4 research outputs found

    Psychological resilience of dairy farmers, life satisfaction, and the moderating role of age; Is there a link?

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    Psychological resilience, life satisfaction, and the moderating role of age in their relationship have been largely overlooked in the literature that discusses business resilience, particularly in small-scale farming in developing countries like Indonesia. This research has the purpose to fill a research gap by exploring the influence of farmers' psychological resilience on life satisfaction. It employs cross-sectional data, observing 210 dairy farmers in Indonesia who have been in their business for a minimum of 10 years. The data is subsequently tested for validity and reliability and analyzed using a quantitative multivariate approach, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with smartPLS software. The research demonstrates that psychological resilience has a positive influence on farmers' life satisfaction. Additionally, age has also been proven to moderate psychological resilience and life satisfaction. Based on these outcomes, we recommend that all stakeholders pay attention to formulating policies that support the enhancement of farmers' psychological resilience in facing uncertainties, such as endemic disasters like Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). The implications of these result can provide insights for stakeholders to enhance business resilience from intangible aspects, such as the psychology of farmers, which has been shown to impact life satisfaction, and the moderating role of age in this relationship. Thus, it is expected that entrepreneurs can establish a sustainable dairy cattle business amidst an increasingly uncertain business landscape in the future

    Does Socio-Economics Factor Influence Beef Cattle Farmers' Ability to Adapt to Climate Change?

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    The livestock industry is still struggling with the effects of climate change. All commodities, including beef cattle, are subject to the negative effects of climate change. One such effect is heat stress, which can result in losses in the form of reduced reproduction and productivity as well as welfare losses. The negative effects of climate change must be reduced through prevention, which includes adaptation. Beef cattle farmers make several different modifications. Socioeconomic considerations are one of the many types of factors that can contribute to this modification. This research was conducted in Probolinggo, Sumenep, and Tuban districts because these three areas have the largest beef cattle population in East Java. We interviewed 206 farmers using a questionnaire. The acquired data were examined using quantitative descriptive analysis and STATA 17 software with a multivariate probit model. This study discovered that beef cattle farmers used four adaptation strategies to deal with climate change, such as changing forage types to provide more nutrition; having routine immunization; working with veterinarians to improve biosecurity, vaccination, and animal health; and promoting artificial insemination using high-quality semen. Furthermore, socioeconomic determinants that have a major impact include age, access to credit, farming experience, level of education, access to non-farming income, and access to climate change knowledge. However, gender, family size, and livestock size had no effect on adaptatio


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    This study aims to: 1) determine how actors in sharia microfinance institutions provide the perception toward the social function of the economic action undertaken. 2) determine the form of the social functions performed by the actors in sharia microfinance institutions. This study used a qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The findings of this study are: 1) the perception of the social function by the actors of sharia microfinance institutions respectively: a) perception of social function is as management of zakat, infaq, and alms known in the concept of Baitul Maal. b) the social function as a medium of empowerment of poor communities where the sharia microfinance institutions are capable in producing new entrepreneurs. c) the social function as propaganda/symbols of Islam, Islamic microfinance institutions serve to eradicate the practice of existing usurer in the community. 2) The form of social functions held by sharia microfinance institutions are: a) The distribution of social grants, the distribution of development aid in the form of mosques, procurement assistance of Al-Quran, home renovation, distribution of Zakat funds as well as scholarships to students who cannot afford school. b) Help the poor public capital, capital assistance is intended for the poor, capital assistance is also easy for small traders in accessing financing. c) Optimalization the role of sharia microfinance institutions by opening branches in remote areas which aim to facilitate the public in accessing Sharia financial institutions and also propaganda symbols of Islam in religious activities


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    AbstrakLapan Surveillance UAV (LSU 02) merupakan pesawat tanpa awak milik LAPAN yang digunakan untuk misi surveillance, pemetaan, dan lain sebagainya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan misi tersebut, LSU 02 harus memiliki endurance atau ketahanan terbang yang cukup dan disesuaikan dengan misi terbang yang akan dilakukan. Pada pengujian ini telah dilakukan uji darat atau ground test dan telah dilakukan pengukuran dan analisa dari konsumsi bahan bakar mesin propulsi LSU-02 yang menggunakan engine OS GT33 dengan kapasitas 33cc. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode uji statik padatest bed dan memonitoring parameter RPM dan jumlah bahan bakar yang terpakai pada pengujian. Dan hasil pengujian diperoleh hasil bahwa pada RPM 6300, konsumsi bahan bakar mesin propulsi OS GT33 adalah sebesar 12,34 ml/menit. Total lama terbang selama 2 jam 45 menit dapat ditempuh dengan bahan bakar terisi minimal 2036,6 ml. Abstract Lapan Surveillance UAV (LSU 02) is LAPAN drone used for surveillance missions, mapping, and others. To approach the mission, LSU 02 must have sufficient flight endurance durability that appropriate with missions flight. Ground test experiments have been done for engine LSU 02 with engine capacity 33 cc. The experiment was conducted use a static test methode on a test bed, and some parameters such as fuel consumption and RPM have been monitored. Based on testing engine result, average fuel consumption obtained about 12,34 ml/minute for 33 cc engine on 6300 RPM. long flight endurance for 2 hours 45 minutes can be reached with a minimum 2036,6 ml fuel filled.Hal. 204-210 :ilus.; 30 C