4 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Lens Absorption Initially Misdiagnosed as Crystalline Lens Luxation

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    Spontaneous lens absorption (SLA) is a rare complication of hypermature cataract. However, this condition has been reported in several cases of hypermature cataracts that were caused by trauma, senility, uveitic disorders such as Fuchs’ uveitis syndrome (FUS), and infectious disorders including leptospirosis and rubella. We report a case of spontaneous absorption of a hypermature cataract secondary to FUS. To our knowledge, this is the first report of SLA that was followed by dislocation of the capsular remnants into the vitreous and resulted in a misdiagnosis as crystalline lens luxation

    Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Treatment in a Case with Pneumococcal Keratitis

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    Bacterial keratitis is a serious ocular infectious disease that can threaten vision. The disease generally progresses rapidly and can lead to corneal scar, stromal abscess formation, perforation, and dissemination to adjacent tissues if not treated properly. Recent studies showed that corneal collagen crosslinking (CCC) using ultraviolet-A/riboflavin is effective in the treatment of bacterial keratitis refractory to topical antibiotic treatment. In addition to being bactericidal, CCC also decreases risk of perforation by strengthening the corneal collagen structure. Herein, we report a male patient with Streptococcus pneumonia keratitis 6 months after a keratoplasty procedure, which did not respond to fortified topical antibiotic therapy and was treated successfully with riboflavin/ultraviolet-A CCC. His pain decreased remarkably in a few days. The corneal epithelial defect healed and infiltration regressed within 2 weeks after CCC. His vision improved significantly from hand movement to 20/400. CCC might be used as adjuvant treatment in bacterial keratitis refractory to medical treatment

    Eyelid Molluscum Contagiosum Lesions in Two Patients with Unilateral Chronic Conjunctivitis

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    Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a viral infection of the skin and mucosal tissues characterized by skin-colored or transparent round nodules with a dimple or pit in the center. The infection is caused by a DNA poxvirus called the MC virus. Although MC generally occurs in children, it has also been reported in immunocompromised and atopic patients. The virus is transmitted by skin contact or sexual intercourse. The lesions disappear spontaneously within several months in most cases. However, excision, cryotherapy, cauterization, topical chemical and antiviral agents, and/or oral cimetidine are used in refractory cases or to accelerate the healing process. Herein, we discussed the clinical findings and our treatment of two patients with unilateral chronic conjunctivitis associated with eyelid MC lesions in light of the literature

    Bir Olgu Sebebiyle Tek Taraflı Optik Atrofi Etiyolojisinde Hipofiz Adenomlarının Yeri

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    Hipofiz adenomları gerçek kapsül ihtiva etmeyen adenohipofizyel hücrelerden oluşan metastaz yapmayan neoplazilerdir. Hipofiz adenomları intrakraniyel kitlelerin %10-15'ini oluştururlar. En sık 3-6. dekadlarda görülürken, çocuklarda nadirdir. Hipofiz adenomları boyut olarak 1 cm’den küçük ise mikroadenom, 1 cm’den büyük ise makroadenom olarak sınıflandırılır. Mikroadenomların aksine makroadenomlar görsel semptomlara, görme alanı defektine ve hipofiz yetmezliğine sebep olabilir. Hipofiz makroadenomları, benign tümöral olgular olarak kabul edilseler de nörovasküler bası ve hipopituitarizm yoluyla klinik tabloyu kötüleştirebilirler. Optik sinire bası yapan tümor patofizyolojik olarak desendan optik atrofiye yol açabilir. Optik diskin atrofik görünümü hastanın görme keskinliğini ve görme kalitesini önemli derecede düşüren, bir takım klinik olaylar zincirinin son basamağı olarak karşımıza çıkan bir tablodur. Bu nedenle takip ve tedavide fikir sahibi olabilmek için optik atrofi ile karşılaşıldığında ayırıcı tanı yapmak, hasta için önem arz etmektedir. Biz bu olguda tek taraflı optik disk atrofisinden yola çıkılarak yapılan görüntüleme sayesinde tanı konulan makroadenom hastasını sunmayı amaçladı