologic diseases to 9 patients (3,6 %), for investigate the pathological vertebral fractures and osteoporosis to 4 patients (1,6 %), for diagnosis the metabolic bone disease to 2 patients (0,8 %), for diagnosis of otitis externa to 5 patients (1,98 %) and for for suspicion of malignancy to 1 patient (0,4 %). Late static whole body imaging protocol was applied to 136 patients (54 %) and three-phase imaging protocol was applied to 116 patients (46 %). Discussion: The most common use of bone scintigraphy is the diagnosis and follow-up of metastatic bone disease. It is followed by reasons such as orthopedic applications, monitoring and diagnosis of primary bone tumors and diagnosis of osteomyelitis

    Clinical use of bone scintigraphy

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    Teknesyum 99m (Tc-99m) difosfanatlarla yapılan kemik sintigrafisi radyonüklid görüntülemeler içinde en sık kullanılan tetkik olma özelliğine sahiptir. Radyonüklid kemik görüntüleme spesifik değildir ancak sensitivitesi çok yüksek olduğundan çoğu patolojik durumda diğer görüntüleme yöntemlerinden daha faydalıdır. Anatomik görüntüleme modaliteleri ile kesin karar verilemeyen çoğu durumda, kemik sintigrafisi ile tanı koyulabilir. Kemik metastasları çoğunlukla multiple fokal artmış aktivite tutulumu olarak izlenmesine rağmen nadirde olsa radyoaktivite tutulumunun azalması şeklinde de görülebilir. Travmatik durumlarda radyografik bulgular negatif olsa bile sintigrafik bulgu saptanabilir. Lokal perfüzyon, hiperemi ve artmış radyoaktivite uptake'inin birlikte bulunması şüpheli hastalarda osteomiyelit tanısı konulmasında faydalıdır. Kemik sintigrafisi, paget hastalığının yaygınlığının değerlendirilmesinde ve radyografik olarak belirlenemeyen avasküler nekroz hastalarına tanı koyulmasında faydalıdır. Radyonüklid kemik görüntüleme ucuz, kolay uygulanabilir ve tüm vücut kemiklerinin değerlendirme imkanı vermesi sebebiyle günümüzde en popüler görüntüleme yöntemlerinden olmaya devam etmektedir.Bone scintigraphy with technetium-99m (Tc-99m) labeled diphosphonates is one of the most frequently performed of all radyonuclide procedures. Radionuclide bone imaging is not specific, but its excellent sensitivity makes it useful in screening for many pathologic conditions. Moreover, some conditions that are not clearly depicted on anatomic images can be diagnosed with bone scintigraphy. Bone metastases usually appear as multiple foci of increased activity, although they occasionally manifest as areas of decreased uptake. Traumatic processes can often be detected, even radiographic findings are negative. A combination of focal hyperperfusion, focal hyperemia, and focally increased bone uptake is virtually diagnostic for osteomyelitis in patients with nonviolated bone. Bone scintigraphy is also useful for evaluating disease extent in Paget disease and for localizing avascular necrosis in patients with negative radiographs. Radionuclide bone imaging will likely remain a popular and important imaging modality for years to come

    Radyoaktif İyot Tedavisi Sonrası Diferansiye Tiroid Kanserlerinin Takibi-The Follow-up of Differentiated Thyroid Cancers After Radioactive Iodine Treatment

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    Differentiated thyroid cancerc (DTC) which have very good prognosis are the most common endocrine malignancies. Radioactive iodine treatment (RIT) applied to selected patients after thyroidectomy is a highly effective treatment method. Post-treatment follow-up of these patients exhibits a great importance because of the higher relapse rates and development of distant metastases in some cases. In this review, the methods used in the follow-up DTC patients after RIT are reporte

    Clinical outcomes of radioactive Iodine therapy in a patient with Myasthenia ravis and hyperthyroidism

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    Miyastenia gravis kas güçsüzlüğü ve yorgunlukla karakterize otoimmün bir hastalıktır. Myastenia gravis diğer otoimmun hastalıklar ile birlikte görülebilir. Miyastenia gravis hastalarında % 2-17.5 hipertiroidizm görülür. Hipertiroidizmin myastenia gravis klinik seyrini etkilediği bildirilmektedir. Bu vaka takdiminde miyastenia gravisi bulunan ve 3 ay önce hipertiroidi teşhisi konulan 27 yaşında bir bayan hasta sunulmuştur. Olguya, rad- yoaktif iyot tedavisi uygulanmış ve 3 ay sonra ötiroid olduğu ve miyestania şikâyetlerinin tedaviye daha iyi yanıt verdiği izlenmiştir.Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized with muscle weakness and fatigue. Hyperthyroidism can be present with Myasthenia Gravis with a rate of 2-17.5 %. It is known that hyperthyroidism affects the clinical course of myasthenia gravis. A 27 years old woman with myasthenia gravis and recently occurred hyperthyroidism is presented in this study. Radioactive iodine therapy was applied to the patient and after 3 months of medication the patient become euthyroid and clinical findings of myasthenia were regressed

    Investigation into the frequency of helicobacter pylori infection with carbon 14 urea breath test in patients with vitiligo

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    Background/aim: Vitiligo is a common, acquired depigmenting skin disorder. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and autoimmune dermatological disease has been previously reported. However, the frequency of HP infection in patients with vitiligo has not been reported. In this study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of HP infection with the carbon 14 (C14) urea breath test (UBT) in patients with vitiligo. Materials and methods: This study included 34 patients (18 males and 16 females) with vitiligo and 30 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. HP infection was diagnosed using the C14 UBT (Heliprobe). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19. Results: The frequency of HP infection was 64.7% in the patient group and 33.3% in the control group according to the C14 UBT (chisquare test, P = 0.012). HP infection frequency is statistically significantly higher in patients with vitiligo. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation of the frequency of HP positivity in patients with vitiligo. To better understand the role of HP in vitiligo as an etiological or initiating factor, further experimental and clinical studies with a greater number of patients are needed.Background/aim: Vitiligo is a common, acquired depigmenting skin disorder. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and autoimmune dermatological disease has been previously reported. However, the frequency of HP infection in patients with vitiligo has not been reported. In this study, we aimed to investigate the frequency of HP infection with the carbon 14 (C14) urea breath test (UBT) in patients with vitiligo. Materials and methods: This study included 34 patients (18 males and 16 females) with vitiligo and 30 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. HP infection was diagnosed using the C14 UBT (Heliprobe). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19. Results: The frequency of HP infection was 64.7% in the patient group and 33.3% in the control group according to the C14 UBT (chisquare test, P = 0.012). HP infection frequency is statistically significantly higher in patients with vitiligo. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation of the frequency of HP positivity in patients with vitiligo. To better understand the role of HP in vitiligo as an etiological or initiating factor, further experimental and clinical studies with a greater number of patients are needed

    Regional distribution of bone metastases in skeletal system

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    Giriş: Kemik metastazları iskelet sisteminin en sık görü- len malign lezyonlarıdır. Çalışmamızın amacı sintigrafik olarak tespit edilen kemik metastazlarının iskelet sistemindeki bölgesel dağılımını belirlemektir. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya Ocak 2012 ve Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde kemik sintigrafisi çekimi yapı- lan primer maligniteli 97 hasta (53 erkek, 44 kadın) dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 59,0±15,9 (yaş aralığı, 19-84) yıl idi. Kemik metastazı olan hastalar ve bu metastazların bölgesel dağılımı tespit edildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 38’inde (%39,2) kemik metastazı tespit edildi. Otuz iki (%84,2) hastada metastazlar multipl, 6 (%15,8) hastada ise soliter (tek) idi. Kemiğe metastaz yapan malignitelerin 15’i (%39,5) prostat kanseri, 8’i (%21) meme kanseri, 2’si (%5,3) akciğer kanseri, 3’ü (%7,9) mesane kanseri, 10’u (%26,3) ise diğer malignitelerden (rektum, mide, serviks, lenfoma vs) oluşmaktaydı. Doksan iki adet metastaz bölgesi saptandı. Bunların 24’ü (%26,1) vertebra, 15’i (%16,3) pelvik kemikler, 17’si (% 18,5) kosta, 6’sı (% 6,5) üst ekstremite, 12’si (% 13) alt ekstremite, 5’i (% 5,45) kalvaryum, 6’sı (% 6,5) sternum, 4’ü (% 4.35) skapula, 3’ü (% 3,3) klavikula idi. Sonuç: Kemik metastazları metastatik kanser olgularının 2/3’ünde saptanmaktır. Kemik metastazlarının en sık izlendiği bölge aksiyel iskelet sistemidir ve bu sistem içerisinde de vertebralar ilk sırayı almaktadır. Kemik metastazlarının değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan en önemli görüntüleme yöntemi ise kemik sintigrafisidir.Objective: Bone metastases are the most common malign lesions of skeletal system. The aim of this study is to determine regional distribution of bone metastases detected scintigraphically. Methods: Ninety-seven patients (53 male, 44 female) with primary malignancy who performed bone scintigraphy in our clinic between January 2012 and August 2013 included to study. The mean age of patients was 59±15.9 years (range 19-84).The patients who had bone metastasis and regional distribution of these metastases were detected. Results: Bone metastasis was detected in 38 (39.2%) of all patients. The metastases were multipl in 32 (84.2%) patients and single in 6 (15.8%) patients. Fifteen of malignancies that metastasize to bone were prostate cancer in 15 (39.5%) patients, breast cancer in 8 (21%) patients, lung cancer in 2 (5.3%) patients, urinary bladder cancer in 3 (7.9%) patients and other malignancies (rectum, stomach, cervix, lymphoma etc.) in 10 (26.3%) patients. Ninety-two metastasis regions were detected. 24 (26.1%) of them were vertebrae, 15 (16.3%) of them were pelvic bone, 17 (18.5%) of them were costa, 6 (6.5%) of them were upper extremity, 12 (13%) of them were lower extremity, 6 (6.5%) of them were calvarium, 6 (6.5%) of them were sternum, 4 (4.35%) of them were scapula and 3 (3.3%) of them were clavicula. Conclusion: Bone metastases are detected in two thirds of metastatic cancer cases. The most common site of bone metastases is axial skeletal system and vertebrae take the first place in this system. Bone scintigraphy is the most important imaging modality used in the evaluation of bone metastases