10 research outputs found

    Empleo de los Sistemas de Inmersión Temporal para la producción de vitroplantas de caña de azúcar

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    This work was done at the sugarcane biofactory belonging to the Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (ETICA) Villa Clara – Cienfuegos. The objectives were to study the effect of temporary immersion on the multiplication coefficient of different sugarcane genotypes, evaluate the influence of the number of subcultures and the type of vessel on the multiplication coefficient and establish the production norms for the multiplication phase using temporary immersion systems. The results obtained showed that independently of the genotype evaluated, the multiplication coefficient increased with observation in the varieties with lowest values from 1.0 in 3.9 in the conventional system and up to 1.0 in 31.7 with temporary immersion. With respect to the volume of the vessel, there was a marked effect on the multiplication coefficient. The best results were obtained using vessels of 10 L capacity with coefficients that oscillated between 89.3 up to 100 units, which demonstrated the feasibility of using the temporary immersion systems as part of a strategy to semi-automate the micropropagation process of sugarcane and besides it allowed us to determine that one operator should process 3290 explants in a work-day. At the same time, it was possible to determine that the work time reduces on using temporary immersion systems and hence increased the productivity of the process.Key words: explants, micropropagation, multiplication coefficient, semi-automationEl presente trabajo se desarrolló en la Biofábrica de la caña de azúcar perteneciente a la Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (ETICA) Villa Clara - Cienfuegos. Tuvo como objetivos estudiar el efecto de la inmersión temporal en el coeficiente de multiplicación de diferentes genotipos de caña de azúcar, evaluar la influencia del número de subcultivos y el tipo de frascos en el coeficiente de multiplicación y establecer las normas de producción para la fase de multiplicación empleando sistemas de inmersión temporal. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que independientemente del genotipo evaluado, el coeficiente de multiplicación se incrementó, observándose en la variedad con menor respuesta valores desde 1.0 en 3.9 en el sistema convencional hasta 1.0 en 31.7 con inmersión temporal. Con respecto al volumen del frasco de cultivo se observó que este tuvo un efecto marcado sobre el coeficiente de multiplicación. Los mejores resultados se alcanzaron al emplear frascos de 10 litros de capacidad, con coeficientes que oscilaron entre 89.3 hasta 100 unidades, lo cual demostró la factibilidad del empleo de los sistemas de inmersión temporal como parte de una estrategia de semiautomatización del proceso de micropropagación de la caña de azúcar y además permitió determinar que un operario debe procesar 3290 explantes en una jornada laboral. Al mismo tiempo, se pudo determinar que el tiempo de trabajo se redujo al emplear los sistemas de inmersión temporal y por consiguiente aumentó la productividad del proceso.Palabras clave: coeficiente de multiplicación, explantes, micropropagación, semiautomatizació

    FitoMas-E: una alternativa para el enraizamiento in vitro de cultivares de caña de azúcar

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    FitoMas-E increases and accelerates the germination of the seeds, stimulates the development of roots, stems, leaves and improves the nutrition of plants.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of FitoMas-E on the in vitro rooting of sugarcane cultivars ‘CP52-43’, ‘C87-51’ and ‘C1051-73’. A completely randomized experimental design was used with four treatments, three concentrations of FitoMas-E (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ml l-1) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) 1.3 mg l-1 as control in the liquid culture medium, with five repetition. At 15 days of culture the number of rooted shoots, height, leaves number and length of roots were evaluated. In the ex vitro acclimatization stage, its were quantified the number of plants with root, leaves and roots number per plant and it was measured the height after 45 days of transplanted. The results showed that the Fitomas-E in the cultivars 'CP52-43' and 'C87-51' achieved a number of shoots with a root similar to the control and in 'C1051-73' it exceeded it with the concentration of 0.5 ml l-1 of this biostimulant. Leaf height, leaves number and root length reached values significantly higher than control, with 1.0 ml l-1 phytostimulant, except for 'CP52-43' where similar root length was achieved among treatments. In the ex vitro acclimatization stage the in vitro plants rooted with the FitoMas-E achieved the required quality parameters, exceeding the controls for the variables height, number of roots and length of the longest root. Among genotypes there were significant differences for all cultivars. Keywords: in vitro culture, micropropagation, Saccharum spp.FitoMas-E incrementa y acelerar la germinación de las semillas, estimula el desarrollo de las raíces, tallos, hojas y mejora la nutrición de las plantas. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el efecto del FitoMas-E sobre el enraizamiento in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. ‘CP52-43’, ‘C87-51’ y ‘C1051-73’. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado con cuatro tratamientos, tres concentraciones de FitoMas-E (0.5, 1.0 y 1.5 ml l-1) y 1.3 mg l-1 de ácido indolacético como control en el medio de cultivo líquido, con cinco repeticiones. A los 15 días de cultivo se cuantificó el número de brotes con raíz, longitud de la raíces, altura del brote y el número de hojas. En la fase de aclimatización ex vitro, se cuantificó el número de plantas con cepellón, número de hojas, raíces y se midió la altura de la planta a los 45 días de trasplantadas. Los resultados mostraron que el Fitomas-E en los cultivares ‘CP52-43’ y ‘C87-51’ logró un número de brotes con raíz similar al control y en ‘C1051-73’ lo superó con la concentración de 0.5 ml l-1 de este bioestimulante. La altura del brote, el número de hojas y la longitud de la raíz, alcanzaron valores significativamente superiores al control, con 1.0 ml l-1 del fitoestimulante, excepto en ‘CP52-43’ donde se logró longitud de la raíz similar entre tratamientos. En la fase de aclimatización ex vitro las plantas in vitro enraizadas con el FitoMas-E lograron los parámetros de calidad requeridos y superaron a los controles para las variables altura, número de raíces y longitud de la raíz más larga. Entre genotipos hubo diferencias significativas para todos los cultivares. Palabras clave: aclimatización ex vitro,  cultivo in vitro, Saccharum spp

    Efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en la aclimatización ex vitro de plantas propagadas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445

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    Las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) son susceptibles a los cambios ambientales en la fase de aclimatización lo cual afecta su crecimiento y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en el la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445  en la aclimatización ex vitro. Se evaluaron tres disoluciones (0.6, 0.8 y 1.0 ml l-1) de Enerplant® y se comparó con el bioestimulante VIUSID Agro® 0.8 ml l-1. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones diarias, los primeros tres días y posteriormente una vez por semana. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en época de seca. Las variables evaluadas fueron la supervivencia a los 15 días y las morfo-fisiológicas a los 55 días después del trasplante. Se comprobó que la aplicación de Enerplant® incrementa la supervivencia de las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar y mejora su crecimiento. El tratamiento con 0.8 ml l-1 de este bioestimulante tuvo el mayor efecto en el crecimiento de las plantas in vitro en condiciones de aclimatización ex vitro.Las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) son susceptibles a los cambios ambientales en la fase de aclimatización lo cual afecta su crecimiento y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445 en la aclimatización ex vitro. Se evaluaron tres disoluciones (0.6, 0.8 y 1.0 ml l-1) de Enerplant® y se comparó con el bioestimulante VIUSID-Agro® 0.8 ml l-1. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones diarias, los primeros tres días y posteriormente una vez por semana. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en época de seca. Las variables evaluadas fueron la supervivencia a los 15 días y las morfofisiológicas a los 55 días después del trasplante. Se comprobó que la aplicación de Enerplant® incrementa la supervivencia de las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar y mejora su crecimiento. El tratamiento con 0.8 ml l-1 de este bioestimulante tuvo el mayor efecto en el crecimiento de las plantas in vitro en condiciones de aclimatización ex vitro

    Effect of Enerplant® biostimulant on ex vitro acclimatization of in vitro propagated sugarcane plants cv. C97-4450

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    In vitro sugarcane plants (Saccharum spp.) are susceptible to environmental changes in theacclimatization phase, which affects their growth and development. The objective of thiswork was to evaluate the effect of the biostimulant Enerplant® on the survival and growth ofin vitro plants of sugarcane cv. C97-445 inex vitro acclimatization. Three solutions (0.6, 0.8and 1.0 ml l-1) of Enerplant® were evaluated and compared with the biostimulant VIUSID Agro®0.8 ml l-1. Two daily applications were made, the first three days after transplant and thenonce a week. The experiments were carried out in the dry season. The variables evaluatedwere survival at 15 days and morphophysiological at 55 days after transplantation. It wasverified that the application of Enerplant® increases the survival of sugarcanein vitroplantsand improves their growth. Treatment with 0.8 ml l-1 of this biostimulant had the greatest effect onin vitroplant growth underex vitro acclimatization conditions

    Procedure for identifying and prevent risks in in vitro sugarcane plantlets marketing

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    Seed Banks and agricultural farms benefit greatly from plant in vitro Culture techniques, for their rapid propagation processes and the production of desease-free plantlets. However, the production and commercialization process can fail and it is not as successful l as it was supposed to. The objective of this study is to identify potential failure modes at the acclimatiztion stage of plantlets to ex vitro conditions at Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar de Villa Clara (ETICA). A methodology of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was applied. A value of 80 or higher was determined to be the Risk Priority Number (RPN) and the more relevant failure modes were defined a t the acclimatization and commercialization stages and ground rules and assumptions were established in order to prevent and control failure modes of the process. The study and implementation of the methodology to other processes at ETICA is strongly recommended

    Requirements of in vitro plantlets produced in a biofactory

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    The objective of the work was establishing the requirements of quality in in vitro sugarcane plantlets in the adaptation stage aimed to determine the nomina l values of the characteristics of substitute quality for this crop. It was used the cultivar C86-51, after t he rooting stage, being the one that was in existence in that period. The percentage of survival and loss was determi ned, coinciding with the transplant stage to the field where the greatest percentage of survival was reached by in vitro plantlets with size from 5 to 7 cm. To develop this work tools of quality like interviews, surveys, ex perts’ method and brain storming applying statisticians that determined the defined characteristics for t he realization of the study. It was recommended to make extensive the results to all the Tissue Culture Plants of the country and to make a diagnosis of quality that allows establishing a procedure for all the crops to marke t

    Use of the Temporary Immersion Systems for sugar cane vitroplants´ production

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    This work was done at the sugarcane biofactory belonging to the Estación Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (ETICA) Villa Clara – Cienfuegos. The objectives were to study the effect of temporary immersion on the multiplication coefficient of different sugarcane genotypes, evaluate the influence of the number of subcultures and the type of vessel on the multiplication coefficient and establish the production norms for the multiplication phase using temporary immersion systems. The results obtained showed that independently of the genotype evaluated, the multiplication coefficient increased with observation in the varieties with lowest values from 1.0 in 3.9 in the conventional system and up to 1.0 in 31.7 with temporary immersion. With respect to the volume of the vessel, there was a marked effect on the multiplication coefficient. The best results were obtained using vessels of 10 L capacity with coefficients that oscillated between 89.3 up to 100 units, which demonstrated the feasibility of using the temporary immersion systems as part of a strategy to semi-automate the micropropagation process of sugarcane and besides it allowed us to determine that one operator should process 3290 explants in a work-day. At the same time, it was possible to determine that the work time reduces on using temporary immersion systems and hence increased the productivity of the process. Key words: explants, micropropagation, multiplication coefficient, semi-automatio

    “In vitro” rooting and later acclimatization of sugarcane cultivar C95- 414 with Fitomas-E

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    The effect of three doses of Fitomas–E (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ml. L-1 of culture medium) in comparison with the Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) on the rooting and later acclimatization of sugarcane cultivar C95-414 was studied. The evaluated variables were Percentage of rooted plants, number of roots, longitude of the stalk, the root and the leaf +1, number of active leaves and fresh and dry mass of the plant. In the acclimatization stage, the formation of the root ball was also assessed. The results in the rooting stage showed that the treatments with Fitomas–E were always, from the statistical point of view, in the first place in the percentage of rooted plants, longitude of the plant and of the leaf +1, being the best dose 1.0 ml of Fitomas–E per liter of culture medium. The rest of the variables did not show statistical differences among treatments. In the acclimatization stage, the plants that were treated with Fitomas-E did not show statistical differences among the doses of the bioestimulating applied in none of the evaluated parameters, but they did showed statistically positive results when comparing with the standard. These results suggest the convenience of substituting the IAA by Fitomas–E in the rooting stage of sugarcane cultivars as an alternative in the substitution of imports, when added at the culture medium at a rate of 1.0 ml. L-1 of the bioestimulating