45 research outputs found

    Male’s influence on the primary sex ratio bias in Ryukyu drywood termite

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    Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) increase their transmission efficiency relative to the rest of the individual genome, which is often deleterious to individual fitness. Theoretical studies have suggested that intragenomic conflict over the sex ratio distortion between SGEs and the rest of the genome should lead to the evolution of sex-determining systems. However, in insects, there are relatively few studies other than those on Dipterans, which makes it difficult to understand the role of SGEs in the evolution of insect sex determination. This is partially due to the difficulties in observing SGEs under field conditions. The effect of SGEs is often masked by the counter-evolution of the resistance genes. Interpopulation cross-breeding experiments are effective to detect the SGEs and their resistance genes. If these populations have different SGEs and resistance genes, cross-breeding experiments reveal their existence by collapsing the evolutionary antagonistic state. The Ryukyu drywood termites Neotermes sugioi, distributed in the Ryukyu Islands, show male-biased sex ratios in pseudergates, nymphs, alates and soldiers both in Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands, but different degrees of bias have been reported between the islands. Male-specific microsatellite alleles have been reported in this species, which allowed us to identify the sex of the eggs and young larvae. In this study, we used the microsatellite locus with male-specific alleles to investigate the primary sex ratio of field colonies on Okinawa and Ishigaki islands and the sex ratio of offspring obtained through cross-breeding experiments between the islands. The primary sex ratios of field colonies were male-biased in Okinawa but not in Ishigaki. Cross-breeding experiments showed that Okinawa males tend to have a male-biased sex ratio in their offspring, but Ishigaki males do not. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the male bias in this species is caused by SGEs, even though termites are phylogenetically distant from Diptera. Accumulation of knowledge on genetic conflicts in a wide range of taxa might be an important step toward elucidating the mechanisms of diversification of sex determination systems in insects

    Mechanical homeostasis of liver sinusoid is involved in the initiation and termination of liver regeneration

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    Organogenesis and regeneration are fundamental for developmental progress and are associated with morphogenesis, size control and functional properties for whole-body homeostasis. The liver plays an essential role in maintaining homeostasis of the entire body through various functions, including metabolic functions, detoxification, and production of bile, via the three-dimensional spatial arrangement of hepatic lobules and has high regenerative capacity. The regeneration occurs as hypertrophy, which strictly controls the size and lobule structure. In this study, we established a three-dimensional sinusoidal network analysis method and determined valuable parameters after partial hepatectomy by comparison to the static phase of the liver. We found that mechanical homeostasis, which is crucial for organ morphogenesis and functions in various phenomena, plays essential roles in liver regeneration for both initiation and termination of liver regeneration, which is regulated by cytokine networks. Mechanical homeostasis plays critical roles in the initiation and termination of organogenesis, tissue repair and organ regeneration in coordination with cytokine networks

    Biological characteristics of Mrakia sp. SK-4 strain from Antarctica

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第33回極域生物シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 統計数理研究所 3階リフレッシュフロ

    ココロ ノ リロン インタビュー ノ セイネンキ コウキ カラ セイジンキ ノ ニッポンジン ジョセイ エノ オウヨウ : ココロ ノ リロン インタビュー デ ドコ マデ タシャ ノ シンテキ ジョウタイ リカイ ガ ソクテイ デキルカ

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    本研究は、欧米で開発された心の理論の個人差を測定するためのインタビュー課題(Bosacki, 2000)を日本 語話者に応用することを目的とし、その可能性について検討した。インタビュー課題は2 つのテーマからなり、それ ぞれ曖昧な文脈で起こる出来事をストーリー刺激として呈示した。ストーリーを聞いた後、参加者には、面接者の質 問に答える形式で、出来事の因果や登場人物の心的状態について自分の解釈を回答してもらった。回答を、どの程度 登場人物の内面や出来事の因果に言及しながら解釈をしているかの視点からコーディングし点数化した。本研究では、 青年期後期から成人期の日本人女性として、母親と女子大学生を対象にして出来事の因果や登場人物の心的状態への 言及の程度の個人差を測定した。インタビュー得点の分布の正規性および、内的整合性は許容範囲内であった。イン タビュー得点は心的因果の認知を測定するとされるEmpathizing Quotient: EQ との有意な正の相関が認められた 一方で、Interpersonal Reactivity Index: IRI の個人的苦痛とは有意な負の相関が認められた。母親は女子大学生に 比して心の理論インタビュー得点が高かった。これらの結果をもとに、インタビュー課題を用いた心の理論の個人差 の測定可能性について考察した。The present study examined an interview method for measuring the theory of mind and its adaptation to a young adult Japanese population. The original interview method devised for English-speakers(Bosacki, 2000)used an ambiguous story to probe the interviewee’s mental state references and causal explanations when interpreting the story. The verbal responses were coded and scored in the same way as the original study. In this study, we compared the scores of Japanese mothers and female university students. The distribution and internal consistency of the interview scores were analyzed and found to reach at an acceptable level. The interview scores correlated positively with cognitive empathy measured on the Empathizing Quotient Scale and also correlated negatively with the Interpersonal Reactivity Index in a subordinate measure of “personal distress”. The mothers’ interview scores were significantly higher than the female university students. Drawing on these results, the extent to which this interview method can be used to measure a Japanese speaking population of young adults and adults was discussed

    Functional tooth restoration by next-generation bio-hybrid implant as a bio-hybrid artificial organ replacement therapy

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    Bio-hybrid artificial organs are an attractive concept to restore organ function through precise biological cooperation with surrounding tissues in vivo. However, in bio-hybrid artificial organs, an artificial organ with fibrous connective tissues, including muscles, tendons and ligaments, has not been developed. Here, we have enveloped with embryonic dental follicle tissue around a HA-coated dental implant, and transplanted into the lower first molar region of a murine tooth-loss model. We successfully developed a novel fibrous connected tooth implant using a HA-coated dental implant and dental follicle stem cells as a bio-hybrid organ. This bio-hybrid implant restored physiological functions, including bone remodelling, regeneration of severe bone-defect and responsiveness to noxious stimuli, through regeneration with periodontal tissues, such as periodontal ligament and cementum. Thus, this study represents the potential for a next-generation bio-hybrid implant for tooth loss as a future bio-hybrid artificial organ replacement therapy

    Endometrial Cancer Diagnosed at an Early Stage during Lynch Syndrome Surveillance: A Case Report

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    Lynch syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder caused by a germline pathogenic variant in DNA mismatch repair genes, resulting in multi-organ cancer. Annual transvaginal ultrasonography and endometrial biopsy are recommended for endometrial cancer surveillance in patients with Lynch syndrome in several guidelines; however, evidence is limited. Here, we present the case of a 51-year-old woman with endometrial cancer who underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic simple hysterectomy at an early stage detected by Lynch syndrome surveillance. The patient was a 51-year-old gravida zero woman without any medical history or symptoms. Her sister suffered from bladder, breast, rectal, and endometrial cancer and was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome using a hereditary cancer panel test (VistaSeq®). During gynecologic surveillance, the patient’s endometrial cytology was classified as Papanicolaou class III. Therefore, she underwent endometrial curettage with hysteroscopy and was diagnosed with atypical endometrial hyperplasia. Robot-assisted hysterectomy was performed with a final pathological diagnosis of endometrial cancer (endometrioid carcinoma, Grade 1), stage 1A. She has remained disease-free for more than 12 months. Owing to advances in genetic medicine, prophylactic and therapeutic surgeries for hereditary cancers are increasing. To achieve an early diagnosis and treatment of Lynch syndrome-associated cancers, the importance of Lynch syndrome surveillance should be more widely recognized

    Insulinoma with symptoms of suspected transient ischemic attack : A case report

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    We report the case of a67-year-old woman who had symptoms suggestive of a transient ischemic attack(TIA), such as lightheadedness and transient visual changes before meals for 4 months. She experienced altered consciousness before lunch and was taken to the emergency room2weeks ago. She had repeated hypoglycemia with a blood glucose level of 31 mg/dL. Insulin secretion was not suppressed, with an immunoreactive insulin level of 14.0 μU/mL and connecting peptide immunoreactivity of 1.83 ng/mL for occasional blood glucose levels of 49 mg/dL. Dynamic CT revealed a 17‐mm mass enhanced during the arterial phase in the pancreatic uncinate process, suggestive of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. A selective arterial secretagogue(calcium)injection test revealed the localization of insulinoma in the head of the pancreas. Therefore, pancreatoduodenectomy was performed. Hyperglycemia occurred after the surgery, and it was judged that the insulinoma was resected. This case showed TIA-like symptoms without signs of sympathetic overdrive associated with hypoglycemia. Thus, the diagnosis was delayed. Insulinoma may present with symptoms of neuroglycopenia but not autonomic activity due to hypoglycemia. Insulinoma should be distinguished in patients with unknown neurological symptoms since neuroglycopenia caused by insulinoma is diverse

    A nonsense mutation in mouse Adamtsl2 causes uterine hypoplasia and an irregular estrous cycle

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    The spontaneous mutation stubby (stb) in mice causes chondrodysplasia and male infertility due to impotence through autosomal recessive inheritance. In this study, we conducted linkage analysis to localize the stb locus within a 1.6 Mb region on mouse chromosome 2 and identified a nonsense mutation in Adamtsl2 of stb/stb mice. Histological analysis revealed disturbed endochondral ossification with a reduced hypertrophic chondrocyte layer and stiff skin with a thickened dermal layer. These phenotypes are similar to those observed in humans and mice with ADAMTSL2/Adamtsl2 mutations. Moreover, stb/stb female mice exhibited severe uterine hypoplasia at 5 weeks of age and irregular estrous cycles at 10 weeks of age. In normal mice, Adamtsl2 was more highly expressed in the ovary and pituitary gland than in the uterus, and this expression was decreased in stb/stb mice. These findings suggest that Adamtsl2 may function in these organs rather than in the uterus. Thus, we analyzed Gh expression in the pituitary gland and plasma estradiol and IGF1 levels, which are required for the development of the female reproductive tract. There was no significant difference in Gh expression and estradiol levels, whereas IGF1 levels in stb/stb mice were significantly reduced to 54–59% of those in +/+ mice. We conclude that Adamtsl2 is required for the development of the uterus and regulation of the estrous cycle in female mice, and decreased IGF1 may be related to these abnormalities

    A case of tongue swelling after S-1, oxaliplatin, and trastuzumab for HER2-positive gastric cancer

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    Abstract Background We report a case of a patient with HER2-positive gastric cancer with marked tongue swelling during the second cycle of S-1, oxaliplatin, and trastuzumab. Case presentation The patient was a 74-year-old male, who was taking an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) for pre-existing hypertension, with no history of allergies, diagnosed with HER2-positive gastric cancer, treated with tegafur, gimeracil, and oteracil potassium (S-1) and oxaliplatin for the first cycle, and trastuzumab was added from the second cycle. Three weeks after initiation, during an outpatient visit, grade 2 oral mucositis and significant enlargement of the patient's tongue were observed. Due to the risk of airway obstruction, the patient was referred to an otolaryngologist. After examination, hereditary angioedema was ruled out, and treatment was discontinued in view of ARB-induced angioedema. However, the tongue swelling did not improve markedly. Considering disease progression due to the discontinuation of chemotherapy, it was decided to change S-1 to capecitabine and continue treatment, and chemotherapy was resumed. Conclusions Angioedema has been reported to be hereditary and drug-related, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and ARBs have also been reported to lead to drug-related adverse events. Since the patient had oral mucositis at the time of onset and was taking an ARB, it is thought that oxaliplatin and S-1(SOX), and trastuzumab during ARB therapy induced oral mucositis, leading to the development of angioedema