32 research outputs found

    Çocuklarda influenza A ve B enfeksiyonlarının klinik ve laboratuvar özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Aim: In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical and laboratory findings of Influenza A and Influenza B infections in children. Methods: The study included 1826 pediatric patients (aged <16 years) who were di¬agnosed with Influenza A (n=1400) and B (n=426) infections between 1 October 2019 and 30 April 2020. The patients were also divided into age groups: the age groups of 0–2 years, 3–9 years, and 10–16 years. The characteristic clinical and laboratory findings were compared. Results: Influenza A infection was significantly more common in patients aged <2 years and was significantly less common in patients aged 3–9 years. Body temperature was significantly higher in all age groups with Influenza A infection than in children with Influenza B infection. While leukocy¬tosis and lymphopenia were significantly more common in the Influenza A group, leukopenia and neutropenia were significantly more common in the Influenza B group. While acute otitis media was more common in Influenza A infection, myositis was more common in Influenza B infection. No significant difference was found between the Influenza A and B groups in terms of hospitalization rates. Of all patients, 98.3% were treated with oseltamivir. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that Influenza A and B infections are, in general, very similar in terms of symptoms. However, Influenza A infection is more common in very young children. It progresses with higher fever and is more frequently associated with pharyngeal hy¬peremia and acute otitis media, while leukopenia, neutropenia, conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, and myositis were found to be more common in Influenza B infection.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, çocuklarda İnfluenza A ve İnfluenza B enfeksiyonlarının klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularını karşılaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışma 1 Ekim 2019 ile 30 Nisan 2020 tarihleri arasında İnfluenza A (n=1400) ve B (n=426) enfeksiyonu tanısı almış 16 yaş altı 1826 çocuk hasta içerdi. Hastalar aynı zamanda yaş gruplarına ayrıldı: 0–2 (yıl) yaş grubu, 3–9 yaş grubu, ve 10–16 yaş grubu. Karakteristik klinik bulgu¬lar ve laboratuvar bulguları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İnfluenza A enfeksiyonu <2 yaşındaki hastalarda anlamlı biçimde daha yaygın, 3–9 ya¬şındaki hastalarda anlamlı biçimde daha enderdi. Vücut sıcaklığı İnfluenza A enfeksiyonlu tüm yaş gruplarında İnfluenza B enfeksiyonlu çocuklara göre anlamlı biçimde daha yüksekti. İnfluenza A grubunda lökositoz ve lenfopeni anlamlı biçimde daha yaygınken, İnfluenza B grubunda lökopeni ve nötropeni anlamlı biçimde daha yaygındı. Akut orta kulak iltihabı İnfluenza A enfeksiyonunda daha yaygınken, miyozit İnfluenza B enfeksiyonunda daha yaygındı. Hastaneye yatış oranı açısından ise İnfluenza A ve B grupları arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Tüm hastaların %98,3’ü oseltamivir ile tedavi edildi. Sonuç: Bulgularımız İnfluenza A ve B enfeksiyonlarının semptomlar açısından genel olarak çok benzer olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, İnfluenza A enfeksiyonu çok küçük çocuklarda daha yaygındır. Daha yüksek ateşle ilerler ve farengeal hiperemi ve akut orta kulak ilti¬habı daha sık görülür. Lökopeni, nötropeni, konjonktivit, burun akıntısı ve miyozitin ise İnfluenza B enfeksiyonunda daha yaygın olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Anticandidal activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the vagina

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    WOS: 000458367000054PubMed ID: 30761844Background/aim: Lactic acid bacteria prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic agents and opportunistic pathogens in the vagina. Moreover, lactic acid bacteria contribute to the preservation of vaginal microbiota by producing antimicrobial agents. Previous studies showed that some lactic acid bacteria exhibited antimicrobial activity against Candida species causing yeast vaginosis as well as many bacterial pathogens. Materials and methods: The antifungal activities of various lactic acid bacteria isolated from the vagina of healthy women on some Candida species isolated from the vagina were investigated by agar diffusion technique. Results: Most of the lactic acid bacteria that belong to the species of Lactobacillus crispatus, L. fermentum, L. acidophilus, L. paracesei subsp. paracesei, L. pentosus, and L. plantarum exhibited antifungal activity in varying ratios against C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropical is strains isolated from the vagina. Conclusion: The lactic acid bacteria are useful microorganisms associated with a variety of probiotic properties. In this sense, our lactic acid bacteria isolates with high antifungal activity may be promising candidates as probiotic microorganisms in the inhibition of vaginal candidiasis, which is one of the most prevalent problems, or in the protection against candidiasis. We will continue our studies in this area.Anadolu University [1305F089/2016]This work was supported by a research grant from Anadolu University (research project 1305F089/2016). The authors would like to thank bioMerieux

    Can hematological parameters be used for differential diagnosis in rotavirus infection at any age of children? A 6-year outcomes from a tertiary referral center

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    Aim: Routine blood parameters are widely used to detect of infectious diseases. Our study aimed to investigate the hematological parameters changes in rotavirus (RV) acute gastroenteritis and to evaluate the value of these parameters in children. Methods: In our study, the hematological data of patients diagnosed with RV-positive acute gastroenteritis (RPAGE) and RV-negative acute gastroenteritis (RNAGE) were analyzed between 2015-2020. In addition to the data automatically measured by complete blood count, lymphocyte/monocyte ratio (LMR), neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), mean platelet volume/platelet ratio (MPVPR) were calculated. All cases were evaluated in three different age groups (5-year-old). Results: The present study included 2,144 patients (340 children with RPAGE, 1,804 children with RNAGE). Red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were higher in cases over 1 year of age with RPAGE. The MPVPR was lower in all age groups with RPAGE. The cut-off values of MPVPR for predicting Rotavirus infection (RI) were 0.023 (5-year-old group). The LMR was lower and NLR was higher in cases over 1 year of age with RPAGE. The cut-off value of LMR for predicting RI were 1.99 (1-to 5-year-old group) and 0.96 (>5-year-old group). The cut-off value of NLR for predicting RI were 1.41 (1-to 5-year-old group), and 3.79 (>5-year-old group). Conclusion: The low MPVPR can be used as a hematological biomarker for the identification of RPAGE cases in all age groups. Low LMR and high NLR can indicate RPAGE cases in over 1 year of age

    Carbapenem resistance; surveillance data of 2013-2017

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the status of intestinal colonization with CRE in patients admitted to Istanbul Medipol University Hospital. CRE prevalence was found in 4.1% of specimens collected between January 2013 and August 2017. The results indicate that there was a peak in 2016 with an isolation rate of 6.9% that is thought to be associated with the increasing amount of foreign patients admitted to our hospital.Целта на изследването е да се установи статусът на колонизация на червата с карбапенемрезистентни бактерии от род Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) при пациенти, приети в университетската болница "Медикол" в Истанбул. Значително присъствие на CRE е установено при 4.1% от пробите, събрани между януари 2013 г. и август 2017 г. Резултатите показват, че през 2016 г. се проявява пик със степен на изолация 6.9%, която вероятно е свързана с нарастващото количество чуждестранни пациенти в болницата

    Vre screening: Surveillance data of 5 years

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the status of intestinal colonization with VRE in patients admitted to Istanbul Medipol University Hospital in a 5-year period. VRE colonization was determined to be 3.19% in screened rectal swab specimens. The results indicate that there was an increase in 2016, since then VRE isolation rate has been in a decreasing trend

    Detection of O25b-ST131 clone, CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-15 genes via real-time PCR in Escherichia coli strains in patients with UTIs obtained from a university hospital in Istanbul

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    Background: Escherichia coli sequence type 131 is an important multidrug resistant clone responsible from more than half of ESBL-producing E.coli isolates. Aim of this study was to investigate the presence of O25b-ST131 clone, CTX-M-15 and CTX-M-1 genes in the E. coli strains isolated from both hospital and community acquired UTIs by real-time PCR and to reveal molecular epidemiological data. Methods: Non-duplicate E. coli (n = 101) strains isolated from UTI patients were included. Bacterial identifications were performed with VITEK Compact. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests, phenotypic ESBL and E-tests were performed conventionally. Real-time PCR was utilized to detect presence of O25b-ST131 clone, blaCTX-M-15 and blaCTX-M-1. Results: O25b-ST131 clone, CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-15 were detected in 22%, 73%, 37% in UTIs, respectively. Presence of O25b-ST131 clones and CTX-M-1 genes among E. coli strains isolated from inpatients were found statistically higher than outpatients. The most effective choice was found to be fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin in outpatients and inpatients, respectively. The MIC 90 values of Amikacin, Cefotaxime, Cefepime and Ciprofloxacin were higher in inpatients than in oupatients, whereas Cefotaxime and Ciprofloxacin MIC 50 values were found to be higher in inpatients than in outpatients. The highest increase of MIC 90 values was observed in O25b-ST131, CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-15 coexistence. Conclusion: The presence of O25b-ST131 clone, CTX-M-1 and CTX-M-15 genes in E. coli strains in patients with UTI has been revealed. In the presence of the O25b-ST131 clone, a significant increase was observed in the ciprofloxacin MIC values indicating the importance of monitorization of the clone using molecular epidemiology

    Staphylococcus aureus screening: Surveillance data of five years

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the status of nasal MRSA colonization in patients admitted to Istanbul Medipol University Hospital over a 5-year period. The MRSA nasal carriage prevalence was found to be 5.32%. The results indicate that there was an increase in 2014 and 2015 but since then there has been a steady decrease.Целта на изследването е да се установи колонизацията на назалните метицилин-резистентни представители на Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) при пациенти, приети в университетската болница «Медипол» в продължение на 5 години. Резултатите показват, че назалните носители на MRSA са 5.32%. Тези данни очертаван тенденция на увеличение през 2014 и 2015 г., но след това се наблюдава постоянен спад

    Klatskin tümörünün ayırıcı tanısında akla gelmeli: Alveolar ekinokokkoz

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    Alveolar echinococcosis is an infectious disease caused by Echinococcus multilocularis and it is frequently diagnosed as a space-occupying lesion in the liver. The growth pattern may be similar to that of a malignant tumour with extensive liver infiltration, spreading into neighbouring organs and forming metastasis-like masses in distant organs. Thus, it is one of the differential diagnoses of liver cancer. We report a case that presented as a klatskin tumour clinically and radiologically, but was revealed by pathologic and serologic work-up. Since the courses of these two diseases, a malignancy and an infectious disease, are far beyond comparison, echinococcosis should always be considered in differential diagnosis of obstructive jaundice, especially in the endemic regions.Alveolar Ekinokokkosis, Echinococcus multilocularis’in sebep olduğu bir enfeksiyon hastalığı olup, sıklıkla karaciğerde yer kaplayan lezyon ile kendini gösterir. Karaciğerdeki lokal infiltratif paterni yanısıra, çevre organlara yayılımı ve uzak organlarda metastazile karışan kitle oluşturması nedeniyle, malign bir tümörü taklit eder. Bu nedenle karaciğer kanserlerinin önemli bir ayırıcı tanısını oluşturur. Burada, klinik ve radyolojik olarak klatskin tümörünü düşündüren ancak patolojik ve serolojik çalışmalarla Alveoler Ekinokokkosis tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Malign tümörlerin ve enfeksiyon hastalıklarının tedavi ve prognozlarının birbirinden çok farklı olması nedeniyle, özellikle Ekinokkozisin endemik olduğu bölgelerde, tıkanma sarılığının ayırıcı tanısında bu etken mutlaka akla gelmelidir

    Epidemic Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 incidence in ICU patients admitted to a university hospital in Istanbul

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    Introduction: Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 258 (ST258) strains are globally distributed multi-drug resistant pathogens and can spread rapidly throughout the world, causing severe healthcare-associated invasive infections with limited antimicrobial treatment options. The aim of this study was to reveal the incidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 strains among the intensive care unit patients in a university hospital in Istanbul. Methodology: Consecutive nonreplicated 83 K. pneumoniae strains were isolated from various clinical samples of intensive care unit patients admitted to a university hospital in Istanbul, between November 2016 to December 2018. Bacterial identifications were performed via VITEK2. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were conducted with Kirby Bauer's disc diffusion test except for colistin which was performed with broth microdilution. Real-time PCR method was utilized in order to reveal ST258 positivity among the strains. Results: Antimicrobial susceptibility results revealed that 56 (67%) K. pneumoniae strains were carbapenem-resistant. Real-time PCR results demonstrated that 15 out of 83 (18%) K.pneumoniae strain were ST258. According to antimicrobial susceptibility test results of ST258 strains, 8 were found as carbapenem-resistant whereas 7 were found as carbapenem susceptible. 3 out of 8 (37.5%) carbapenem-resistant ST258 strains were found as resistant against all antibiotics tested. Conclusions: Our study revealed that K. pneumoniae ST258 which caused severe infections worldwide so far has also spread to Istanbul. We believe that rapid molecular methods for monitorization of these clones are useful. our results showed that ST258 is not linked to a multiresistant strain and suggested that it does not contribute to multi-resistance formation alone.WOS:0006591304000112-s2.0-85107953032PubMed: 3410689