3 research outputs found

    Assessment of Status of Irrigation Practice and Utilization in Western Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in three selected districts of Western Hararghe zone namely, Mieso, Tullo and Gemechis district with objectives to know the current irrigation practice and utilization of farmers in the area and to identify gaps and constraints of different irrigation practice. Sampling technique was purposive for identifying districts that have high irrigation potential from the zones. From each district, three peasant associations (PAs) were purposively selected each from three traditional agro ecological classifications highland, midland and lowland. A total of 180 households were interviewed and generated both qualitative and quantitative data on constraints, status and practices of irrigation water management. Secondary data were also collected from Zonal Irrigation Development Authority. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency distribution and percentage, were used to analyze data after carefully coded and entered into SPSS V.20 statistical tools. According to the survey result, the mean land holding per household is about 0.78ha while the mean land allocated for irrigation per household is about 0.68ha. Three different types of irrigation were identified; among them Surface irrigation, Pressurized irrigation and water harvesting. While some farmers used combination of surface and pressurized irrigation. Surface irrigation type using furrow method of irrigation is the most common irrigation type in the study area which accounts about 66.5%. The major source of water is from river which accounts about 50%. The major crops cultivated using irrigation in the area were high value crops, about 43.2% cultivated both hot pepper and tomato followed by combination onion, cabbage, red root & tomato by 19.9% and 13% cultivate both onion and tomato as well the left others cultivate different horticultural crops. The study indicated that, water shortage for irrigation, lack improved seed (vegetable crop) varieties recommended for the area, lack of improved technology, diseases outbreak, pest, drought and low price were among major constraints of irrigation practices on the study area. And also there are no transport services because of no road access. In the study area water shortage and lack of improved technology and inputs were the main problem, therefore practicing water harvesting and supplying improved technologies such as seed, controlling diseases, infra structure (road) and providing extension service regularly for farmers should be practiced in future. Keywords: status of irrigation, Gaps and constraints, Irrigation practice and utilizatio

    Assessing the Effect of Soil and Water Conservation Practices on Runoff and Sediment Yield on Hunde Lafto watershed of Upper Wabi Shebelle Basin

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    A study was carried out at Hunde Lafto watershed to assess effect of Soil and Water Conservation practices on runoff and sediment yield. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to assess the effectiveness of different Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) practices implemented in the watershed based on different scenarios (base line, stone bunds and crop residue management scenarios). The simulated sediment yield shows that soil loss rate range from 0-76.9 t/ha/yr with annual weighted average rate of 45.4 t/ha/yr. Parallel terrace (stone bunds) scenario reduced the total sediment yield from 10,978.7 t/yr to 3,734.26 t/yr relative to base simulation, which is equivalent to 65.9% decrease and reduces the surface runoff by 27% from 410.4 mm to 299.5 mm, increase base flow by 23% and lateral flow by 22.6% at outlet of watershed. While simulation of crop residue management scenario reduced total sediment yield to 4,299.84 t/yr from base simulation, which is equivalent to 60.8% reduction and the surface runoff by 23.5% from 410.4 mm to 313.6 mm, increase base flow by 18.6% and lateral flow by 19.9% at outlet. the benefits of crop residue management practices were more important in the watershed and recommended for farmers. Keywords: Soil and water conservation, Calibration and validation, simulation, Hunde Lafto catchment, Baseline scenario, runoff, sediment yield, watershed managemen