564 research outputs found

    Chemical characterization of 'hurma' olive grown in Karaburun Peninsula

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Food Engineering, Izmir, 2013Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 86-91)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiii, 95 leavesOlive type, mostly Erkence, grown in nearby area around Karaburun peninsula of Izmir-Turkey, goes through a natural debittering phase on the tree during its ripening. This olive is known by the name of Hurma and loses its bitter taste while still on the tree and can be consumed directly at the end of this natural process. The aim of this study is to investigate the changes in the chemical composition of Hurma, Erkence and Gemlik olives throughout their maturation period and to determine some chemical compositional differences between Hurma and other types of olives to obtain more insight about the natural debittering phenomena. For this purpose, the chemical parameters measured are pH, water activity, total fat amount, fatty acids, sugar and organic acid amounts, total phenol content and phenol profile. All analyses were performed for two harvest years. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA) to investigate the differences regarding the olive types, ripening period and harvest year. Total phenol content and generally concentration of individual phenolic compounds of Hurma olive were lower than Erkence and Gemlik olives. Both fatty acid and phenol profiles allowed a differentiation with respect to type and also harvest year according to PCA while organic acid and sugars provided a separation only in terms of harvest year

    The connections between religiosity and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the role of personality traits in a non-clinical Muslim sample

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    This quantitative study was aimed at determining the nature of the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), measured by the Brief Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; and religiosity, measured on the Ok-Religious Attitude to Religion-Islam Scale; while checking for the role of personality traits, measured with the Big-Five Inventory. The survey was administered to a sample of 298 Muslim non-clinical participants aged 16–66 (mean age 26.40, sd = 10.6). The results confirmed the strong positive correlation between religiosity and OCD scores. While Neuroticism and Conscientiousness played a role in the prediction of the OCD score, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness accounted for a small portion of religiosity along with the OCD score. The present findings may contribute to the understanding of OCD and its treatment among mental health practitioners, and improve the practices of religious ministries and religious instructors.WOS:0004353352000052-s2.0-8504569414


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    The aim of this research is to examine the effects of visual arts on a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The research included a 13-years-old male student with ASD, the student's parents, and the visual arts teacher. The research was designed according to the case study from qualitative research models. Semi-structured interviewing and portfolio analysis techniques were used to collect research data. The findings of the research show that the visual arts course has positive effects on the child with ASD.  Article visualizations

    Hepatocellular carcinomas with granulomatous inflammation in tumor stroma: Clinicopathologic characteristics

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of granulomatous inflammation within hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its clinicopathologic associations. Material and Method: Fifty-eight HCCs (51 explants, 3 lobectomies, and 4 segmentectomies) were reviewed. Results: Five (8.6%) cases (F/M=1/4, mean age: 63.6) were identified with granulomas.1/5 had history of neoadjuvant therapy. 4/5 patients presented with early stage (pT1/2). All were well-differentiated (Grade1-2/4). The mean number of tumor foci was 3.6, with a median size of 2.2 cm. All of them had advanced fibrosis. No difference was identified from cases without granulomas (n=53) in terms of prognosis and aforementioned parameters (p> 0.05). Granulomas were mainly concentrated in peripheral parts of the tumors. One case with nodule-in-nodule formation had granulomas lined along the border of the inner nodule. In 2 cases, granulomas were identified in steatohepatitic areas, while another had clear cell change. Only 1 had necrotizing granulomas, none with acid resistant bacilli. Two cases revealed concomitant granulomas in the adjacent liver parenchyma in addition to the tumor stroma. Except for one with a history of tuberculosis, none of the cases had a granulomatous disease. Conclusion: This is the largest case series of HCCs with granulomas by far. Our data revealed neither clinicopathologic and prognostic difference nor definite etiology related to granulomas. Yet, association with steatotic and clear tumor cells suggests the role of cytoplasmic content, while distribution of granulomas points to host immune response

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic Referrals During Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey

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    Background: The objective of the current study was to assess how the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has affected mental health services compared to the same period of the year before the pandemic. Methods: The data in the study were retrieved from the databases of the computer systems of the hospitals. All referrals in the child psychiatry outpatient clinic between March 1 and June 30, 2019, and between March 1 and June 30, 2020, constituted the sample. Results: Of the 3110 referrals, 2246 were cases and 864 were repeating examinations. Of the 2246 cases, 70.5% (n = 1583) were admitted in 2019, while 29.5% (n = 663) were admitted in 2020. Of the cases who referred in 2019, 37.3% (n = 590) were female, while this rate was 43.9% (n = 291) in 2020. The mean age of 2019 cases was found to be 9.51 +/- 4.17, while the mean age of 2020 cases was found to be 10.39 +/- 4.06. While attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depressive disorder, panic disorder, school refusal, and sleep disorder rates increased significantly, specific learning disorders and mental retardation rates were found to be on the decrease in 2020. In 2019, 47.6% (n = 754) of the cases were followed with medication, and in 2020, this rate increased to 63.2% (n = 419). Conclusion: Pandemic conditions affected the content of public hospital psychiatry referrals significantly. It can be thought that the significant decrease in the number of referrals may be the result of citizens obeying the prohibitions and the fear of disease transmission in families with the onset of the pandemic that precedes the existing psychiatric problems of children

    Comparison of some chemical parameters of a naturally debittered olive (Olea europaea L.) type with regular olive varieties

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    Some olives grown in Karaburun peninsula in the west part of Turkey and mostly coming from Erkence variety lose their bitterness while still on the tree and are called Hurma among locals. This olive type does not require further processing to remove the bitter compounds. In this study, sugar, organic acid and fatty acid profiles of Hurma, Erkence (not naturally debittered) and Gemlik (commonly consumed as table olive) olives were determined throughout 8 weeks of maturation period for two consecutive harvest seasons, and the results were analysed by principal component analysis (PCA). PCA of sugar and organic acid data revealed a differentiation in terms of harvest year but not on variety. Hurma olive is separated from others due to its fatty acid profile, and it has higher linoleic acid content compared to others. This might be an indication of increased desaturase enzyme activity for Hurma olives during natural debittering phase.TUBITAK (TOVAG-110O780

    Spiritual care in campus: the case of Britain and implications for Turkey

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    Ergenlikten yetişkinliğe geçiş aşamasındaki üniversite öğrencilerini kampüste bilişsel ve sosyal gelişim bakımdan önemli görevler, güçlükler ve sorgulamalar beklemektedir. Aileden ayrılma ve yaşanan bu tür gelişim sorunlarının zamanında, yerinde ve yabancılaşma olmadan onların değerleri çerçevesinde çözümlenmesi son derece önemlidir. Aksi takdirde zamanında müdahale edilmeyen ve çözülemeyen sorunlar onların marjinal tutumlar ve yaşam tarzları geliştirmelerine ve ruh sağlığı bakımdan daha fazla zorlanmalarına yol açabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı İngiltere’deki üniversitelerde din görevlileri tarafından yürütülen kampüs manevi bakım (MB) hizmetlerinin nasıl yürütüldüğünü göstermek ve benzer bir modelin Türkiye üniversitelerinde geliştirilmesine ön ayak olmaktır. Bu amaçla çalışmada İngiltere’nin Birmingham şehrindeki iki üniversitede çalışan biri Müslüman 4 MB görevlisi ile yapılan nitel çalışmaya yer verilmiştir. Nitel veriler iki ayrı araştırmacı tarafından literatür bilgileriyle karşılaştırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçta kampüs MB hizmetleriyle ilgili aşağıdaki ana konular ortaya çıkmıştır: Kampüs MB hizmetlerinin tanımı, yapılanması ve organizasyonu, amacı, görevlilerinin eğitimi, uygulamada kullanılan yeterlilikler ve beceriler, temel destek biçimleri, genel stratejiler, danışanlar ve sorunları (sosyal kimlik, aidiyet, inanç ile ilgili konular, ruh sağlığı konuları, yakın ilişkiler), MB görevlilerinin karşılaştıkları güçlükler ve yapılan öneriler yer almaktadır. Çalışma literatür incelendiğinde Türkiye’de ilk çalışma olması bakımından tarihi önemli bir konuma sahiptir ve bu alandaki bulgular Türkiye’de benzer bir modelin geliştirilmesine öncülük edebilecek niteliktedir.University students, who are in the transition period from adolescence to adulthood, face serious developmental and cognitive tasks, including challenges and questioning regarding their faith, difficulties in separation from the family, and other relational issues. It is important that such developmental problems are resolved timely, promptly and appropriately within the framework of their own values, preventing their alienation from their cultural and religious heritage. This study aims to show how spiritual care are carried out by Christian and Muslim chaplains in the university campuses in England and suggest a similar service for Turkish universities. For this purpose, four qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with four chaplains, including one Muslim advisor, working at two British universities. Qualitative data were analyzed by two researchers independently using a thematic qualitative approach. Following themes emerged regarding campus chaplaincy: campus chaplaincy, its structure, function and organization, education, competencies and macro skills required, student clients and their problems regarding social identity, faith-related issues, and well-being issues, intimate relations among others, and the difficulties chaplains faced. Suggestions made about the devised campus chaplaincy services in Turkey. Considering the lack of literature on Turkey's on-campus chaplaincy, it is assumed that the study will play a pivotal, stimulating and historical role in the development and application of campus chaplaincy in Turkey

    Moral Disengagement and Aggression in Fight Sport Athletes

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    The goal of this study is to investigate the moral disengagement and aggression levels of fight sport athletes according to several independent variables and reveal the relationship among them. The study group consisted of totally 207 fight sport athletes, 88 females and 119 males with age  = 21,99 ± 4,92 and year of sport  = 6,14 ± 5,42. “The Scale of Moral Disengagement in Sport” and “The Questionnaire of Buss-Perry Aggression” were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation analysis were used in the analysis of data. While the mean of physical aggression of athletes was found as the highest, verbal aggression had the lowest mean value within the sub-dimensions of aggression, and they stated that they somewhat disagreed with the moral disengagement. It was found that there was a moderate positive significant correlation between moral disengagement and sub-dimensions of anger, hostility, physical and verbal aggressions of aggression scale. Significant difference was observed in the dimension of moral disengagement in accordance with age and year of sport. Physical and verbal aggression scores of males are significantly higher according to gender. The aggression and moral disengagement scores of kickboxers are significantly higher than those of taekwondo athletes in line with the branch. To conclude, it was determined that fight sport athletes did not approve moral disengagement in sport, however, the case of moral disengagement of athletes, who were younger and started the sport recently, was higher and they mostly showed the behaviour of aggression physically


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to analyze the women who live in the central districts within Mersin whether have different nourishment culture and have different behaviours to purchase foodstuffs or not. For this aim, a field survey has been conducted as a pilot study on women. The hypothesis of this study were tested with the help of t-test by using the data obtained from the survey. At the end of the research it has been concluded that, there are important differences among the groups on the cooking traditional meals, the frequency of cooking traditional meals and cooking the traditional meals of Mersin.Bu araştırma, Mersin'in merkez ilçelerinde yaşayan ve farklı beslenme kültürüne sahip olan bayanların gıda ürünleri satın alma davranışlarının da farklı olup-olmadığını incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiş, 800 bayan ile yüz-yüze görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak anketler yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın hipotezleri, Bağımsız iki grup t-testi yardımı ile test edilmiştir. Gruplar arasında geleneksel yemekleri pişirme, geleneksel yemekleri pişirme sıklığı değişkenleri açılarından önemli farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, bayan tüketicilerin gıda ürünleri alışverişi yaptıkları mekanlar ve en çok satın aldıkları gıda maddeleri açısından da gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar saptanmıştır

    Adnexal torsion in the first trimester of a spontaneous pregnancy: detorsion and oophoropexy

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    Introduction: Adnexal torsion is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain during pregnancy. In this case report, we present a case of adnexal torsion during the first trimester of pregnancy and its treatment. Case Presentation: A 28-year old, gravida 1, para 0 patient at 9 weeks gestational age presented to the antenatal clinic with acute abdominal pain in the right lower-abdominal quadrant. The patient was diagnosed with torsion of the right adnexa during pregnancy, and detorsion was performed. The patient was followed throughout the course of pregnancy. She delivered a healthy baby at term by caesarian section. During the caesarian section, both of the adnexa were observed to be normal. Conclusions: With acute abdominal pain, especially in the lower-abdominal quadrant during pregnancy, adnexal pathologies should be considered. Diagnosis of adnexal torsion during the first trimester of pregnancy is often missed due to the nonspecific clinical features and uncommon objective findings. Although surgical intervention should be considered to treat pregnant women suffering from adnexal torsion regardless of the gestational week, abdominal surgery carries some risks to the pregnant woman and unborn fetus